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DJ Dangerous

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Everything posted by DJ Dangerous

  1. https://irishrailwaymodels.com/blogs/announcements/irish-royalty-park-royal-coach-next-for-irm
  2. I'm guessing that the Dutch Vans may be a tiny bit further away, if they have moved from @BosKonay's "probably" to a definite yes... This has to be P47 or a coach range or a steam loco!
  3. Gort Station looks great, and it sounds like WMRC have done a really great job on the logistics and preparation side of things. Congrats to all involved! This might sound silly, but is Gort Station's backscene reversible? It looks as if the backscene is affixed to the best viewing side, and the current viewing side is where the backscene should be? It's a shame to hide so much of that lovely detail.
  4. Creating both the problem and the cure, I like it!
  5. No point going asleep tonight, only a few hours until frothing-at-the-mouth time. Too hot anway... Would go for O Gauge or N Gauge before 3mm!
  6. Can't wait to see how these babies look when they're done! I guess you'll be selling off a few retired bogies?
  7. Not as tasty as if somebody, say, opened the doors, painted the wheels, added driver and passengers, and weathered them lightly. Now THAT would be tasty... Oh, wait...
  8. Does the weedspray tank double up for anything other than weedspray / Sperry?
  9. Received this one a week or two ago but only got around to opening it today... Thanks, @Ironroad!!!
  10. Damn, so I'd still have both kidneys.
  11. Looking northward this morning... Rarely ever have this much time in one place...
  12. And we, the mouth breathing, drooling, low IQ frothers should in turn should never take IRM for granted. It's easy to forget that without the explosive arrival of the Accurascale side, a lot of what we have seen so far from IRM may have been a lot less feasable, if not impossible. Duuuuun dun. Duuuuuuuuuun dun. Dun dun, dun dun, dun dun, dun... DUN DUN, DUN DUN, DUN DUN, DUN DUN!!!
  13. Will these be worth millions in the future, like upside down postal stamps?
  14. And hopefully somebody will live-stream some of the Wexford show to YouTube for those of us living in exile! P.S.: How much for the 3D tool-print of the ICR?
  15. MAG-nificent! I'd been dithering a bit on getting more of these, but you've twisted my arm. What a few days it's been! The awesome buses, Mags on offer at a super price, and a new tool announcement in 44 hours or so!
  16. Been dropping the ball on container anorak uploads these past few months... Nice 45' Boluda box (BOLU-500117-5) parked in San Eugenio yesterday - around 01:05 mark:
  17. Now that the buzz has died down, I have to say that I'm disappointed with the moaners. Not surprised, just disappointed. How hard would it be to say "Awesome stuff from IRM, doesn't fit my specific era or tastes, but great to see the underutilised MetroRider casting in a fresh livery, and as a double bubble, it runs well alongside two orange and black IR / IE eras"... Or something to that effect. Fair play to IRM, I don't even remember the bus, but it looks savage, and I had to order one or two.
  18. In light of today's exciting developments from IRM...
  19. There's a Revolut IBAN in the bottom left corner of some of the invoices.
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