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Everything posted by Weshty

  1. I'm surprised how angular the front face of 2660 looks. I always thought they were more "roundy". Lovely building work by the way!
  2. Suitable sharp intake of breath. Shouldn't be too hard to get that done in glossy powdercoated aluminium.
  3. That signal box is a cracker. Re: the footbridge, much though I have an aversion for the excesses of the Safety Elves, I don't doubt the usefulness of handrails with slippy wet iron steps and one loaded down with luggage, Pity they had to be a garish yellow though.
  4. If that is the classic standard footbridge (al la Mallow etc.), Alan Gibson does a superb brass version that could be used.
  5. Great shots in that video and familiar to anyone who has cycled the new Deise Greenway.
  6. Noonan's in Charleville had an astounding range of toys in the 70's. RC planes, comprehensive Airfix and Matchbox kit range, Action Man and of course Hornby and Lima. I spent many the hour in there when over visiting my gran. And down the road was Dicks who had a super range of Dinkys. And all this in a small north Cork Town.
  7. Nothing a wirebrush and Dettol can't sort out.
  8. Bloody hell, that is some selection of photographic material, love the AEC interiors, very fancy. Very airy interiors altogether.
  9. Worthy of J.B. Keane, lovely stuff.
  10. Roof of a 121...was a ladder required Richie? And did you have your Safepass ?
  11. Kosher Irish? Try Portobello for that
  12. Pressure guage detail? (OCD)^3 (for those who use excel ). BRING IT ON!!
  13. None of the Mk3s available from Lima, Hornby or Jouef are a perfect match, particularly given they have the manual rather than automatic doors. So form that persepctive, they are no better or worse. Having said that from the close up Model Rail photos I've seen, their fine detail touches look very, very good. Definitely a worthy contender for Ral2011. (...awaiting the colour bunfight now)
  14. Or the Indian elephant deity?
  15. And here's me thinking it's stew you consume off-piste after a good day's snowboarding in Austria.....
  16. Reduced emissions less wear and tear of the road system (18 wheelers can seriously age a road undersurface) safer travel with reduced risk of Road Traffic Accidents
  17. Damn, I've passed and seen that so many times, but never gave it a thought.
  18. Very, very sharp intake of breath here in SSM headquarters. That last photo is totally Fly. Well done sir, well done.
  19. Oh man oh man, that is just lovely. Passionately restored alright.
  20. Weathering's not bad though...
  21. Irish Railways Today by Brendan Pender and Herbert Richards (transport research associates 1967) gives the mile route distance of each LC, but not the code number
  22. 160mph?? Good luck with that. I'd settle for some second hand 125s.
  23. Damn. That is some fine modelling. Those rivets look good enough to pop.
  24. Oh loads of stuff in the pipeline, just to get it finished. 47' bogie flat and fertiliser 42' bogie are a priority.
  25. Hi Colin, What new kits, specifically? Regards. D
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