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Everything posted by Blaine

  1. Ive played with a sound fitted one, well worth the money. The bar has been set exceptionally high with this model in terms of everything - promotion, packaging the lot. None of this 'coming in 2017, deposits welcome' promotion, just Bang, here it is, would you like to purchase and bring it home today? Complete in its tin box with a clear plastic display stand like what you get with 1/43 diecast model cars. The amount of little details and options fitted to it is unreal, never mind its smooth running, lighting or the 20+ different DCC sounds or their quality. its the 1st time Ive been genuine impressed with factory DCC sound as those who know me personally will easily say Im most of the time a detractor of DCC sound as it just does not have the presence that it should. Other things like the cab interior lights dimming in and out along with grilles on the underside of the underframe that you would never normally see. Only scratching the surface here This is not just a new model or manufacturer appearing - this is a gamechanger. Its almost not worth comparing with other Benchmark OO Gauge British locos like the Bachmann Prototype Deltic, Heljan Hymek/Lion or the Hornby Class 60 - its on its own level above everything else http://sulzertype2.co.uk
  2. What makes you come out with such a statement. Im very curious to know what has influenced you to say this as are a few fellow modellers. Your personal expectations and views may differ to those of others
  3. Purely as people will buy them......economics The Bachmann model was originally made by Liliput
  4. Nonsense - They did run alone, both with MK3 pushpull stock and on freights - even nose 1st on the Barrack St line, see here http://eiretrains.com/Photo_Gallery/Railway%20Stations%20B/Barrack%20Street/IrishRailwayStations.html#
  5. Derek is the North Down MRS show manager, different club
  6. Your clearly not satisfied if you want more.......
  7. Its a good idea, but it would not sell. When CIE 071's and Mk2's are still easily available in separate form these would sit on the shelf
  8. The same pair that became the 1st 121's to visit Derry in 1996
  9. Nice smooth continental mechanism, was acquired cheaply though which helped
  10. Trains are for playing with this includes converting and weathering them
  11. Its been done........consider a Brawa V100 too
  12. Keep the audience happy - 100%. Im sure when The Eagles go on tour they are sick to death of playing 'Hotel California', but its what lots of people have paid them to do, so they do it
  13. Nail on head, for the Irish market its a bit different as there is a bit more of a general crowd but at Warley in 2015 there were Lego and Playmobil layouts, but most of the big kids enjoyed the massive Hornby Dublo layout the most - granted it was a display of Hornby Dublo but no scenery or 'modelling' to speak of, just lots of tinplate trains running on the tinplate track along with the metal on metal sound. Most entertaining. You cant please everyone at a show, the height of some layouts/people allows them to see into the fiddle yard and 'request' a train too, which most operators are happy to fulfill. Its why they are called 'Exhibitions' or 'Shows' rather than 'Exact recreations of railway scenes/operations in minature' - the old shrinking ray has yet to leave the beta development stage....
  14. It will be taking up valuble flywheel/ballast space...
  15. As an exhibitor of many years and on many layouts, Ive not once had someone directly point out to me that my operations were bad. Its mostly compliments I get. Ive said it repeatedly, in Ireland at least people want to watch trains go by, or round and round and round. They want to be entertained. Realism,accuracy,scale etc is only appreciated by a few and thats fine. The fact that the Lego layout is the most popular of late says it all. People who come to be entertained make up the bulk of the attendance. People who are modellers,critiques etc also come along but if it was them alone who attended, the show would not make a profit and would not be repeated It also says in the exhibitors manual for the Warley show that you are there to entertain and engage each and every visitor I think you are the one who is going around in circles, ever decreasing ones
  16. Blaine

    Sulzer Kit

    Ah I don't really fancy lowering myself to your own level as you could beat me with experience. Keep thumping the keyboard me aul flower. Thump it harder I'll leave you with a word - Frateschi
  17. Blaine

    Sulzer Kit

    But I'm not a manufacturer
  18. Blaine

    Sulzer Kit

    When you go and look at real trains do you it from a 10 storey building or a helicopter? Dont forget Model Trains are exactly that - Model trains. They are not real trains that have been shrunk with a shrinking ray. Sadly in the majority they have electric motors powering them rather than miniature internal combustion/steam engines. All the little people inside are lumps of plastic, they cant open the doors or windows...... Given what you said about IFM models and BR 33's/MK1's etc you are really showing up some double standards here. You have dragged this one well off topic again. As someone who has completed several chassis swops, a few have been missing axles and nobody noticed at normal viewing distance. The models ran and looked fine which is more important. Dont forget too Airfix and Hornby left them out on production models too.
  19. I'm breathing normally as Dapol have confirmed their model. They do an N gauge version too so they already have the livery rights. The Dapol model is advertised as being fitted with a smoke generator which will be interesting
  20. To bring things up to date 59003 is back home with GBRF And Dapol have announced a OO gauge model, after another manufacturer announced and then had to retract their model
  21. Not long to go now, they have also announced the Prototype HST/HSDT......
  22. Blaine

    Sulzer Kit

    Well when you make the layout ensure the baseboards are mounted 6 feet off the ground and the onlookers are inches away from them. Otherwise you would never notice at 2-5 feet away that there is an axle missing..... Anyway the Sulzers were A1A-A1A..........
  23. Blaine

    Sulzer Kit

    If you can make it fit leave the centre axles out - at normal viewing distances it wont be noticeable that there is a wheelset missing...
  24. Depends what direction one is coming from.......
  25. The MRSI video of Warley 2015 and O'Connell Street Tramway 1949
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