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Everything posted by skinner75

  1. Very nice job of the SSM kit there Kirley!
  2. Pics of the G class here: http://silverfoxmodels.co.uk/ir-ie-601-class-g-class-0-4-0-deutz/
  3. I'd be interested in a couple of those - I missed out on a lot of Jim's fantastic kits in the past
  4. Top job! I was thinking of just spraying one yellow, and adding the decals from one of the new ballast wagons - an easier job for those of us with less time, skills & patience!
  5. could be interested depending on price & details of track (curved sections / straights), and also steel / brass
  6. To be sure to be sure!
  7. My favorites too - at least until the 121 models are produced & hit the shelves!
  8. Deadly shots! Gotta love the freight
  9. I'd go for a 2014 calendar too - great shots in this years one!
  10. skinner75

    MK3 Scrapping

    Interesting looking livery on a 201 alright!
  11. You mean they look something like O'Leary would get a 12 year old to draw up, and give him a pittance for - just like the original Swine Air website (with horrible layout & dayglo colours everywhere) - designed by a teenager for a few quid
  12. skinner75

    Old CIE ads

  13. Lovely little shed scene that with the lights on the depot
  14. Just had a look in the shed the other day, and it is actually from 130! I've asked my dad to bring it down with him this weekend, as there's a spot for it in my garage
  15. and considering that none of them come with the box!
  16. Yery nice! I have one of the panels from a 121 class at home, wll, in my dad's shed! It was autioned off by the ITG some years back to raise money for their loco funds. As far as I can remember, it is from 126, and has 'Suitable for hauling air-braked trains' on it. I must ask him to pop it in the boot the next time he is dropping over to me
  17. Great video! I'd say there are plenty of wonderful video footage in the RTE archive.
  18. On RTE1 tonight at 19.30 - 21st Century Railways (may be a repeat though)
  19. Another bridge strike, in Cork this time: http://www.broadsheet.ie/2013/07/03/meanwhile-in-cork-33/?fb_source=pubv1
  20. Yippee! I've ordered 111 & 8113 from you - 077 & 085 will have to wait another month!
  21. skinner75

    Nir caf

    Nice one to keep for the future
  22. Wow - some layout! I can see why it'd take 16years to get it to this level - stunning
  23. Very nice!
  24. Very very tasty! The new livery certainly has grown on me. I do love the previous silver & black too though
  25. I find it funny that they go ballistic - excuse the pun - over the printed gun, yet wouldn't bring in checks for crazy people / criminals when buying guns. As you say - protecting the arms industries interests. Also funny are those who think that their right to bear arms will help them fight against the government should they get out of line - maybe back in the day of muskets, but all the small arms in the world won't do much against tanks/drones/jets/attack helicompters/missiles etc, should the government want to put down any group that gets uppity - Waco being an example
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