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Everything posted by Sulzer201

  1. lovely layout and trains there Mallard.
  2. Great stuff Kieran, the shed is coming on brilliantly and layout is excellent. I love that bread-van, buildings and platforms.
  3. I tried adding on a further loop to the layout and off the loop I've tried running a short siding which rises up a steep gradient. I was thinking of adding embankments to the right hand side of the bridge which carries the siding over the loop line. If anyone has any suggestions for 'cheap' methods of building an embankment I would love any help? Thanks all.
  4. Lovely hoover there UP.
  5. Hi Kirley, I used the link and once again got lost in all the work you've done on the various trains, buildings and landscape, the MAK, MEDs, A Class etc. Bloody amazing work and modelling skills. ,
  6. I had a go at converting an old hornby brake van into a cie departmental plough van, it's not the best and the painting is a bit rough too but it will have to do me for time being. I have a bubble rake behind a dirty 181 and at the weekend I picked up the hornby diesel loco depot. Apologies for poor quality of photos.
  7. Thanks 33lima, great NIR photos.
  8. Thanks for that heirflick that must have been the incident which resulted in the damage to her.
  9. Would anyone have any info on the Metrovick seen in these photos beside Sulzer B108? She appears to have serious cab frontal damage and was wondering how this happened? The photograph was taken in Inchicore Works in May 1964. Photos (apologies for quality of copies), from; (Colour-Rail, Huntriss, D., IRISH TRACTION in Colour, Ian Allan Publishing, Surrey, 2011). Thanks in advance.
  10. That's terrible and we will all be keeping an eye out for stolen stock coming up for sale on the web etc
  11. Eamonn thanks for re-posting, you could never get tired of looking at layouts of this class and standard. I love the ballast train and ploughvan, the Generator on the craven set and the executive coaches. The scenery and the harbour are brilliantly detailed and add to an overall top rate layout. Your friend must be very proud of his work.
  12. I made it to Bray last Sunday and picked up two timber wagons from Dave - a difficult man to haggle down but entertaining discussion on various topics including claustrophobia, MRI scanning equipment, and a cost/benefit analysis of the Bray to Greystones DART line!! Anyway enjoyed it all and looking forward to another bit of haggling with Dave on the gen van. I am in the process of getting a couple of freight rakes together; timber and cement. Next task is to get another few of the dapol oil tankers. While in Bray got a look at the new DART models and these are fine indeed, great detail down to a newspaper on the dashboard of one of the cabs! Well done to Owen.
  13. Thanks patrick, great footage and history there.
  14. Had the pleasure of viewing these models in Bray on Sunday and have to say they are fantastic. I will have to attack the old piggy bank in the near future.
  15. Excellent work love that MPD
  16. Happy Birthday and thanks for the great shots.
  17. Amazing photographs as usual. Thanks for sharing.
  18. Great work.
  19. Thanks heirflick and Eamonn. It's a first attempt and maybe I'll get a little better over time. Don't know what the wife will think of that drain lid!
  20. Badly Built Bubbles - I got another four bubble cement wagons built during the week. I had four BR 2 axle cement tankers that were surplus. The chassis were too long so they were chopped down and we purchased some more Kinders eggs. The bubbles were sprayed with white spray paint and I glued on some cardboard rectangle shaped cuts for the catwalks, slices from an old election poster were used for the ladders. I'm sure others on here can build much better and more accurate models of the bubble cement wagons but these will do me for the time being. I now have a rake of 11 wagons and I've got rid of wagons which were not authentic to the Irish scene. Marks have some more prestwins on order and I found that these recycled rtr chassis are fairly good runners.
  21. Apologies to double post but this is the wagon I refer to.http://test.ehattons.com/33648/Dapol_BHATSPEC856d_IOA_Network_Rail_bogie_ballast_wagon_70_5992_083_3_weathered_Hatton_s_exclusive/StockDetail.aspx
  22. Great weathering on 229 and the shed is brill, also love the dutch van and gen. Fab layout and stock.
  23. Thanks all for the kind comments but I know they could be much better but they'll do me just at present. Hattons are selling Network Rail ballast bogie wagons that look close enough to the tara mines and Limerick shale wagons. Can they be used to represent any of our wagons and would it take much work/skills to convert same? Thanks in advance for any advice.
  24. Hi Dave, A few close-ups and as you can see they could do with a lot more work but they'll do me for the present. I have used old RTR wagon chassis as Marks had none of the Dapol Prestwins, I chopped one wagon to shorten it to 65/70mm. It was just trying to make something cheaply that looks a bit like the real thing. I have a few more BR cement wagons that I will chop and shorten. The eggs are the dearest part of it and I used thin slices from an old election poster for making the little ladders. The catwalks are just rectangle shaped pieces of cardboard and the pipes at each end are garden ties used for supporting plants. The hatches on top were also cardboard but I also have some which I recycled from old BR tankers. Best of luck with yours Dave and I look forward to seeing them.
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