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Everything posted by DiveController

  1. If you wanted to add some detail with plasticard, the cab side window and passengers windows are split. Window size may be different as is the number of windows before the door (5 versus 6), side name boards and of course a luggage rack. The front destination board is wider and you'd need to add a rear view mirror, indicator, small boxy thing and a new profile where the first passenger window meets the roof of the half-cab....depending on how close you want to get it to that prototype
  2. Hit Reply. In the Quick Reply window, the icon third from the right on the task bar on top will allow you to insert an image usually on your desktop or in a folder on your PC/Mac
  3. Exactly. It's hard to judge a foot or two with an obstructed view over 100 feet away. Think the driver was waiting for the signal but none was actually given. The liner seemed pretty solid
  4. Payment sent as requested
  5. There is a whole bunch of videos online, YouTube and the like
  6. May I take the next 2 please Snail and Lost Line. Please PM me THanks
  7. No chance of sticking it in an intermodal container then?
  8. It sounds very different to the GMs. Many of the Metro-Vicks were probably recorded after they had been re-engined with many of the earlier videos not having decent or any sound. If we assume for a minute that someone might produce an rtf A class at some point in the future it would be nice to have some recordings if they're comparable to the Irish diesels. I know there are some sound chips out there for the A class but not sure what they were recorded from?
  9. I was wondering what the status of the TDLR restoration was? I came across something on the web that seemed to be updated maybe 2014 but maybe not more recently than that? Who has possession of 18T at the moment?
  10. I do wish Alphagraphix had a website
  11. Very nice, Tony. Superb stuff:tumbsup:
  12. Keep the eyes open and drool all you want, that's what the suction is for .....
  13. I think the broken links are the problem. There are few or no photos showing up on the IRL home page for the site
  14. I'm having a lot of problems trying to see any images on this website with an iMac using Safari or Firefox
  15. Was the light green only on CIE introduced stock or was also used by the GSR? That included coaches and wagons? The GS itself was in white or just appears to be white in B&W photos?
  16. Fantastic, John! It's great to see a new generation with an interest in railways and nice to see some girls interested in the hobby. My daughter is a little younger but still happily building on the hobby table with a variety of wooden track and buildings.
  17. DiveController

    DCC Decoders

    Thanks, Noel. That makes perfect sense. I was't aware of the problem with the TCS decoders but the 'fix' seems to be an excellent workaround. Needs to file that away in case I run with a bunch of Lais decoders. I had forgotten that the headlights were not independent on the 141/181s as have been messing about with a bunch of other things lately. A running session required obviously. Many thanks:cheers:
  18. DiveController

    DCC Decoders

    Many thanks, Noel, for your continued testing. Can you elaborate on the speed step down surge?I did't fully understand the issue. I haven't run my 141s in a while.I thought there was independent control via switches 'under the hood' (very troublesome) or by DCC? Any update on this?
  19. Personal taste but I detest the stenciled version of the snail. Like the wagons, prototypical and model
  20. Mine too. Thanks for that, Ciaran. K
  21. DiveController

    DCC Decoders

    Do you have the ability to turn off the front and rear markers when in a consist of 141s etc? Most locos would turn off headlights when entering a station area, would they not? I don't understand why these were on one function? Daft cab lights are a matter of taste/prototypical running . Is there a 6-function equivalent available or planned? Many thanks for the testing, Noel!
  22. If you've already gone and corked it, I'm going to let it up to you (well, I'm going to do that anyway). If you're going to be shunting mainly at low speed and short distances, maybe it won't make that much difference to you. Anyway, it's late and I haven't had time to review the thread but this is what I was thinking of http://irishrailwaymodeller.com/showthread.php/5048-Track-Ballasting-Which-method?highlight=baseboard+closed+foam+pva
  23. The tighter the join the less rock and roll on short stock and less rail noise from metal wheeled stock. Electrical continuity won't matter if you have droppers on all tracks. I'd take Dave's advice and use PU or closed cell foam under the entire track section taking it well wide of the track ballast area to try to reduce recreating a drum when you ballast the track with PVA glue which allows sound to be transmitted back to the baseboard. We discussed this on a thread maybe 18-24 months ago. I'll try to post a thread reference when I get back later. I do like the trackwork
  24. When you look at photos of the prototype it seems that the doors covered and sat slightly outside the sole bars of the wagon dropping almost to the height of the brake lever when closed. The model seems to have been designed with the correct number of ribs but sits atop the solebar creating an awkward tall aspect to the model. Ideally the solebar would need to be reduced to allow the top to sit over it, which may not be possible. The profile of the wagon is very much improved. Nice modification:tumbsup: Glenderg posted some shots which demonstrate it fairly well http://irishrailwaymodeller.com/showthread.php/4286-MIR-Drop-Side-cement-Wagon?highlight=drop+side+cement
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