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1 minute ago, Galteemore said:

3 is third class, 1 is first class and so on. By more recent times, a two step model was adopted and second/third became ‘standard’ class of various types 

I was thinking that. I assume anything past 3 in my transfer pack is effectively useless!

would 2 or 3 have been used for the standard class?



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1 hour ago, David Holman said:

Just a thought, but with the poor availability and eye watering costs, have you considered trying automotive rattle cans or even artist's acrylic paints?

I did see somewhere a post (gawd knows how long ago, though) which showed a coach that someone had used a car rattle can to spray to look like the 1956-62 carriage green - but far from being approximate, it was actually spot-on. I reckon if you get the right colour in your head from many of the excellent photos to be seen in various books nowadays, and try to find something that looks right, you could hit lucky.

If the IRM mods are reading this, I think that IRM may have a note of the RAL colour code for this somewhere?

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8 hours ago, jhb171achill said:

I did see somewhere a post (gawd knows how long ago, though) which showed a coach that someone had used a car rattle can to spray to look like the 1956-62 carriage green - but far from being approximate, it was actually spot-on. I reckon if you get the right colour in your head from many of the excellent photos to be seen in various books nowadays, and try to find something that looks right, you could hit lucky.

If the IRM mods are reading this, I think that IRM may have a note of the RAL colour code for this somewhere?

Modesty forbids and all that, JHB, but here you are….


Edited by Galteemore
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48 minutes ago, Westcorkrailway said:

8D1B3E0A-BEC7-4670-8E36-3B33379C292D.thumb.jpeg.a51149cfa75493c170a1c53c7bdb7d1d.jpegSome paint arived from marks today, it’s a bit on the lighter side but I might as well paint a coach and see what happens 

Hard to tell in that photo, WestCork, but if the photo is any way accurate, the pot of paint you have there actually looks somewhat more accurate than the loco!

5 hours ago, Westcorkrailway said:

Montana gold spray paint “shock grey”, “shock dark green” and “greenery” look pretty 2A2E99A7-EDE1-4DF3-97FF-3B6D90F91858.thumb.jpeg.3814415fd58fab6c84c9b4909a485d6a.jpeg39497DF3-B875-47EB-9AAC-06864D0BE646.thumb.jpeg.14a2532cb8938769a7335917fcc3cc7f.jpeg

The top one of those two is closer to accuracy.


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20 minutes ago, jhb171achill said:

Hard to tell in that photo, WestCork, but if the photo is any way accurate, the pot of paint you have there actually looks somewhat more accurate than the loco!

The loco is a bit miscoloured, but the paint is basically accurate in the above picture to how it looks in the flesh. 

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in other news 

After tense competition, with IRM up the walls busy and An Post not letting my other package get away. The race is over with the silverfox coming out on top 

It is a different shade to C212 somehow, so goodbye plant to keep the green consistent greens across the layout although at least it does not have a black roof 🤮


that being said, the bogeys did not take the trip from England too well 😭😭😭


Bogeys fell off the driving axle and the end bogey snapped in two places on the dummy railcar. The axle came straight off but heh, nothing that a small a small bit of superglue wont fix hopefully 


As im typing this. The other bogey wheels have now come off, for me they bogeys are a bit to fragile for an post shipping 🤣

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After rough start with railcars (which I still have not had a chance to run yet!) I got on with my CIE coversion. B5C47748-5ACE-48AE-99E2-A001E0AC56B7.thumb.jpeg.cf2a049be7596e70d0d3f8edab06319b.jpeg

Taped up either side and used what was left of Case/ New Holland black (stuff meant for tractors!) for my coaches. I ran out of spray which means no second coat…..I have the feeling that the Ex-White roof will leave a “GSR Grey” rather then black. I can always come back to it with more paint.

