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Everything posted by Broithe

  1. There is one on eBay - http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Bachmann-JJA-IE-Iarnrod-Eireann-Auto-Ballaster-Wagon-WEATHERED-LOOK-RARE-Item-/361416276507?hash=item542616ba1b:g:yXYAAOSwo0JWGpJu .
  2. This is too serious to joke about...
  3. The H van was a Citroen - and is already available in HO.
  4. Is it just rolling stock on the cards? Or will there be some 21mm track items eventually? Or, possibly, some even more specifically Irish track...
  5. Other moustaches are available..
  6. There are some remarkable grades of glass about. Where I used to work, we had the odd explosion and the control room windows were intended to repel any items that came their way - a party-piece, when showing visitors around, was to pick up a handily-placed brick and fling it at the windows as hard as possible. It never even left a mark, but we did have to replace the brick every now and then.
  7. I notice on this picture, just put up on Twitter in the run-up to Movember, that 087 has an odd buffer.
  8. Just work through it - we can wait....
  9. Yeah, they're not very goods-orientated. Did your post originally say 1987? Or is it my eyes - again...?
  10. Looking at my list of Irish Railway books, I see that I already have the 1994 edition, as well. I had a feeling at the time that I saw it that it could be a multi-buy, but, for a quid, I might as well have it.
  11. As reported here - http://irishrailwaymodeller.com/showthread.php/4982-Haywood-Permanent-Way?p=76228&viewfull=1#post76228 - I got this a few days ago - 1987 edition. Anything in particular that you might need from it?
  12. Someone has to keep an eye on you......
  13. I took that to mean 40% of the process is complete, rather than 40$ of the run is sold. I also took it to be 333 sets of 3 wagons to be the intended production run.
  14. Well, I've just ordered a set of three for delivery to darkest Laois - tip me off when they might be about to appear, as I don't want the mother putting them in a bucket of sand and calling the guards.... Ta.
  15. Are you saying that Kerry is not Heaven?
  16. That's a reasonable defence.
  17. Over here, we have lots of real ghost trains - http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00vhhcf - unfortunately, the recording is not currently available, but the gist of it is there in the summary.
  18. http://nicwhe8.freehostia.com/d5705/australia/australia.html
  19. I have no idea what this is about - https://twitter.com/GuyInAHouse - but it seems to be happening in Connolly.
  20. What happened to the other thirty eight shades?
  21. Whoops - stand down - just one tour as part of Open House, apparently.
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