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Everything posted by DiveController

  1. I always love your threads regarding liveries, Jonathan, which are always very informative. I believe the ends of the coaches would all have been black in variations of the green liveries and before, and maybe into the black and tan era? However, once we hit the supertrain livery some of the coaches would have had some degree of wraparound of the body color onto the ends, or painted ends, at least initially, (the Mk2ds come to mind.)
  2. I wonder how long it will be before somebody starts compensating motorists for the loss of fuel and time caused by these delays? I presume the insurance company ends up paying for the bridge and rail delays,and compensation for rail passengers, or does it?
  3. It might be worth posting these online for people to review. They could be available for use or you could protect them from general download if you prefer and release any requests to members. Consider placing a (hopefully not too intrusive) copyright for yourself
  4. Many thanks, Paul. I think overall it has been another fantastic year and I have greatly enjoyed the modeling, information exchange and banter on the site. A very Merry Christmas to all the members, their families and loved ones. I'm looking forward to another great year in 2017!
  5. All three could be great fun, the Porsche might last longer than the mistress, the model railway will still be cheaper than either!
  6. Randall, I remember when you first posted that you had your dad's collection and we patiently await what are sure to be some wonderful photos in the future.
  7. I think it is closing on Christmas Eve, with existing orders being fulfilled after closure if necessary
  8. I'm astonished to hear this. I purchased items from Seamus even from over here. I'm presuming that this is a business necessity rather than for personal reasons of course. Sad news indeed
  9. Now, does the person engaging in anti-social behaviour have to compensate the passengers for the delay, in much the same way as was suggested as penance for the RPSI recently?
  10. Paper copy overseas this near to Christmas? Happy to receive my PDF with everyone else and limit the costs to help keep this alive. Nice job, guys!
  11. Bidding on the 'Bay again. Happy Christmas!
  12. Interested , Jb and thanks!
  13. Hmmm, that drawing..... any luck?
  14. Thanks, John Excellent documentary, Patrick. Thanks for posting that.
  15. They are fitted with Train Line lighting and, although vacuum braked, have an air pipe to run with what?
  16. Great Pictures, Richie. Please post if you have more.
  17. I'd agree with Noel and would bring it to the front of the layout but starting just to the right go the LC and joining just to the right of the branch line with a curved point. Double track LCs on the branch lines (main line in your layout) seemed less common than doubles. The SC, Fuel, Oil depot would move slightly forward. Incidentally, your storage loops could be much longer if they started off the right hand back curve rather than confined to the 'back straight'
  18. It's not perfect. Mine needs a touch up and the weathering is not on guru level but I like it and it easily passes the 2 foot rule
  19. Trans-Siberian Egress as you leave Courtmac. Looking forward to it, Andy
  20. If you're producing all three I'll take at least one of each, probably more. Will edit post when home tonight. Any chance of the buffer/kitchen coach? Are full width/length coaches still on the schedule when time allows?
  21. Chuckled when I saw the sign, Code for ..., indeed:ROFL:
  22. Is this the one? http://home.btconnect.com/Enhance-Ecosse/ccastle.html
  23. Cripes! 6 stone of Millenium Falcon suspended using only the force. And she's already at light speed!
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