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flange lubricator

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Everything posted by flange lubricator

  1. 1904-08 series coach behind the loco and interestingly what looks like a lamp mounted above the Guards duckett.
  2. Any motor factors with a paint mixing scheme should be able to mix you up a can on request.
  3. I had seen those wonderful pictures before you can learn a lot from a photo the condition of the van would indicate that it’s on its last legs , the coach next to it has GUARD on the door the guard was possibly using tat a the guards van the 4 w van is there just to provide heat and nothing else .
  4. Had a good look at the 121 yesterday ans hats off it looks fantastic , when you see the model laid out with the various cabs you forget how many variations there were of the 121 class , large centre window small centre window , handrails , no handrails , vents in doors no vents the list is endless but I think Paddy Murphy has got it correct . Price aside these locomotives are a must have for any Irish Modeller . I hope some of the transfer makers SSM and Railtech will do a transfer pack of alternative numbers for the 121's so we can alter the fleet number to suit in my case Black and Tan B121+B134 which were the first pair of 121's.
  5. Totally agree with ak425 but it would be great if retailers rewarded loyalty we live in a deal culture so perhaps if retailers offer a price per loco and offer a price for customers who would order 4 or 6 or more .
  6. Second one is Ennis maybe , the third and forth ones are Galway.
  7. https://patents.google.com/patent/US2533485
  8. Hi Leslie I think I used Parkside Dundas vanwide kit and 12 ton covered van kit here is a link to a previous thread I still think it would be worth while offering a kit as many people don’t want to take the kit bashing route which involves a good deal of work whereas your kit would be a lot simpler and quicker to put together.
  9. These are some the Palvans with different ends which I made using Parkside Dundas kits .
  10. Prisoner has escaped from Mountjoy and Gardai are looking into the Mater .
  11. Great work , I will pick up a few of these at Blackrock in October hopefully the Sterling will still be favourable to us in €uroland
  12. Great layout as always a couple of black and tan 121's will look very at home when they arrive hopefully later this year .
  13. I remember the so called beauty board on the inside side panels but the ends and centre partitions were a very nice veneer wood .
  14. The Fertilizer mainly ran from IFI plant in Arklow to various parts of the country and on occasion from Albatross in New Ross ,Gouldings in Askeaton via Foynes and even from Goulding’s in Farranfore .
  15. They look fantastic love the joins on the end panel to replicate the plywood finish
  16. Any update on the sides for the commonwealth bogies .
  17. Super job topclass modeling
  18. The 071's were always present on the Rosslare Line in the late 1970's , I remember about 1979 one would work the Rosslare passenger every few months instead of the normal pair of 121's maybe something to do with driver training /familiarisation ?
  19. I think the tablet catchers were the same height on all the locos I think the issue was have been the height of the window , which on a 121 was much higher than the other locos , this may have made the placement and retrieval of the staff from the snatcher more difficult? So in the original postion the snatcher was sitting at three o’clock from the cab side but in the revised position was the at five o’clock from the cab side and when pull back was easier for the snatcher man to retrieve ?
  20. The RPSI's 1463 in Black and tan in Nov 1984 at Mullingar still one of my favorite liveries
  21. Simply stunning you have captured the true essence of the laminate coaches what livery are you going for
  22. Pictures of the interior here https://www.steamtrainsireland.com/rpsi-collection/35/1463-open-third
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