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Everything posted by StevieB

  1. I wonder why I can't open any of these - is it because of Brexit? Stephen
  2. I, for one, am extremely grateful to the likes of John Hazleton and Tom Brady for the products they produce. Yes, they may not be perfect but the pleasure is then in bringing them up to a common and acceptable standard. Everybody raves about the MM Cravens and, yes, they are lovely models but why are the wheels undersize? Is to to go round trainset radius curves? Hornby, Bachmann and Dapol don't need to do that, so why did MM? Stephen
  3. The Irish market continues to expand thanks to the likes of John Hazleton. Stephen
  4. Nice to see some up to date photos of your layout. Stephen
  5. As far as I aware, they are simply a Cravens DMU repainted. SF do do one of the double ended GNRI BUT 700 series railcars. It is Worsley Works who do the Park Royal railcars. Stephen
  6. I agree with Leslie - another good show. Stephen
  7. MM077 and MM078 now £120 incl p&p. Stephen
  8. I’m assuming that the brass sides are Bill Bedford etches, in which case they represent the BGSV as originally constructed, although photos of the prototype have the double doors closer to the guards door than on the etches. Stephen
  9. It does indeed - this version, converted from the BR BCK, has been neglected up to now. Stephen
  10. Another good one - some stretches of the track look almost derelict while others look as if major work has been carried out. Stephen
  11. There’s a David Carse photo of just such a conversion from a Park Royal on P116 of Rails Through The West. Stephen
  12. I came across this recently - a very good watch. Stephen
  13. MM112 now sold. MM077 and MM078 still available. Stephen
  14. That’s a very good question. This guy is ever hopeful http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/LIMA-205159-IE-CIE-IRISH-RAILWAYS-CLASS-201-LOCO-216-RIVER-DODDER-MINT-BOXED-nc/331422674305?hash=item4d2a54ad81:g:BNMAAOSw8cNUSoU4 He still thinks it’s pre MM201 times when people did pay silly prices. Stephen
  15. Elsewhere in this issue it is reported that the other Maybach engined loco, B234, is out of action, its Maybach engine being beyond economic repair. Stephen
  16. Admittedly the Lima models are not up to the standard of the later ones produced under the Murphy Models banner, they are, nonetheless, good models. Lima were always known for the coarseness of their wheels but my two examples run through Peco code 75 pointwork no trouble at all. And let’s not forget that they were the first true Irish RTR model. Stephen
  17. The photo was one of a number in the middle of the journal depicting current passenger and freight trains. They all have a description but no photographer is credited. Perhaps those of us deeply involved with IRRS might be able to help, otherwise we risk infringing copyright. Stephen
  18. I see what you mean about no GM headlight, something to make it stand out from the crowd and add variety to a loco stud. Steohen
  19. All now sold. Stephen
  20. C220 was the last of the original Crossley engined locos to receive a GM transplant in August 1972, at which point it was still in black with a white flash over the front windows. Stephen
  21. Thanks for that, just what I wanted to hear for a mid 70's period layout. Stephen
  22. According to Wikipedia there were 12 of them built in 1979. Steohen
  23. Cement was carried by rail in Ireland in two forms, bulk and bagged. Bulk cement was carried in the cement bubbles introduced by CIE in 1964 while bagged cement was carried in vertical sided and curtain sided wagons. When were these introduced into service, please? Stephen
  24. B233 and B234 were re-engined with Maybach 980hp units in 1966 and1965 respectively, eventually joining the rest of the class mates with GM 1100hp units in 1980 and1979 respectively. The front cover of the IRRS Journal 193 has a photo of B189 and B234 double heading a Limerick to Dublin train in 1969. B189 is in black and tan livery, while B234 is in all black livery, save for the white flash above the front windows. Is this the livery the two class members carried until their rebuild with GM units? I am particularly interested in their appearance in the mid 1979's. Stephen
  25. I can understand where you are coming from in terms of height of the wagon side but, in so doing, you have changed the appearance of the side, as per this. It is always the problem when things are made too big, everything gets stretched, so when you cut down to get the size right, some of the detail goes. https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=irish+cement+wagons&client=safari&hl=en-gb&prmd=sinv&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjJj67844zXAhUEXBoKHezJCI0Q_AUIEygC&biw=1024&bih=672#imgrc=HAzGfDL6iwNiiM: Stephen
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