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Everything posted by StevieB

  1. Almost an inglenook layout. Stephen
  2. Lovely stuff. Stephen
  3. Shame but it’s understandable. Stephen
  4. I first came across this photo in The Railway Magaine of August 1964 in an article entitled ‘New Irish coaches are versatile’. The order was for 70 coaches from Cravens of Sheffield, 10 to be delivered complete, 30 coming as shells to be completed at Inchicore and 30 to be constructed at Inchicore with technical help from Cravens. Of particular interest was that the vacuum brake was compatible with the brake system used on the railcars then in use. One final point is the figure 2 on the doors denoting they were second class. Stephen
  5. Nice. Stephen What wheelbase were the wagons? Stephen
  6. The loco is an E1R 0-6-2T, a Southern rebuild of an LBSCR E1 0-6-0T, but then you probably knew that. The coach appears to an LSWR gate brake, similar to the kind of thing produced by Kernow Model Centre. Stephen
  7. Halwill Junction, the southern end the North Devon and Cornwall Junction Railway, one of the last of Colonel Stephens lines to be built. He used to refer to them as associated railways, the fifth group of lines in GB. Stephen
  8. So true, but it’s the enthusiasts who are the most vociferous in terms of telling what you should be doing and how. Stephen
  9. That is beautiful. Stephen
  10. And finally, how would the lime and coal have been delivered and the beet pulp and refined sugar collected, in trainloads or wagonloads? Stephen
  11. Thanks for that. Stephen
  12. Coal and beet obviously arrived in open wagons but how did the lime arrive? Stephen
  13. I expect there’s a good reason why B131 is running bonnet first. Stephen
  14. A thing of beauty indeed. Can’t wait to see the others. Stephen
  15. It really does look like the real thing. Well done. Stephen
  16. There was just such a proposal not so long ago to do just that. We’ll have to wait and see. Stephen
  17. I was always under the impression that VAT was not applicable to secondhand goods, the process of adding value through the life of a product finishing at the point of sale. Is this simply a case of raising revenue the easy way, catching the large, multinationals proving too difficult. Import duty is entirely a different matter. Stephen
  18. So,was somebody or something just making a point with the suspension? Stephen
  19. What about the Tara mines traffic, doesn’t that use the same track to the same terminal? Stephen
  20. But not insignificant if you live along the route, especially when you get onto single carriageway sections of road. Stephen
  21. Forgive me but how can the decision have nothing to do with the CEO? If that were to be the case, surely it would be a resignation issue? There’s clearly a pro roads policy operating within Dublin Port. Can you imagine lorries being banned on the grounds of congestion. Stephen
  22. Andy Cundick already has a beautiful 21mm gauge model of Valencia Harbour. Stephen
  23. Lovely to see more operations on the south Waterford line. Stephen
  24. StevieB


    The 121 class was part a small number made by GM for export. Whilst looking very American, none ever ran there. Stephen
  25. Yes, B103. Stephen
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