onto green 


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…… sh*te


I was hoping to give my new railcars there first run in today, however attempting to attach them together I noticed a glaring problom


the reason for the bogeys coming off make all the more sense. And I must be blind not noticing before but the back is 5 MM lower to the ground then the front. This means the bogey cannot attract to the other end of the car, cannot turn as its stuck and the bogey covers cannot stay on. I doubt it but does anyone know what to do because I don’t even know how easy it is to disassemble silverfox railcars. Because forget running it, I can’t even display it in its current state

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Some success

After 2 hours of unproductive pulling off peices that I felt necessary, trying to fix the issue. And try and put it back together again. The 5mm has now dropped to 1mm. Only difference now being the black tape meant to hide the motor is gone so you can see clean through certain areas


of course I’ll now need to test weather it can actually run, I have a sinking feeling that the sides of the bogey are still to low to clear the loco shell. And the two railcars seem far two close to actually round a bend 


(some of the precision tools I used for the job🤣2AE093C3-AC0A-4037-9BBB-07D2C7AD8684.thumb.jpeg.3866b5f0a8646a26384691e5d58126ec.jpeg)


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finished painting last night, put some transfers on one of them this morning 1AFDE5D2-9639-48D5-9849-834EC95AA8EE.thumb.jpeg.5b1a27b19976203f6fb60b167d59cdbe.jpeg

Unlined green


lined green




might add class numbers and eventually touch up the roof as black didn’t come out the best on the originally white roof. (Ran out of paint anyway) didn’t come out the worst considering the primitive methods used 

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4 hours ago, Galteemore said:

Well done - good effort ! Nice Irish vibe off that 

I agree. These coaches feel far more Irish then either of my silverfox models do


Finished all the coaches. Managed to put nice symmetrical numbers on all of them, a first and 3rd class coach. There more or less finished aside from re-installing the glazing and a 4th coat of black paint which I’ll get round too in….time

4 Bullied wagons are due in the post tommorow (I would think) and With the A class ordered in may, it must be my turn soon! 

(once again brining up the rosslare coach for a good comparison)

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12 minutes ago, Mike 84C said:

Very good Westcorkrailway, now looking at those and thinking way outside the box. How about cutting off the clerestory filling the hole and putting a new thin plastic roof on, would that give us a MGWR elliptical roofed coach?  :trains:

The ends are curved in on these, or many other British GWR or Midland Railway vehicles.

The only Irish company which used curved in ends was the Waterford, Limerick & Western Railway, which had  very few bogie coaches. None were clerestory and all were built in the 1890s. Two lasted as late as 1953/4, plus their former directors saloon to about 1960 before it ended up in departmental use.

I have one of these, long awaiting a flattish low curved roof - you’ve beaten me to it!

Luckily, this model is very reminiscent of one of these WLWR prototypes.

That AEC needs a repaint. The green is wrong. It should have pale green lining, not white. No green coaches ever had white lining. The roof should be black, too. You’ve done a superb job of those “WLWR” carriages - you could do a great job on the railcar!

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21 minutes ago, jhb171achill said:

The ends are curved in on these, or many other British GWR or Midland Railway vehicles.

The only Irish company which used curved in ends was the Waterford, Limerick & Western Railway, which had  very few bogie coaches. None were clerestory and all were built in the 1890s. Two lasted as late as 1953/4, plus their former directors saloon to about 1960 before it ended up in departmental use.

I have one of these, long awaiting a flattish low curved roof - you’ve beaten me to it!

Luckily, this model is very reminiscent of one of these WLWR prototypes.

That AEC needs a repaint. The green is wrong. It should have pale green lining, not white. No green coaches ever had white lining. The roof should be black, too. You’ve done a superb job of those “WLWR” carriages - you could do a great job on the railcar!

The photo Dosent do a great job. But the lining on the AEC is actually pale green perhaps it’s easier to see with natural light, rather then the artificial. Personally I don’t know how accurate the green silverfox uses is to the prototypical livery. Would A46 be a good comparison for pre 1956 green?



