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Everything posted by StevieB

  1. Is that the one which is at the National Tramway Museum, Crich? Stephen
  2. Thanks for that piece of information. Stephen
  3. I so:agree with the last comment re a cab ride along the line. Stephen
  4. Absolutely fascinating stuff. Can we have some more, please? Stephen
  5. StevieB

    Customs & VAT

    As a UK resident, can I ask if VAT is payable on secondhand goods sold into ROI or is it just a sly way of charging import duty?
  6. Whenever I see hidden sidings of this order, I know I am in for a treat in terms of number and length of trains operating. Stephen
  7. How lovely just to be able to stand by the lineside and watch the trains go by. Stephen
  8. I first came across the odd/even number conundrum studying civil engineering, when the argument in favour of odd numbers was that the eye had something to rest on in the middle eg an odd number of arches in an overbridge. Stephen
  9. Sligo would have been even more interesting had the GNR(I) extended its Bundoran branch to Sligo as originally intended in the Act of Parliament. However, that would, in all probability, have rendered the subsequent SLNCR line to Sligo unnecessary. One can but dream of the endless possibilities. Stephen
  10. There always seems to be plenty available on eBay. They may be an old design/model but an interesting fact is that they run through code 75 pointwork no trouble at all. Stephen
  11. You’re spot on with that. It make life so much easier when you already have the land. Stephen
  12. A lovely collection of wagons. We are so lucky to have such talented people producing these kits and RTR wagons. Stephen
  13. Always a delight to look at. Stephen
  14. The April issue of The Railway Magazine carries a piece about dualling the Limerick-Limerick Junction section, with the intention of reducing Dublin-Limerick journey times by a sizeable amount. This ties with the proposal for a regular Cork-Limerick train service, proposed by those involved with improving the road between Cork and Limerick. Interesting! Stephen
  15. It’s all very impressive. Keep up the good work. Stephen
  16. A dead but still intact railway is a strange beast. There’s an eariness about it captured in these pictures. Stephen
  17. Yes, she does look good in grey. Stephen
  18. An interesting one would be Claremorris South, a double ended terminus. Stephen
  19. What a unique way to fund your animal charity. Stephen
  20. The 121’s come in all sorts of colours, amazing. Stephen
  21. This forum is a veritable mine of information. Long may Mayner and JHB keep churning out their answers. Stephen
  22. I saw Charwelton in its original guise at, I believe, Wells many years ago. It was impressive then, as it is now. Stephen
  23. There’s still a covered van on the website I’ve got open. Stephen
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