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Everything posted by DiveController

  1. mee likee the foam, ......no more trying to maneuver it out if the styrofoam with a plastic wrap
  2. Yes, you're right but there was some variation, 3 original or 4 'original' style marker lights. If I recall there are photos of them delivered off the boat that way. I will say that I don't see a second red bulb just white Later, Original three, plus two extra reds during PP era 4 incandescent 4 LEDS
  3. That's a fantastic model and very few capable of achieving that quality. I imagine it must be very expensive to complete. I imagine that a model or a trio of 800 Class locos would walk off the shelves (if they ever even hit them )!
  4. It looks like there is a third set of lights as these are not the original set of three (or was it 4?) nor the newest set of 4 round LEDs. I think these are square incandescents that were prevalent in later 80s/90s ish? Maybe replacement for the failing originals?
  5. We discussed Ranks wagons before including the possible livery variations but it took me a little while to find the tread which i feel is worth reviewing
  6. OMG! This is fantastic. The grain wagons would be my top choice, all liveries. Very PC there, John @Mayner, with the 'winged wheel'. What's the time frame for the broken wheel grains? Did they retain red wheels or just the CAD 10567 is a little beauty. I would need a rake of these. Will there be more running numbers and is the cost per wagon or a set/pair? Don't worry, I'll do the survey. Great initiative. I hope earlier modelers support this like the original ballasts!
  7. Man, I thought you were living on the beach! Dez-rez an all that If that's all that's troubling the lads (something to pull stuff), there will be scope for many many things that silver thru black A class hauled
  8. Oh, please no! The AEC would suit everything 50s-80s Foresight is a wonderful thing, surprisingly uncommon, like sense!
  9. At Clara, presumably on a Dublin to Galway service by John Phillips on Flickr CBSCR to Bantry wasn't a quick trip either. @jhb171achill had the timetables on here at some point c. 2hours
  10. Lovely job with a bit of weathering on there
  11. Late to this thread but recognized that photo and thought it was from Flickr initially until I saw your post. Interesting that it is on eBay it is has been copyrighted to a publication...
  12. These threads don't serve any purpose and make this site look bad. IRM and every other retailer on here have sufficient wit to know what will sell and the economics of their business. I'm pretty sure they neither need to capitulate to any 'demands' nor need any proxy CFOs defending their business models.
  13. Is there away the vouchers can be loaded onto a payment card or paid into a balance on your account so you have that credit to use? Nice line of credit for the lads to get stock in and members like mphoey can set that money aside as able
  14. Personally, I'd probably prefer to see IRM produce something that his not available somewhere else, although a move to an earlier timeframe would also be welcomed
  15. Brown case, possibly not THE brown case?
  16. Question is, Dave, were you just browsing or you found nothing from a saved search?
  17. Ah yes! lol, I meant pass them on to someone who'd appreciate that modern era more
  18. The manufacturer can label it what he wants but if so much effort that been taken to model a prototype I do not understand why it would not be labelled using the terms that have been in common usage for decades. There was a black livery for certain locos that probably served to evolve into the BnT livery and maybe subsequently the ST and newer liveries but the 121 never had a black livery in the sense that the As, Bs etc. had. the difference between the 071 and 141 would not be as marked as the difference in heights between the heights of the cabs of the 121 and 141 when running in multiple together
  19. To warn users at level crossings and stations of the vehicles approach like government mandated noise from electric cars
  20. That's the O Dea collection, a great resource if a little difficult to navigate based on the title often having little information on the content of the actual photo itself. All B&W but fantastic once you find what you're actually looking for
  21. Ballast or Dolomites? @Warbonnet I'd swap mine out for a CIE rake too
  22. P class: Length 24' 1", wheel base of 11', 3' 9' drivers, weight 28T 10cwt, 12" x 18" cyclinders
  23. EDIT:Length 22' 3.5" Wheelbase 5' 0" & 5' 11" Weight 23T 8cwt, 10" x18" cylinders and 12" x 18" cylinders at one point, 3' 8.5" drivers
  24. Nice view of the H vans, Uniload & Bulk Freight Containers and double slip approaching Cork Kent in Vid 1.
  25. I'm not sure about the blue either but I love that birdcage and the crane!
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