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Everything posted by DiveController

  1. Exactly so they gangways won't align and prevent entry to the TPO from standard centre gangway stock
  2. Hence my 'disclaimer'. I was pretty sure it wasn't blue although it looks good, black is it in the prototype. Thanks, Jon
  3. So the good news is mine are back in Peterborough, no idea why but they're not lost! Don't ask me ....
  4. Yes, I've seen this before. Pretty impressive. Imagine dealing with a wheel off the rail in the middle of that!
  5. The cab of the preserved A55 at hell's Kitchen which I can't say hasn't been altered in the preservation but supports @jhb171achill's recollection
  6. Pretty impressive
  7. Were either of these the one that Fry made for Drew Donaldson, would that explain the color discrepancy? They look well either way
  8. I haven't been on anything since yesterday due to a family emergency. I'll look . Thanks for the heads up @Warbonnet Email received in the Inbox. Thank for the info
  9. I ordered 2 also, should be shipping next week Going to have to stagger the As and 121s, potentially looking at all the As up to ST livery and then 121s from the same time period so I hope they don't all sell out in a couple of weeks like the wagons A few transfers for the fertilizer loads might not go astray if someone were to do a sheet, Albatros, Goulding etc as an alternative for the loads
  10. @mmie353No sign of my 'Delivered' item (Royal Mail). My kegs are in it and some of the MM coaches and a few other things. USPS don't know where it is. My local mailman knows me as the guy who get fairly regular shipment of railway models from abroad and is familiar with Royal Mail packaging. The only hope right now is that he doesn't remember delivering it to me or elsewhere so I'm hoping that the RM tracking is just plain wrong and the item is stuck in customs for the last three weeks or more. Usually he'd drop it to my door rather than leaving it in the mail locker. He says that the USPS tracking is better than is has been in the past and if they haven't received it, they really haven't and its still in customs. I don't know where the RM get their 'delivered' tracking info from but its freaking everyone out and causing a lot of friction. Just have to wait it out and see if I get keg liner. How did you find out your item was in CT customs?
  11. 245 seems to be very similar to this one which still retained its retrieval/delivery apparatus in Athenry c. 1961. I think this is 2954 from this site before, different roof vents etc
  12. The Fantuzzi reach stack is a pretty impressive piece of equipment but the body alone is almost 30 feet long and close to 50ft if you drop the boom
  13. Maybe take the prototype through security at the airport (whenever that will happen again!) and get your hands on that backscatter image for your CAD guy?
  14. @Georgeconna The original post indicates that some of the production run was given over to this model (so just another variant) rather than an extension of the run
  15. Some very interesting stuff Jon, thanks for posting!
  16. Sounds like it would be an Irish livery version of something from the bigger companies then. @WRENNEIRE showed a very passable IE liveried version of a eurostar, maybe a 201 and a single/double coach and a 2nd radius track and a few straights?
  17. They seem more heavily built than the 22000s, you get the impression there's a pretty heavy engine in the front rather than some hamsters being overworked the underfloor
  18. @burntheboxThanks for posting
  19. Some of the Canadian Stuff is nice. I have only one Canadian loco but HO. No intention of getting into N unfortunately
  20. Hi Dave, May I ask what you're using to deaden the sun under the track work? How did you deal with the electrics of the reversing loop? Track design is very American. Lovely job
  21. Sort of a shame to see another resource closing as the modeller/retailer approaches advanced age. A shame there seems to be no-one to take it on. It would be nice if they had an irish range of course, maybe too few kits to have it as anything other tan a part f a greater enterprise producing for the UK. I do like their idea of a transitional curve which is something you don't get if you use set track rather than flexitrack. The transition from the straight to a fixed radius is very severe on the eye and in running as the rolling stock are thrown into the curve rather than transitioning from straight to large radius curve continually reducing to the true radius of the turn, same at the exit from the curve. Of course you can offset this in set track by transitioning from straight to a larger radius curve then to the smaller radius curve (and same exiting the curve to straight) but few people ever do as it takes a bit more space etc. It looks more prototypical for the track work and running
  22. My daughter has outgrown Thomas but is allowed to play with 'Dad's trains' as she's very respectful of their fragility and can shunt a 141 class very nicely. I think K801's point is that there is no starter set currently for that older child that is no longer a toddler
  23. Fine as long as you don't have to change ends too often. The engineer reversed her out towards the LC. She sounds like the 071 class when you listen to her. I was just wondering A diesel electric attached to an electric loco with the pantograph raised?
  24. Interesting read and always welcome
  25. So there was an accident or someone noticed it just had a wrap frame one day? And 224 did have a bent frame presumably due to fatigue but iirc wasn't 143 the result of an accident and thereafter it was speed restricted. Shows that there was a need for 141s at that time but not much traffic for so many 201s now
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