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Everything posted by DiveController

  1. This thread was started by Wrenneire with the iteration of intended prosecution by MM of the buyer of a stolen MM locomotive. I haven’t seen anything on Murphy Models website warning of stolen or fake locomotives so their existence at this point and any potential prosecution is hearsay and no more. The onus would be on MM to prove the person is in receipt of stolen property in every single case, not on the purchaser. In consideration that the manufacturer would have had to take reasonable steps to secure it own moulds and products and warn of any failings in that regard, and not provided a serial number or any means where a non-expert customer could reasonably identify a fake or stolen product, that can be purchased by distance selling, a successful prosecution is not going to happen. Anyone with a background in law or law enforcement would be aware that concealment is an exception to Caveat Emptor. Other than official distributors , these products can be purchased and resold at the retail and private level. I’m wondering now if Murphy models were to pursue what has been threatened (in hearsay) whether they might also deny a warranty claim, not only that but prosecute the customer instead. The MM website does not state what is required for warranty not even a receipt. Except for the USA, it does not list any official distributors, but stockists (which still includes Hattons). Should we even purchase these locos for fear of prosecution or warranty denial or both? While any potential theft of the locos is reprehensible, I’m not sure that threatening your client base with either is a wise business strategy but we will see what happens in an official statement when and if that comes I guess.
  2. How is the DCC chip fitted? Any changes to the awkward body removal technique?
  3. Pilot to Fr. Ted ".... I know what I did there, I started too big" If anyone can shed some light on what differences exist between the various Iarnrod Eireann ICR prototypes A1, A2 and A3 ( I understand the basic British coach codes for the most part). Just trying to get a basic understanding of these which are not at all my era and might get one or two of the models. Thanks
  4. I understand that. I'm as confused as @BosKonay and trying to understand what is happening which is not clear from @WRENNEIRE's post of not April 1st. Hopefully he will reply When i click on the email it directs me to a preorder list which says that main payment for loco is "No". Double checked the account and it has been paid long prior to the email. It would be simpler if they were sent only to those yet to pay or cancel?
  5. Can someone explain in brief the differences between an A1, A2, A3 DMSO, DRBFOs and any other word salad that might be relevant. Thanks in advance
  6. ok, I get it. I didn't notice the spaces between seats. Have been on these once or twice in my life only.
  7. So these have been stolen from the batch of 141/181 locos in China prior to dispatch to Ireland, or are fake/duplicate models made by someone with access to the molds/facilities?
  8. The track gauge would not matter PROVIDED the platform is at the correct scale distance from the track center. I don’t know what that prototypical distance is as it happens, I presume it would be 1/2 of the loading gauge width at floor height. Platforms placed for typical British model stock with fine clearances might have issues especially if there is a tight layout curve vs prototypical shallow curves on most lines. Same issue for double track. The track centers need to be the prototypical distance for 5’3” versus 4’ 8.5”. Is the British loading gauge narrower? Certainly the PRs and some laminates would have to be clearance tested on British Rails vs. British stock which can be narrower @Noel
  9. Would prefer to see a Queen than her Jeep
  10. Ooh! Good portmanteau. Hadn’t heard that one before
  11. Bit of a cluster, same thing happened with the 141s button many times. Don’t need to be clearing caches instead of choosing models
  12. Very glad to hear this. Was in communication with Hattons many weeks ago just after the closure to ask about the fate of the product database and this is a good solution
  13. I have several of these and tbh the flaws are very livable. I’m trying to think of a manufacturer that doesn’t have some flaws
  14. Where is the dedicated provision for bicycles other than a bicycle on the floor which is where they’ll all end up? standing on IC services? Lawsuit waiting to happen….
  15. Also reached out to Rails, same reply. Maybe a little more time. But it does show how desirable the Genesis coaches are, given the lack of anything similar or better out there (rtr)
  16. I would suggest changing the title to this interesting thread/video as it will not be found in a search of the forum save one for leprechauns and the like
  17. Sign me up x3, then there are liveries, here we go… (well hopefully)
  18. Surely that’s the signalman’s fault, setting the incorrect road? Ah, now I understand how in old photos various stock got so far from home territory except none really got to West Cork (sorry, Jonathan, working on my accent still) Wouldn’t be a bad idea for kids to see these running, recent posts showing concern for the permanent loss of interest in earlier eras with the passing of time and modellers
  19. Would be handy to have one for mainline and secondery route NIR stock also
  20. Serious and liberal use of the slider on the progress bar required on this amateur video, first ten minutes discussing the card board thickness, recycling the box, the underside being white?! some running near the end, start from there…
  21. My 1981 book was on the missing list but was found near the re-numbering queue..... So I was second guessing myself that possibly the 'kitchen' end of the Grill, the BDTSs or DBFO 813 might have had B5 bogies but the three generator van were the only ones to have B5s at the genny end
  22. Some did want to put a prototypical rake together that required extra coaches but this is difficult with them being sold as triple packs There's a piece of luck, nice design
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