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Everything posted by burnthebox

  1. Céad Míle Fáilte, sure ins'nt it a grand Country, all over the World today it's Paddy's Day, sure & a few pint's of the black stuff won't go astray, have a great day one & all, :cheers:
  2. Ata boy Rob, you keep that C Class on that workbench, I'm watching you
  3. Jesus, how depressing is that for future model railway modellers, I'm so glad I lived in the 50's, 60's, 70's,
  4. Well Noel if nothing else you'll have giving us something to talk about, personnely I noticed in Q4 the number of RTR & Diesel came out very high, I thought Steam would have faired better, giving that we have such a small number to run !
  5. Well that's been a learning lesson I would say for a lot of people, I turned down one a few months ago, for a lot less
  6. Fair play Declan, you did very well on that one !!
  7. As far as I'm concerned it's not fussy, as it dos'nt like either my Ipad or my PC, & not at the same time Another point is this text box is nearly bigger than the whole tread,
  8. Very well done Noel, makes for very interesting reading,
  9. Well we still have a great record at Millennium Stadium, & we can still win the Championship
  10. Well I have to say that's a different one !!!
  11. We're in Wales today, let's here it for our lads, lets make it 12 in a row, come on you boys in Green,
  12. Anybody else on here finding they are suddenly " not logged in " even though they have already logged in. !!!!
  13. I think that thing should be pointing skywards
  14. Mike, that is a truly mega looking coach, well done sir, Paul
  15. I'm blaming Specsavers, Loco no 59 it is
  16. jhb171achill, from what I can make out, the number on the loco is 69
  17. Hi Alan, just for your own sake, security etc. you can send a "pm" private message by clicking on the members name, which is usually in green & & you can send them a Private Message without putting your personal details on the site. I'll send you one now, btb
  18. Same here, but I didn't wait till midnight, close too it though, but I could not log out, so I went to bed, been having problems over past few days, seem's ok now
  19. Well done Fran, this is another that belongs in the "How To " tread !
  20. Nelson, as always your craftsmanship astounds me, fantastic piece of work, well done sir
  21. I'm so glad I live in a demorcracy.
  22. Hi GSR 800 what size are you planning on having for your layout, btw, best of luck
  23. Noel, a great idea, very well done, now the waiting starts
  24. They came, they saw, and we conquered, brilliantly, 19 to 9, I had now doubt of our lads,
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