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DJ Dangerous

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Everything posted by DJ Dangerous

  1. I think, but am open to correction, that bank transfers can be used when paying IRM directly, but not when paying the company that operate partial.ly. From their FAQ: Can I use a bank account? US customers with a payment plan with a US merchant can add a US bank account by selecting the tab and locating your bank on the list. Once you select your bank, you will be redirected to log into your online bank account. My bank is not on the list. Unfortunately, you will not be able to use your US bank account if it is not on the list. Please use a debit or credit card.
  2. Who do I have to bribe to hold back every other bus order until mine has cleared customs and been delivered, and to get the first edition of each run? And how much do I have to bribe them?
  3. Meh, a little column A, a little column B.
  4. I think he was rambling about two more moaners, not two more announcements.
  5. Does one receive reward points when paying via partial.ly, or only for direct payments to IRM?
  6. That's what she said. Are you s****ing me, though? Two awesome buses today and a new tool announcement in a few days! It's like Christmas!
  7. Oh yeah! Have to get my grubby mitts on a handful!
  8. They've had them in stock about 18 months now. They came in the same container as the Laminates and Park Royals. They just enjoy teasing us, and every few months they draw sticks to decide which container to crack open.
  9. I was thinking that these particular ones may be IRM employees.
  10. That's a load of Werspoorx! The suspense is killing me! Only Smarties have the answer.
  11. Duuuuuun dun... Dun dun, dun dun, dun dun, dun dun...
  12. A few links: https://www.pufferwillies-stm.co.uk/bachmann-scenecraft-44-0038-176-oo-scale-narrow-gauge-locomotive-shed-19847-p.asp https://www.pufferwillies-stm.co.uk/bachmann-44-0037-176-oo-scale-narrow-gauge-water-tower-22496-p.asp https://www.pufferwillies-stm.co.uk/bachmann-scenecraft-44-0048-176-oo-scale-narrow-gauge-stone-station-halt-19849-p.asp
  13. Thought the same when I saw the title, but can't complain as these also look awesome.
  14. The weathering on A30 and A42 is brilliant. Really picks out the detail.
  15. Exactly the same here. Currency conversion, postage, import taxes and a handling fee all take their toll, but it's worth it to support somebody manufacturing Irish stock. Posted this video of John's wagons before but it's worth posting again:
  16. Oh yeah, and a few 1:64 BMC Jap legends!
  17. A friend sent me this photo of his Panorama. Just thought that it was nice so I'd share it here.
  18. I'd like to see that when it's done!
  19. Care package arrived today... Big thanks to @WRENNEIRE for four stunning coaches!!! Thanks also to whichever one of the IRM lads got a few Dicky Tara's for DJD Senior at the Rahen(e)y show. Whoever it was said that they were all gone, but told him to come back a bit later and they'd found a few for him!
  20. By the strictest legal definition, it was a cat, but writing that might have scared the OP off. She's a very special cat, to be found anywhere that she shouldn't be... I'd forgotten that the lads sent me that schematic for the duff 054. Here it is. As a disclaimer, I'd suggest contacting IRM in private before opening up a loco. They have amazing customer service, absolutely can't be faulted. A guide to self repairing a slipping driveshaft.pdf
  21. Only problem I can see with that is IRM's Midas touch. Suddenly, twenty of each wouldn't be enough.
  22. Technically it was me who removed them, and @murphaph who glued all of the bits back together...
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