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Everything posted by StevieB

  1. Looking very good David. Stephen
  2. Earlier on there was reference to David Malone’s Cliffoney, a presumed MGWR line from Sligo to Bundoran, an alternative to a GNR(I) line from Bundoran to Sligo. Apart from some pieces in Rail Model Digest and Irish Railway Modelling, I can find no other references to it anywhere else. Can anyone help? Stephen
  3. Have a look at the Colm Creedon collection on corklocalstudies.ie. You’ll find a very personal record by a true enthusiast. Stephen
  4. There is an American 00 scale, which utilises a track gauge of 19mm. If that had been adopted over here,rather than 16.5mm, there would have no great need for EM/P4. Stephen
  5. Thanks guys. Stephen
  6. Whose numbers did you use for the re-numbering exercise? I have a number of 141/181’s awaiting to go through this exercise. Stephen
  7. Is that Gort? Stephen
  8. Are things still progressing ok with Gort? Stephen
  9. That’s as bad as £279.50 for the Lima 201 that keeps appearing on eBay. Stephen
  10. StevieB

    IRRS Journal 201

    Back in the middle of the 19th century, the Cork and Waterford Railway was set up by Act of Parliament to link the two cities by way of Youghal, Dungarvan and Tramore. However, it was not to be but we did end up with the Cork to Youghal and Waterford to Tramore lines. In my model railway world, it wouldn’t have been the Waterford, Dungarvan and Lismore Railway that completed the link but rather a line from Dungarvan to Youghal, providing a much shorter and quicker route between the two cities. It would certainly have stayed open for the magnesite factory at Ballinacourty together with BELL liner trains. Such is the power of imagination. Stephen
  11. StevieB

    IRRS Journal 201

    Well said Noel. Stephen
  12. Patrick, I can only agree with the comments above. Absolutely lovely. Stephen
  13. StevieB

    IRRS Journal 201

    This dropped on the mat on Saturday morning and is, as usual, a good read. In the news section there is a reference to the clearance of vegetation on the former line between Midleton to Youghal and the fact that there is local opposition to the greenway proposal. This is based on continuing growth in housing between the aforementioned places and the fact that reinstatement of the railway would be environmentally beneficial, something that the greenway could not provide for long distance travellers. The transport plan for Cork includes dualling Cork to Midleton, together with electrification of the remaining suburban routes along the lines of DART, CART? Re-opening of Midleton to Youghal then becomes the logical next step. From experiences elsewhere, you can build a greenway alongside an existing railway but you can’t easily re-open a railway where a greenway has been built on the former railway alignment. Stephen
  14. I’m up for everything that both Noel and JHB have suggested. Probably top of my list would be C/201’s, AEC railcars and palvans. Stephen
  15. You could have a look at Colm Creedon’s collection online at Cork County Library. It makes fascinating reading. Stephen
  16. That’s looking rather fine. Stephen
  17. This is one of those layouts that you just want to keep coming back to. It simply oozes atmosphere. Once again, we’ll done Patrick. Stephen
  18. The Christmas card to all their customers is a lovely touch. Many thanks from a damp south Worcestershire. Stephen
  19. Stephen
  20. It would appear that the same approach to closure by stealth was taken the railway authorities on both sides of the Irish Sea! Stephen
  21. Lovely set of photos but I have to ask if the line is being prepared for closure. Whenever there is talk of economies, this line is one if the first to be mentioned. Stephen
  22. Good new. Governments and their agencies can take a long time to make decisions and then act on them, so don’t always blame the boys at the coalface. IE recognised the problem and made the request some time ago. Stephen
  23. It’s railway modelling, but not as we know it. Stephen
  24. The H van was mounted on both Bulleid’s triangular underframe and the earlier version with the long brake lever. Leslie’s kit is if the former version, so is there any possibility of a second version to add variety? Stephen
  25. Might some of them be at Galway? Stephen
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