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Everything posted by StevieB

  1. Just to report the safe arrival today of a pair of CIE era ballast brakes in the wilds of south Worcestershire. What a pair of beauts. Stephen
  2. Looking good. Stephen
  3. StevieB

    IRRS Journal 198

    Very good issue of the Journal. Stephen
  4. They were lovely looking machines for their time. Stephen
  5. It still makes a reasonable representation of the early ‘50’s SO. I hadn’t measured that closely but I’ll take your word for the dimensional irregularities. Is it almost a case that it would be ok in a rake of the same but put it against a more accurate model and the faults are accentuated? I wonder why the dimensions were so far out. When Trix used to make British based models, they used a scale of 3.8mm to the foot. Again, who knows why unless it was so that they could be used alongside HO models. Stephen
  6. Bet get my order in soon. Stephen
  7. Captivating. Stephen
  8. I had thought of doing this to an old Mainline Railways BR SO. They are still lovely models, even if the windows do appear a tad on the small side. Anyway, removing the central doors reduces the body length to a scale 60’ 9”, 9”3mm short. Stephen
  9. Tuam looking north, I believe. Stephen
  10. Spot on. Stephen
  11. A fine looking model. Stephen
  12. Would this be the right forum to keep us updated on progress? Stephen
  13. Now, is this going to form part of a depiction of Omagh goods yard or just a stand-alone model? Stephen
  14. They look a fine pair! Stephen
  15. There’s a lovely article in the March 2019 Railway Magazine about the Connemara Railway Project and the work being undertaken at the former Maam Cross station. To anyone who has been involved in railway preservation project, especially in its early years, it will bring back happy memories. Good luck to them. Stephen
  16. Is it too much to hope that there will be run of the dolomite version at some point? Stephen
  17. Just watched it on catch-up, absolutely fascinating and full of how not to do things with the benefit of hindsight. Stephen
  18. Thanks for relaying that info from Wexford St. Just what I wanted to know. Stephen
  19. They certainly look the DB’s. Did the elderly gent give any indication of what liveries when. Stephen
  20. I always wondered what happened to layouts when they were retired from the exhibition circuit - now I know. Look forward to reading more about it. Stephen
  21. Have you tried looking on YouTube? Stephen
  22. We're between Cork and Waterford, so more correctly the south of Ireland. Other than that I completely agree. Stephen
  23. It very much has the look of Dungarvan now. Stephen
  24. Interesting discussion going on elsewhere about IE sseking additional rolling stock https://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/141841-irish-rail-puts-out-tender-for-pre-owned-dmu-stock/
  25. I must profess my lack of knowledge here but did Omagh have a loco shed and could it have been a stationary boiler? Stephen
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