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Everything posted by connollystn

  1. Hi Guys, As you probably know already, I'm too miserable to spend money building my own model railway layout so I keep discovering videos of some fantastic stuff on YouTube. Check out this guy [Neville Grove], he has loads of videos uploaded and uses realistic sound also. This will make you want to buy loads of Accurascale Class 55s.
  2. Hi All, happened upon a YouTube channel run by a fella called Mark [Model Railway Fantasia]. He has serious health issues - mainly to do with multiple amputations from all of his limbs, however, despite his disability he manages to create fantastic scenery for his layout. Interest in his hobby gives him a positive outlook on life and it's railway modeling what keeps him going. He's got an eclectic mWhile seeing how bad things are with Mark is won't stop me whingeing about my own health issues - of course, not on here as this place is a form of escapism. I've added a link to one of his YouTube videos, hope you find it interesting.
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  3. @Branchline121 - Thanks for uploading the video, it was interesting to watch.
  4. Doubt that any other manufacturer is going to dabble in the Irish market, anyhow, the guys at IRM have a lot of goodies to anounce this year so calm down and be patient. The feeling I gather is the new Bachmann 37 seems to have received a luke warm reception - my money was on them producing an updated Class 70.
  5. @GSR 800 - Thanks very much for those links to the New Irish Lines articles, made for plenty of very interesting reading.
  6. Great pics @irishswissernie, I didn't realise that GNR(I) had the MaK diesel locomotive as far back as 1955. Makes me wonder why they waited until the early 70s to get diesel traction for mainline passenger services.
  7. @meathdane - Nice collection of locomotives, love the weathering on the 141s, you should certainly get you hands on the A30 - the silver livery is so under-rated. And as for Wrenneire - where would some of us be without him? Have purchased a few rarities off him in the past.
  8. More than words can say…….
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  9. @irishswisernie - The last photograph reminds of the good aul days when Longford was a busy rail freight terminal. The houses situated in the background is where I grew up.
  10. I recall block fertiliser trains being a regular occurrence on the Sligo line. On one occasion I witnessed a fertiliser train being hauled by a class 121 and A, I always remember because it seemed unusual at the time.
  11. Lots of videos of the Accurascale Deltic uploaded. Most people are delighted with their' purchases while, a few have had minor issues - namely, parts which have fallen off. The funny thing is that it's not obvious to them where the parts have fallen from which makes me wonder if it was necessary to have them in the first place. All of my IRM A classes arrived in perfect condition and for a while kept discovering details/parts which I never knew existed. I learned more by looking at that model than from any amount of photographs and written articles I've seen over the years. For me, IRM got the fundamentals right and the added details are a bonus and I believe it's the same in relation to the Accurascale Deltics. Don't know if anyone has ever said this before but, Did we get too much for our money?
  12. Beautiful looking model. Tá jealous* orm. *Couldn't be bothered using Google Translate
  13. @DJ Dangerous - I've a feeling that they'll be up to six cars in formation. The first sets on the Dublin-Sligo line operated 3,4, 3+3, 4+3 and now, 4+4. There might be a limitation to the maximum number of cars which can operate in a set.
  14. Fantastic choice of locomotive. Remember when Rails of Sheffield were looking for expressions of interest years ago and then nothing. Delighted to see that this locomotive is going to be produced, ideal for someone like me who has a small layout. Luckily I'm not era specific, if I like something I just get it. Really like the GNER ['97-'99] livery. Cheers guys.
  15. @DJ Dangerous - Thanks for the notification. Loads of people on the Hornby Magazine channel waiting to the announcement. The excitement is building.
  16. Not a big fan of Sam's reviews but, judging by the number of hits on his YouTube channel, seems to have broad appeal. The layout on the floor isn't ideal for filming the running sessions which occur near the conclusions of his reviews but reflects what many railway modelers have to resort to when they don't have the resources to build a proper layout. Nonetheless, he's promoting the hobby and that always has to be a good thing and he was more than positive about the Accurascale Deltic. PS - I wonder when next it'll be "Big day tomorrow for IRM when............"
  17. I think they're quaint - something quite Irish about them. Wonder if we'll ever see them in model form.
  18. @murphaph - Thanks for that information. I sort of guessed that the Blue Tiger was a rarity and didn't realise so few were constructed. Was tempted to buy a model by Mehano but I've a preference for shorter locomotives, lets say, in the region of 230mm or less due in part that I operate my trains on a single oval track with radius 2 curves. Anyway, if at all possible, keep posting pictures and videos of German railways - you might need to open a separate thread in the Continental Railway forum. Again, thanks very much for posting all of those pictures - sure I'm not the only one on here who appreciates them.
  19. @murphaph - Thanks for uploading the videos and additional pictures. It was great to see the Blue Tiger locomotive, it has to be one of the nicest looking diesels ever. Can't recall ever seeing it in the DB AG livery.
  20. Think if the label stated 'Model Railway Items Enclosed' might be a tad more embarassing.
  21. I'd like to know who that man is...........
  22. Great pics @Rush and Lusk - The model looks fantastic from the views you've photographed. Had I gotten my hands on the black 'n tan Crossley A class [A15] would have purchased some of these.
  23. Thanks Boskonay - I remember reading an article in a model railway magazine years ago, was around the time Bachmann were producing the 141s and 181s for Paddy Murphy. Think it was the last model railway magazine that I ever purchased. And sorry, I keep forgetting that there's more than Fran working in Accurascale.
  24. That name means something totally different over here.
  25. The guy in the photograph with Fran (above) looks familiar - did he work for Bachmann?
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