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Everything posted by Georgeconna

  1. doubt it 90210 is not the place it was back in the day....seems to be happening to most places now..
  2. 1st batch were silent!
  3. Thanks for Sharing Leslie, Great catch and worth the memory! No durty diesel at the back too so she must be in fine fettle. Some fab Videos on this run on you tube, It was flying along the tracks My wife Remarked is that going scale speed as the connecting rods were flying around!! I mentioned it could do about 30mph more most likely!! Just need a full blown Accurascale one now, with lighting in front and below the running plate. firebox flicker., Daycent 3 Cylinder sound and dare we say smoke!! He is some more vids you mostly likely have seen!
  4. Thanks Fran, Looking forward to getting then at some stage just taking an unexpected long time to arrive and I see other lads in EU land beginning to query this also with one on RMWEB putting the question out there so alarm bells are ringing. Might be an idea to inform the customers on RMWEB and eslewhere what is happening instead of lots of emails going into IRM/AS and answer each one. I know you like to keep the queries in house but quote a lot of peeps go to the forums for updates and AS are quick enough putting up news etc but the delay on this one is sadly lacking a bit with little or nothing. Good job I was not planning a box opening video, I would be somewhat behind the curve! George.
  5. Just wondering anyone here order Banana vans?
  6. What was inside the package? There is 9% vat Periodicals.
  7. Been there twice nice set up
  8. More or less the same for the UK outline too, the 40's to late 60's much more interesting. To me anyhow.
  9. All your Wrenn Collection? Tough call. Any BR Southern Region stuff in the mix lad? Hornby/Baccy wise?
  10. The early CIE years looking more interesting day by day with the latest wagon announcements. No brainer really, you can make up small trains instead of the large block ones so more scope for 'playing' trains. Looking forward to seeing those in the flesh.
  11. Rosslare to Bilboa is the closest you are gonna get there lad, Could you pop up to collect?. I can go as foot Pax with your stuff.
  12. I get ya, I only look now as I commented on something about a year ago an Mr 'Happy' York Restricted me posting unless I acknowledge the warning. Could not be bothered now as Lifes to short.
  13. Cheers for that Fran. Irish Railways seems to be bit of a nightmare with all the Colours, Variants!! I hope you had a lovely weekend over there at the London show. Watch the Vids and some lovely layouts there. FYIL See a report of an 'Wide' Irish Bogie on the UK based coach on RMWEB recently, Dunno if ye missed it.
  14. Ordered a pack there now myself too. Qtr 3 here we come!
  15. Quick Question I expect these are Engineering Samples with a lot of detail to be included just yet? so just wondering before the final cut is made will the 'plate' in between the support cradle be to the top of the supports where the red line is and the supports slimmed down? The Leaf springs seem a bit Curvy too? Not compressed so load inside? Also the ladder seem to be over the that support plate when in the real examples they are to the left of it? or are there subtle differences between some wagons? All me books are packed away at the minute so just going by the photos you supplied.
  16. Barrel of laughs this, Still have Dapol / Whesty brass ones to make but they would be crude compared to these.
  17. Interesting post about the Colour used on the Blue striped one NIR, I am not expert on these for sure but was there a later darker blue used? Colin's post querying this has not been answered as of yet, but the UK lads Querying the UK outline ones have? Mark 2b, By Accurascale and IRM! - Page 42 - Accurascale / Irish Railway Models - RMweb No news on the Bogies issue either? all gone quiet, CNY ended on the 26th of Feb.
  18. I have a set with that engine in it, I had to replace the water filler bolt as the seal had persished. Nice little runner, There are some upgrades available too to run on meths as the Tablet honk. Mamod & MSS Upgrade Parts - Dream Steam the Rolling stock are daft prices. I did not bother expanding it.
  19. closer couplings are the Job Noel. lights too. and Bleed through the sides?
  20. Still celebrating!!
  21. Nice mix there. Those 141' will be for sale in a short time on the Ebay / FB etc. Would not worry, I did not order any either.
  22. Just a though!! Doubt anyone from Cork will be going, I used to drive to Connolly and then train up, enjoyable day but its too expensive now and tiring. Bit of a killer adding the postage, Plus Vat plus Customs clearance fee put me off ordering from the UK now, Brings it to around €52.00. Fingers crossed you might do any run for the Oct show. Got the previous ones there and very nice they are.
  23. When in Bangor Ideal to post these from NI to the lads down the other end of the country.....
  24. I have one I ordered from Ellis Tains in SR livery, Was not advertised as sound but when it arrived hey presto it was a sound equipped loco. Very nice runner and recommended for a little shunting layout. Should of picked up a sound B4 when hattons were closing to add to the stable but timing was not right.
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