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Everything posted by scahalane

  1. Great start well done.
  2. Great news its going ahead this year, alway a good venue to pick up a few bargins!
  3. Just stunning and beautifully shot as well.
  4. If I want to add another set to my order (3 sets all ready ordered) shound I make this as a new order of 1 or update my shopping cart to show 4?? A bit confusing on the web site.
  5. Very impressed with the detail on this, tremendous effort all round..going to order another set now me thinks.
  6. Looking great, love the rust effects.
  7. Congratulations.
  8. Cheers lads looks well explained
  9. Sounds somewhat complicated do you know of any tutorials online for this.
  10. On its way to a new home in Cork:D Sorry missed Dave's post by a second or two!!
  11. Very nice signal cabin Kirley.
  12. What does it mean by (DCC incompatible. Split chassis - OO) Does this mean you can't convert it to DCC or its just difficult?
  13. A rivet counters dream, love the detail on this. Can't wait to see it painted.
  14. Excellent work as always David.
  15. Excellent work,look forward to seeing this diorama at the Wexford show.
  16. Excellent news.
  17. Excellent stuff, I particularly love the green livery.
  18. Stepped out of reality there for a few hours on a Christmas bender with the family.. so humbled to come back to so many nice replies, many thanks. Richie I'll see what I can do with some overview shots, though there's not a lot to see beyond the area's I've shot already!
  19. Definitely must be a seasonal thing, its been exactly a year since I last updated. A few more buildings detailed and painted...started on the balasting... rejigged the cliff section and added the first layer of landscaping. Happy Christmas guys!
  20. Thats an excellent build Richie complemented with flawless paint work.
  21. Excellent job on the weathering, particularly the worn canvas look.
  22. Dave, any tips on doing ivy? and I mean alot. I'm looking to cover quite a large cliff face scene.
  23. Excellent info, thanks for sharing.
  24. Thanks again for the professional tips, a goldmine of information there.
  25. Great job, always nice to see some scratch building going on.
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