However the snails are white, I don’t know what the policy with the snails were in terms of what direction there were facing. If I was arsed, I could try remove the transfers and replace them with EDN ones such as the ones used with my fictional CIE coaching stock. Only other thing it could do with is improvements to the front. It could do with at the very least silver lining around the windows etc.

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20 hours ago, Westcorkrailway said:

The photo Dosent do a great job. But the lining on the AEC is actually pale green perhaps it’s easier to see with natural light, rather then the artificial. Personally I don’t know how accurate the green silverfox uses is to the prototypical livery. Would A46 be a good comparison for pre 1956 green?



However the snails are white, I don’t know what the policy with the snails were in terms of what direction there were facing. If I was arsed, I could try remove the transfers and replace them with EDN ones such as the ones used with my fictional CIE coaching stock. Only other thing it could do with is improvements to the front. It could do with at the very least silver lining around the windows etc.

Yes, snails should also be light green - I don’t know why they keep using white ones, they are wrong.

I can’t imagine anyone making a model  of a BR blue loco and putting light green BR logos on it!

The A46 green, as on the IRM model, is exactly right - as is the lighter green on their other “A”. Railcars had both greens at different times, so take your pick.

Snails were normal generally, i.e. as in my avatar thing above where you’re reading this. I think, however, I’ve seen at least one pic of one facing the other way round on the OTHER side of a power car. 

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17 hours ago, jhb171achill said:

Yes, snails should also be light green - I don’t know why they keep using white ones, they are wrong.

I can’t imagine anyone making a model  of a BR blue loco and putting light green BR logos on it!

The A46 green, as on the IRM model, is exactly right - as is the lighter green on their other “A”. Railcars had both greens at different times, so take your pick.

Snails were normal generally, i.e. as in my avatar thing above where you’re reading this. I think, however, I’ve seen at least one pic of one facing the other way round on the OTHER side of a power car. 

I’m happy enough with the colour of the railcars for now. Maybe the snails will change colour, but I think I’ll wait for IRM railcars over going through the effort of re-painting these ones 

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With IRM (I Think) confirming my A class this morning, A30 in silver will compliment my new bullied wagons well54DAD560-C61E-41FD-9F49-597F5639C153.thumb.jpeg.2758f0f456f811c5b4b45a2c84f7e2b9.jpeg

All that’s missing is a JM designs brakevan (which to be fair I was far to slow to get one) and you would have a small early beet train going.

These wagons are about on par with silverfox in detail they also weigh a lot for an open wagon. However RTR and built to your requirements (tarps, colour, etc) and price make it well convenient for a teenager living of scraps, and is scared sh*tless of building kits…..thus far anyway!


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  • 2 weeks later...




These are GSR no.479 (blurry) and 480. These 2 locos are of a set of many different 4-4-2 designs by Dübs and Nielsen for the CBSCR built in the 1890s all of these locos had been withdrawn in the 30s in GSR days. 


now I’m my head, I don’t think it’s too much of a stretch to extend the water tank and chop off the outside cylinder on an Adams radial to make GSR 479 or even make this a fictional class, another one of the many versions of the 4-4-2 locos provided by dübs (you can see above the difference between 480 and 479 is considerable) 


anyways I’ll give it a go. Another fictional class to go alongside my fictional coaches!

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13 hours ago, Westcorkrailway said:




These are GSR no.479 (blurry) and 480. These 2 locos are of a set of many different 4-4-2 designs by Dübs and Nielsen for the CBSCR built in the 1890s all of these locos had been withdrawn in the 30s in GSR days. 


now I’m my head, I don’t think it’s too much of a stretch to extend the water tank and chop off the outside cylinder on an Adams radial to make GSR 479 or even make this a fictional class, another one of the many versions of the 4-4-2 locos provided by dübs (you can see above the difference between 480 and 479 is considerable) 


anyways I’ll give it a go. Another fictional class to go alongside my fictional coaches!

Excellent stuff. I think @colmflanaganhas used one of these Adams Radial tanks before for a BCDR loco to great effect.

Edited by Galteemore
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