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Everything posted by aclass007

  1. I've just uncovered a photo of an A class working the dolomite ore train in the early days of the Ballinacourty plant. Perhaps it was the dolomite train that had the A class replaced by the pair of GMs.........
  2. Yes, I've talked to Michael. Alas, he has no photos of the trains. I myself have memories of the trains , but got no photos either as I was young and cameras weren't commonplace back then.
  3. Yes, I know of Tom from that group. I saw the Tivoli photos you mention.
  4. Yes, I'm on facebook. 'Irish Railways Past and Present' is the most informative group that I'm aware of, but it hasn't many photos of the Ballinacourty traffic. Are there other FB groups I should be looking at? I never found much on youtube in the past either, despite searching...
  5. Very nice! Has she a sister?
  6. Not quite right. A class locos worked the oil magnesite trains between Ballinacourty and Tivoli right up to the end. They were never replaced by a pair of 141's. However, the dolomite train, which brought dolomite ore from Bennettsbridge to Ballinacourty was worked by a pair of 141's. Here is a photo of the oil tanks on the Ballinacourty branch...
  7. If in any doubt about the suitability of any given track, it might be a good idea to buy a couple of sections and a set of points, and test run your stock on it before buying enough to complete a layout.
  8. It looks like a fine job on the build Be sure to post more photos after weathering!
  9. Happy Birthday!
  10. I'm no expert, but I doubt very much if you've done any damage to your locos by running them, especially if they made no unusual noise or ran erratically. The eBay seller who said the loco obviously needed a service, was probably really saying the loco he was selling is running like crap because it's knackered, but it made it half way around the oval...
  11. Amazing!
  12. That sounds interesting! Can you take photos of the build? I'm sure many here would like to see it progress, and going by your other work, I expect the finished product will be something good!
  13. A class 31 chassis in my A class......
  14. Has anyone done this? I assume there's a bit of chopping involved.....
  15. CLASS 071CIE SUPERTRAIN 085 NON DCC WEATHERED BY GEORGE NORMAN COMPLETE BOXED ALL THE BITS - 155 Is this loco renumbered, or is it actually 086?
  16. The Silverfox list of A class locos. There are a number of people on this site who can weather one for you, if you wish.... http://silverfoxmodels.co.uk/ir-ie-001-class-a-class-co-co-metropolitan-vickers/
  17. I read somewhere recently (probably on this forum) that Marks Models has spare detailing packs in stock for the 141/181's. It might be worth a try......
  18. Yes, that's right.
  19. While there may be some DDC related issues that you can address, I think the basic problem here is the motor used in the Silver Fox locos. Basically, a simple pancake motor from Hornby or Lima, and as mentioned, pickup isn't on all wheels.
  20. They're all listed, and pictured, here...... http://irishrailwaymodeller.com/showthread.php/157-LIMA-Murphy-Models
  21. The A's might have sounded different to other GM engined locos....... but it was a bloody marvellous sound
  22. They have a price reduction for today, Black Friday....... http://www.marksmodels.com/?cid=642 Edit: Sorry, until Monday!
  23. I wonder would there be enough demand for a retailer or Murphy Models to commission a batch repainted into NIR livery?
  24. You can't explain it much clearer than that!
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