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Everything posted by RedRich

  1. Wow great work.The fact that it is in the wee scale makes it really amazing as I would imagine that it takes more care, effort, and skill. Rich,
  2. I managed to catch some of the highlights an TV Saturday night. Although it is never the same as being there. Nile Rodgers and Chic were amazing, would love to have seen Blondie. I loved that whole CBGB's scene in New York, Blondie, Talking Heads, The Ramones, Television. Glad you had a good time lad's. Rich,
  3. Great to see things are moving forward again Dave. Huge credit to yourself and Eoin. Both of you utilizing your knowledge and craft should create a special and iconic part of the railway that is very rarely modelled. Rich,
  4. Irish Railway Record Society Volume 21 February 2003 No 150 is a great source of the information you will need. Try contacting the Society as they still have old issues. Good luck with your search, Rich,
  5. Des has always been a huge fan of the Colin Craig FFA FGA wagons and can attest to the instructions that come with the kit's, 90 + pages. I have seen a thread of a modeller building a set and in bare brass they look amazing. I personally believe that Des has equaled that kit in what the finished model pre-painting looks like. The design of the kit caters for every skill set from advanced to beginner, and that is the genius behind it. As Richie has said there are multiple uses for the wagons, but I think I would run a rake empty on a movement to Limerick for repair just to look at that beautiful skeletal underframe and deck. Top class, Rich,
  6. I take no credit for any design - des crawled all over one with a measuring tape and has all the photos up, under, you name it. I've just been a sounding board. SSM can take a bow. R. My apologies Richie, losing the run of myself in all the excitement. Let's just say you are a top sounding board. Top marks to Des for all the research on the prototype. Rich,
  7. I remember us talking about these wagons last year Richie, and what you and Des have created between the two of you is one of the finest designed etched kit's I have seen. Great work on putting the kit together also. Times are getting exciting. Between your MK1 Weedspray coach, and these wagons it has raised the bar again. A proper Weedspray train is now possible with a freight liveried 071. Amazing work, Rich,
  8. Looks very good Noel. Lot's of flowing track, it will be really enjoyable and never boring operating it. At this stage it is very easy to walk into the room with a plan of action for scenic and other work, then sit down and run trains and the evenings plans are gone. I look forward to seeing more of this, it has the makings of a really top layout. Rich,
  9. The layout forum is the place to go. Plenty of top work and inspiration to see in there. Rich,
  10. Richie this has been one of the most game changing pieces of modelling I have seen in a long time. The use of plasticard as opposed to brass is completely new to me as are the windows. In practice it works, and it works really well. You have changed my perception of what can be achieved with what you have been doing in the last year regarding coaches, I could see a package being delivered and on opening the package seeing the contents like I would see a well thought out kit which would be a pleasure to work with. I also think it will make this area pf the hobby more accessible to modellers who might be a little nervous working with other materials,.Which is a very clever idea on your part, and I am sure very welcome to the hobby. Great work, Rich,
  11. Very nice John. The kit looks very well thought out. I can imagine the work that has gone into the design and to what you have in front of you now. You deserve huge credit for what you are bringing to the Irish scene. Rich,
  12. I think this could be an epic thread, enjoying it already, can't wait for more. Rich,
  13. Nice scene as usual Noel. I always look forward to updates on the layout. Rich,
  14. Unfortunately not Sean. Wish I had, but I'm sure someone has it somewhere. Rich,
  15. I remember it Sean. It was a model of how the station would look after being re-developed. I think it may have been smaller than N gauge. The rolling stock resembled MK4 stock. It was a fine model probably designed by the architects. Rich,
  16. You have done a smashing job Sean, top marks. Rich,
  17. As has been said the as delivered locos were in a shade of orange that had a brown hue to the over all color scheme. The as delivered locos were also fitted with Sinclair Antennas (the black antenna behind the cab at the mechanical end of the model) but lost these later. The NIR 111 class locos still carry Sinclair Antennas. MM really went all out on detail for these models and the later liveried models have yaw dampers on the bogies. Rich,
  18. Always enjoy the videos as it makes up for the fact that I don't have as much time as I would like to have, to get out and about like I used to. Top stuff and thanks for sharing them. Rich,
  19. That's because the new grey livery models are a limited edition like the NIR 111 AND 113 Locos. The other earlier releases are still the same price as when released. With wages rising in China the next releases from MM will be more expensive. I don't have a problem with the price increases as I think the models are worth the money for the enjoyment I get from them. Rich,
  20. It starts tomorrow anyone want to make any predictions for the winners. I have a sneaky feeling that Arsenal could do it this season. They have bought well in the summer and I think Sanchez could be the catalyst for them this season. Winning the FA Cup last season should make them push on for more success this come May 2015. Rich,
  21. That is beautiful Jim. Never seen it before, thanks for the pics. Rich,
  22. Very sad news. He was also a phenomenal straight actor as opposed to his comic talent. Dead Poets Society, Good Will Hunting, Insomnia but to name a few. Rich,
  23. When buying any gear like compressors or air brushes make sure that spare parts are readily available. The airbrush as it is described is a splatter gun and would be unsuitable for the clean and tidy finish that modelers require. If you are going to be doing a lot of work with the compressor I would advice one with an air reservoir tank and moisture trap as has been mentioned. For a starter the Badger 200 is a great piece of kit and with practice can produce some tasty work. When you improve a double action airbrush is a must, for more detailed work. Rich,
  24. That's a nice surprise Des, Should be a stunner. Enjoy the break. Rich,
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