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Everything posted by skinner75

  1. Is there one of the transfer wagons (or narrow to 5'3 gauge) still in existence?
  2. Hi all, I came across the vid below and thought it may be of interest: https://youtu.be/UzVdBsods0w
  3. Here's a vid an Irish lad put together on it (I like this guys channel - interesting topics & good humour): https://youtu.be/BKATyrxez8A
  4. plus £28 postage, plus approx £71 duty
  5. Stick up an ad with a picture of The Square in Tallaght, with the title 'Pyramid for sale' lol!
  6. From the same channel, the wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald on the Great Lakes is another one - I heard the song that was penned about the sinking late one night on the radio, and found it very moving https://youtu.be/U9jDNEtg8JY https://youtu.be/9vST6hVRj2A
  7. I suppose the climate must help keep the rust at bay, prolonging a vehicles usable lifespan
  8. Around the 2min35 mark of this cine transfer from 1980, put up by Tom Ryan, there is an example of a 'mixed' selection of coaches: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xU9lcXpkrtY
  9. What a cracking model! Funnily enough, the vid below popped up as a suggestion the other night - posting with the connection to the topic: https://youtu.be/LMg3Nf6kNls
  10. Some info from Guinness site on the railway: https://www.guinness-storehouse.com/content/pdf/archive-factsheets/transport-cooperage/brewery_railway.pdf another article on the Guinness railway, with a list of locos and when they were withdrawn: https://rogerfarnworth.com/2019/04/26/the-guinness-brewery-railways-dublin/
  11. Along that very line - in the video below, they create a gear train with a ration of 1 Googol:1 - madness!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QwXK4e4uqXY
  12. I remember having a BR blue Deltic, and the Lima Class33 in CIE colours with a couple of Lima CIE coaches
  13. Ever since Electric Jesus / Space Karen took over Twitter, it looks like he is trying to take over from Facebook as the new place for the loonies to go and spread their shite - with a few choice tweets from himself to get the party started
  14. I had to take myself off 'antisocial media' - Facebook/Meta/Twitter are poison. Don't get me started on businesses using FB as their main 'website' - if you are at that sort of thing, you have failed A dedicated forum is a different kettle of fish.
  15. Private group on FB, so not much use. Also, no good for those not on FB
  16. I've been in the IT game for the past 25 years - no backups is a real no-no!
  17. Once I've all bases covered with diesel locos & stock that ran with them, I'm done, and my bank account can finally take a long overdue breather!!
  18. Would that not leave only the ballast wagons pulled by a tamper as the only rolling stock? Or did NIR get rid of the ballast wagons?
  19. Sounds interesting - care to elaborate?
  20. Love this even more! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V-Cb9x70gYQ
  21. Saw this on the RTE webpage this morning: https://www.rte.ie/history/irish-free-state/2022/1123/1337904-the-conflict-on-irish-railways-1922-23/
  22. Another reason not to order from the UK - if the extra duty due wasn't enough!
  23. Whatever is going to be released, it'll give me a chance to get the accounts back into the black! I'd have no interest in steam at all, as for me, my earliest memories of the railway is from around 1980 Connolly station, and plenty of GMs and Metrovicks in action! On a Sunday, my uncle would take me for a trip out to Howth, Bray, or Dun Laoghaire - I can remember him taking me on the DART on its first day of operation too
  24. What about Tracy and Sharon (Shard'n)
  25. Happy to have missed them TBH, as I have a full rake of the legit ones
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