These bright eyed bushy tailed kids appear from time to time, full of rampant, flowing enthusiasm and rapidly either sink quickly or get torn to pieces as a faulty item lands them in court due to not handling it correctly. A look at the boys FB page does not inspire and items like the one Ive quoted below is not something any serious business would make public knowledge
Never admit failings or that you know little of something. Get someone who knows what they are doing and use them. Also model shops in Belfast tend not to last very long for whatever reason. Probably prices compared to the English boxshifters who sell the same items for less.
Also social media is not the way to advertise, best way is to trade at exhibitions.
He also admits his business budget is rather limited and that he is trying to launch himself. The first rule of business is that you must spend money to make money and this small fry wont become a banquet anytime soon.........
Looking forward to the closing down sale when the 'Model Shop' is returned to being the spare bedroom