Taking account of the 6.5” gauge difference, I use 20mm track centre to platform edge and 47mm track centre to track centre, if that makes sense.
Thanks for that useful information. It gives me the opportunity to operate prototypical trains to and from my imaginary Youghal sugar factory. Having read the link, would molasses have been a byproduct as well, or were they imported instead?
For three months at the end of every year the sugar factories were busy processing the locally harvested sugar beet. Two questions arise from this:
1) What happened for the rest of the year at the factories, and
2) What other traffic was there both to and from the factories?
The failed PLC was just one element of the Llangollen Railway. It was not the operator of the railway but provided items of rolling stock, together with engineering services. It was the commercial failure of the latter that caused its collapse. Thankfully a way forward has been found.
Noel’s approach to bidding on eBay is one that the memsahib and I have used to great effect for a long time now. It takes all the pain and misery of continually bidding and counter bidding.
I agree with David, very much good enough to be in the model press. You’re too hard on your standard of modelling. That’s what I’m hoping to achieve.
£425 seemed a reasonable price for the UG, considering how much both a U and UG went for just a few months ago. It was a bit surprising that there was only one bidder.