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Everything posted by Weshty

  1. Weshty

    Sulzer Kit

    My pleasure Leo, enjoy the build.
  2. Jayz I'd take them raw.
  3. Clucking bell, but that is some glorious amount of detailing on the bogies and at the corridor ends. Love all the little brass rails as well. The bar just keeps getting raised. TIL: Witness mark. A punch mark used to position or locate some part in its proper spot. Getting d'oul moulding terminology down pat Richie. No dilletante you eh? Edit: Expected RRP is £34.95 each (€43). They may have interior lighting as standard.
  4. Woof!
  5. Yup, that's the money shot.
  6. Refraining from responding with ribaldry on this one...must.be.nice.
  7. For texture yes, but it is the Jackson Pollackesque variation of moss, rust, grey, brown grey, white, algae that has to be captured...
  8. Weathering all the way. How can 15 pristine look any less homogeneous than 15 durty ones? All one needs to add is a bit of varied graffitti. I never remember seeing them clean in the flesh so pristine doesn't fit my vibe.
  9. I think I'm prrrrrrrrrrrrretty safe at the Barna and Goggin's Hill, in all fairness.
  10. That's the thing George. It's great that Gort is opened up again, but it's just an antiseptic mass of galvanised steel and single track. No freight handling, no staff, no signal cabin, no sidings. C'est la vie.
  11. Now would that be a HO or 1:43 version?
  12. How vewy vewy wibald.
  13. Simples. The connection between the two is highly resistant and so is generating heat W = R*(I)2
  14. Doesn't that Gort shot just shout out to be modelled? Perfect size and all.
  15. I saw that on the Irish Times as part of the controversy about the Dalkey Lobster festival. I thought they were fake ones, didn't realise they were part of the original tramway.
  16. Cough! Mine can be adjusted if need be for HO (and will look at TE as well) Great to see a Renault 4 available, I was looking for one in vain a few years ago. They are on ebay for c.€15 each
  17. Requisite sharp intake of breath supplied.
  18. "a Restrunk"???? What 'sponds would you be looking for?
  19. Correction, looks like my PM didn't get through. And also corrected on process for selling.
  20. Just seeing this now. Only stuck for new superlatives to express my admiration. Here goes... Wowzers My giddy aunt Clucking bell. Jayzuss. In summary Eoin, you've done a spectacular job, and all bespoke and handbuild. Magnificent. Bar set very high indeed. The chassis is someting else though. It looks like it has some heft in it.
  21. There are two separate generators in each gen van are there not?
  22. Ohhh that looks very well. NEM pockets et al.
  23. Ahh now. Quality modelling...as always. Love the rich red livery (Deep cherry?)
  24. Nice spiders. the Freightliners look well too.
  25. I like the tapered GSWR signal post myself. Complete with metal maintenance platform.
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