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Everything posted by DiveController

  1. Could someone just confirm for me what bogies are on the prototypes for the BDTS, grill car and generator vans and whether there are B4, B5 on both ends or just one end for each of the three prototypes please? Thanks so much.
  2. Mine just arrived Stateside and OMG! Absolutely love the Blue & Grey livery, as for the BGW, like just WOW! Love the gennys, grill will definitely need weathering, not to mention the exhaust…. but the DBSO, beautifully lit, very well thought out, cab lit separately, stays on in reverse but on DC only right now for a Quick Look (can’t remember if that prototypical, wouldn’t fault it either way). Lights still on the capacitor when I lifted it off the track, wand easy to use. Honestly if you have the remotest interest in NIR get some of these. Need to stick a chip in 111! Ok, …… Hunslets! (would someone give me a quick nudge and wink if there is any reason not to dismantle a perfectly good Class 20 w sound) PS: Boxes are still green
  3. More irrelevant trash
  4. Given how little freight and passengers are conveyed by Irish Rail I wonder if this would make any significant impact other then to tick some boxes Not sure why they would bother, given this should already be in place by the Irish government. Have any fossil fuel powered generator station in Ireland been eliminated by green energy from, wind, tide/hydro dare I ask?
  5. @BosKonay Nothing urgent but noticed a lot of recent issues remaining signed in on iPhone 13 and signed the terms and conditions a dozen time already
  6. Wondering why mailing notifications for my Northern Irish models were sent by that company in the UK, Accurascale Unless the color rendition is very off the boxes are blue? At least they’ll be easier to find in the sea of green
  7. The button to put them in the cart seems to be missing, PREORDER only except the two BnTs (luckily). I’ll try again today…
  8. And yet all you could type was this ? They will be produced per Hattons closing down letter but how and by whom will they be delivered is not known, so don’t bother reading the entire thread
  9. True, and Valentines Day just around the corner
  10. Often wondered why with its enthusiasm to augment the railbed, CIE felt it needed to completed ignore and reduce the loading gauge?
  11. Would love one (or three) in this livery! Would be great to have some stuff in GSR. I imagine most people (including me) would buy one of these regardless of their modeling era, some would buy all three (including myself) and those crazy enough might even buy and reminder with 803 and 804 (me-self included one again ) There is still a lot interest in pre grouping and BR steam across the pond but almost none in Irish pre-CIE despite the population disparity. Lack of model availability of course doesn’t help either.
  12. 1. 00 Works GNR 4.4.0 2. 00 Works GNR 0.6.0 3. 00 Works CBSCR 0.6.0T 4. NCC Jinty 18 19 O gauge 5. Bachmann "Woolwiches" in several liveries 6. 00 Works J15s (2 varieties) 7. IRM Steam Loco? ….. 8. IRM Second Steam prompted by renewed interest in Steam ……. 9. IRM 800 class …….
  13. When is the IRM model due to arrive?
  14. I’ve never thought that brick built homes from between the wars, nor tidy hedgerowed farm buildings much resembled anything Irish tbh
  15. I have plenty of un run locos out of warranty. My main issues have been with items that have arrived with some damage. A bus, a vehicle, an A class despite the superb packaging, possibly some items that remain unopened as such. To keep this in perspective, given the sheer number of things I have purchased the percentage of items is very low. That said, the ‘resolution’ has been mixed. The vehicle was replaced, was offered a paltry few euro off the bus (didn’t bother to take time to respond to that offer) and was asked to stick the bit back on the A class with a bit of glue. I feel that this side of the business is lacking by comparison with the research and quality that goes into the production. I’m not sure I’d bother with a warranty issue unless a bogie headed down the track by itself or the loco decided to have a BBQ in the engine room. As for spurious claims and chancers, an individual’s account with the company would show the items and cumulative dollar amounts purchased by someone as private purchases (most resellers are known to most of us and certainly to IRM themselves), so a matter for the company to weigh against past and future goodwill.
  16. My buddy, a boats captain, saw all my stock a couple of weeks ago so he’s in when the NIR stock is coming by. Dive team ready to go for boarding
  17. I could certainly do with one, or two or…. just got some 20T from @Mayner but tbh I could even find a use for a 10T for early stuff too. There were many iterations of wooden vertical and horizontal off the top of my head plus various duckets and paneled sheet versions
  18. Hopefully he can now devote himself to a re-run of the Atlantean Ds in navy/cream Tbh received two of these in tans from Derek ( incl. Ringaskiddy) but would love some navy cream especially with Cork routes from schooldays. No 8 or even No5 would be an instant purchase
  19. It would have had a strong freight service to ferry the roads back and forth to the east side of the island for storage in inclement weather, transporting the impermanent way so to speak. A ‘lifting train’ would have been necessary of course
  20. Poetry? Live steam(ed), I’d say
  21. Seems like these always pop up when someone in the know is offloading to make way for newer stock. Rails has never been particularly cheap with used stock either , that’s about $320 at the moment
  22. I konw I know the photo you’re referring to, the color scheme seeming quite out of place with any other opens or flats even as a PWD
  23. It’s actually quite shocking how underutilized Irish railways are
  24. Can anyone shed some light on the nomenclature used by CIE for freight wagons? What does LB mean (actually say LP on that photo, typo I'm sure) And why a H-van? etc.
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