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Everything posted by Rob

  1. Look forward to seeing it progress! Keep us posted.
  2. Really great layout- not a fan of the 22000 in real life but your ones look absolutely brilliant. Love the rest of the layout too, fantastic!
  3. Looks great! Fantastic pictures!
  4. Any one got photos of Bell Containers in their 'fallen flag' era, after the company stopped trading but the containers were still in use with the logo and 'BELL' wording crudely blanked out? Would have been towards end of 1990's / very early 2000's? Cheers
  5. Rob

    IE logo period

    Brilliant! Never saw that ever!
  6. Rob

    IE logo period

    Interesting- never knew or saw a 071 with an Ammonia set, ever.
  7. Rob

    IE logo period

    In that livery, it would have hauled: Passenger: Cravens / Mark 2 / Mark 3. Freight: Tara Mines / Container Liners Flats / Sugar Beet / Fertilizer (?) / Cement / HOBS etc Might be easier to say what they weren't hauling! (Ammonia Wagons!)
  8. Rob


    Maybe l'm ahead of my time- l already love stuff like the 201's & the Mark III's
  9. I never mind losing, or having faded letters or different shades on stock as @DiveController said, it's realistic!!
  10. Hi As a pretty anonymous building over by Platform 10, any clear photos of the Heuston Singal Equipment Room (SER)? Am looking to model something like it if any suggestions, but it's difficult to get a decent photo of it especially from the track side. Rob.
  11. Wondering what is going on in when you see workers with a long iron hook walking slowly alongside the container flats at North Wall, poking at some of the couplings (but not all)? They take out the security chain aswell presumably to enable the containers be unloaded but wondering about the hook?
  12. Great pic- 'Bell' everywhere & 'Freightliner' thrown in- Is there an approx date on this?
  13. https://m.ebay.ie/itm/293192344718?ul_ref=https%3A%2F%2Frover.ebay.com%2Frover%2F1%2F5282-53468-19255-0%2F1%3Fff3%3D2%26toolid%3D10039%26campid%3D5338471094%26customid%3D101_195_105%26item%3D293192344718%26vectorid%3D229543%26lgeo%3D1%26srcrot%3D5282-53468-19255-0%26rvr_id%3D2255128969999%26rvr_ts%3D957bd08a16f0ad319b611a00fff2bd06&_mwBanner=1&_rdt=1&ul_noapp=true This kinda looks like what l am looking for but if l could avoid the assembly at all possible with a RTR one, hence the appeal !!
  14. Hi. Any ideas where you'd get a OO Gauge Container Stacker (Yellow) similar to the Hyco Boss model that was used in North Wall (and elsewhere in Irish Rail freight yards)- see photo thanks to Ernie attached? Cheers. Rob.
  15. Rob


    Jaysus- sign overload
  16. Rob

    Project 42 Update

    Anywhere handy to pick up the Kadee 231 dry graphite powder? Haven't used it before...
  17. Done
  18. Rob

    Jason's Workbench

    These look stunning.
  19. Looking to gather together containers that were common in lreland around 2000 - 2010, couple of videos / photos from then show a lot of 'Norfolk Line' 40ft containers, but they seem hard to source- any suggestions where l might pick some up? (OO Gauge)
  20. Amazing- brilliant in every way!! Great to see these shots!
  21. Rob

    Project 42 Update

    I'm still waiting in D8 after booking at Raheny last year . Jealous of ye that got them first but am sure they are near- will be worth the wait no doubt so no worries.
  22. Just wondering what the best quality / most realistic Freight Containers (OO Gauge) 40ft or 20ft, that people think are out there? Given the arrival of the 42ft Flats, if one wanted to vary the containers carried, what site is best? Any views are welcome!
  23. Thankfully mine arrived from them last week, it is excellent!
  24. Rob

    The Ultimate

    Any photos?
  25. Rob

    Project 42 Update

    Presume these will fit the container flats ? Similar for any of the C-rail intermodel containers, they fit too?
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