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Everything posted by StevieB

  1. Noel They’re the sectional running times, although what’s really interesting is that all the trains are described as mixed but the times quoted are for passenger or goods. Presumably, mixed ran to goods times. Stephen
  2. All looking good. Stephen
  3. If you have a sixties operating session, you’ll be able to increase the pasenger trains by 50% from 2 to 3 by adding the all stations stopper to the two boat trains you’ve already got. Stephen
  4. It’s sad that both Ireland and the UK go in for short term planning. I’m sure that planners would disagree but there needs to be a change in thinking such that people can have real choice when it comes to travelling between taking the train, bus and car, or cycling and walking. In the ideal world, Cork would still have a suburban rail network that included Bandon and Macroom. Wishful thinking I know but the new generation of electric/hydrogen cars will still be causing congestion in the future. Youghal should have been chosen as an area to be re-developed in terms of housing and employment, with a train service to Cork pivotal to its success. Stephen
  5. The latest issue of IRRS Journal says much the same about expanding the network. The recent study on transportation within the Cork area included a proposal for doubling the Glounthaune-Midleton line. Sadly, re-opening Midleton-Youghal doesn’t appear on the radar of any of the relevant transport authorities. Stephen
  6. Those were the days. Stephen
  7. I agree entirely with you David. Stephen
  8. The new coaches from Silver Fox really are rather nice, although I must get round to addressing the fact that some of the internal compartments don’t line up with the windows. How’s the foot coming along? Stephen
  9. We live in interesting times. Despite what Boris said, it is not a free trade agreement between UK and EU as most of us would understand it. It’s going to be a ‘buyer beware’ situation from now on to find out whether you are paying the retailer all taxes and duties or the postman. My wife and I found out a long time ago that it’s so much nicer to pay everything upfront rather than getting a demand from the postman for money before delivery takes place. Nevertheless, you have to feel for the little man in all this. Politicians never life easy! Stephen
  10. PM sent. Stephen
  11. There were a good many ex BR mk2 coaches in their various guises that ran in the two railway systems in Ireland, not just the mk2 TSO’s that were available from Murphy Models. Producing some of them in both IR/IE and RPSI liveries would make for greater variety and accuracy. Stephen
  12. Am I correct in thinking that the K1a was the Irish version of the Maunsell U class, with the boiler raised a few inches to take account of the increased size of the driving wheels? Stephen
  13. We’ll have to hope that IRM’s next diesel is the C class, and that they follow Accurascale and produce their first steam loco the J15 class. Stephen
  14. Simply delightful. Stephen
  15. Am I right in thinking that the real Grand Hibernian has stopped running? I wonder what the owners will do with their mk3’s. As no-one wanted them following withdrawal by IE, I can’t see anyone else wanting them now. Stephen
  16. My mistake. I only saw the date at the very top of the article. Let’s hope the climate change agenda is a positive force in favour of railways. Stephen
  17. Interesting piece https://www.independent.ie/regionals/sligochampion/news/sligo-dublin-rail-service-under-threat-35233693.html. Are things that bad? They must be. It appears that successive governments on both side of the Irish Sea seem unable to grasp what is required to run a successful railway system. Privatisation in the UK has as much to do with raising revenue as it does with providing a service. Stephen
  18. Interesting piece https://www.independent.ie/regionals/sligochampion/news/sligo-dublin-rail-service-under-threat-35233693.html. Are things that bad? They must be. It appears that successive governments on both side of the Irish Sea seem unable to grasp what is required to run a successful railway system. Privatisation in the UK has as much to do with raising revenue as it does with providing a service. Stephen
  19. And Muine Bheag. Stephen
  20. You guys have got your act together Re all the changes post Brexit. Well done. Stephen
  21. I bought my copy earlier this year and there was nothing to extra to pay. It was like it always had been, but I’m sure there’ll come a time when it won’t be. Happy reading. Stephen
  22. Not quite, more domestic cats derived from the Asian leopard cat. You know you’ve got them. Stephen
  23. If you contact Tom with your wishlist, you may be pleasantly surprised at the response. Stephen
  24. If you google Irish freight models Facebook, you find him. This is where you reach his store. I believe his original website got hacked, or something similar, so he resorted to using Facebook. I’ve always found Tom a very good guy to deal with. Stephen
  25. If you read the last paragraph of Mayner’s post again, you’ll see that they haven’t decided yet about RTR. Sorry about the duplication, I got called away to feed our Bengals before I had finished! Stephen
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