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Everything posted by Weshty

  1. Vielen danke, ausgezeichnet, wunderbar, top hole, great effort, muchacos gracias, , you da man, Большое спасибо!!! (the last one is pronounced Balsho spassEEbah) There, will that do?
  2. Site now updated, check out the Lights section. http://www.studio-scale-models.com/Lights.shtml
  3. Very tasty lamps... and lovely looking rake Eamon. Shame to see money having to leave the country though.... I'll do 4 for €4, unpainted, but with the red filters and post for €1.50 to Ireland or €2.00 rest of the world.....any type Square coach lamp Round loco lamp Modern lamp
  4. Thanks lads. "cages for those excellent kegs". They are in the "to do" list! Both 2 and 3 layer versions. I may also look at 5x5 layer of barrels to enable easy filling. And George D. has been sent several packages of SSM goodies
  5. Studio Scale Model's Maedhbh is in the April edition of Model Rail, under Model News page 11. Along with the Sulzer and the Brake Van. Many thanks to Ben Jones for his continuing support of the Irish scene.
  6. Yup. Loving that one.
  7. An E class / J26! Very tasty. Fine resoration of the building, how cold is it in teh winter though?
  8. Never mind the lighting, I'm loving the roof panel lifting hoops! Seriously, that wiring is just perfect for an analogue layout.
  9. Sound man!
  10. Masterful and some amount of work. I'll be adding this to my etch "to-do" list.....
  11. Well, thats me hooked!
  12. Wow, what a place. Good find there. A REAL toyshop.
  13. Damn! That is fine work, scratchbuilding at its finest.
  14. Weshty

    New IÉ logo...

    Good God, it's not far off Frank Herbert's concept of the Hunter Seeker in Dune. http://dune.wikia.com/wiki/Hunter-seeker
  15. Sweet looking loco there Kirley! Well done.
  16. Weshty

    New IÉ logo...

    Good man. You obviously went to Specsavers Dave.
  17. Weshty

    New IÉ logo...

    MMMMMM. Ral numbers and everything. Blaine, could you list the RALs, some are a bit hard to make out
  18. You had me at "Found this recently" Dave . Send on your wish list.
  19. Lovely job done! A question, were those tara's got via Donedeal in Waterford? I saw a brace of them on it some time ago..I didn't purchase as too much on the plate at the time.
  20. Very nice work Richie. I don't want to even guess the hours spent...
  21. Kirley, great to see her moving under power, but by God, that 121 passed her at some speed!
  22. River, Thanks for that, I've a fair idea of the underside at this stage, now I just need time to design it.
  23. Weshty

    SSM Sulzer 101

    Platform2, yes it is free. If you have purchased a kit, then email me directly and I will post one out.
  24. Weshty

    SSM Sulzer 101

    Richie, I modelled the exhaust port as it currently exists, at a type of all-over cover. Perhaps this was added post-retirement? The Q Class version is quite incorrect in the number of roof panels added so its open mouthed exhaust may also be conjecture. I'll pop up a photo of the extant version when I'm back at base. TTFN Weshty.
  25. Weshty

    SSM Sulzer 101

    Based on some direct requests I am delighted to announce that I have finalised and approved a Sulzer retrofit grill pack that will be available to customers on request. I should have it in stock in two weeks time.
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