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Dunluce Castle

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Everything posted by Dunluce Castle

  1. A cheaper model that you could convert is the Bachmann L&Y tank, very similar to some BCDR locos.
  2. Those look lovely, nice amount of detailing
  3. That coach is just so perfect, it's amazing, well done
  4. The BCDMR is still going strong, although the 111 has been siting at the back of the engine shed for quite some time now, but the maroon Hunslet runs nearly every weekend. I don't know what happened to the blue Hunslet, I think it's in private ownership now.
  5. Wow this is looking superb, nice one
  6. Play station.... Who's that?
  7. Moving 1 step closer with 3D printing, be very interesting to see this develop.
  8. One of my favourite threads on RMweb and funnily enough the current topic is about overhead hoists/crane. So with a few bits of balsa wood, you can make quite a convincing model..http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/58826-grantham-the-streamliner-years/?p=1879358
  9. I love this layout, the way it's presented is great! Definitely giving me some ideas for the future lol
  10. Bachmann do a depot hoist crane, as seen here http://www.ehattons.com/60736/Bachmann_Branchline_44_181_Depot_Hoist_168mm_x_75mm_x_105mm_/StockDetail.aspx and also a hand crane, seen here http://www.ehattons.com/52740/Bachmann_Branchline_44_146_Highley_Station_Yard_Crane_60_x_45_x_75mm_/StockDetail.aspx You can also buy kits similar to the RTP models above if your into kit building.....
  11. I've never heard of peco Individulay before, wow never knew they did such a range, could come in handy for the future, that cross over is a work of art.
  12. If you mean kit built track then no it's not, peco track comes ready to lay and all you need to do is cut it to length.
  13. Google search brought me this, http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peco#Track_systems
  14. Not that I know of burnthebox. That's well ballasted Broithe
  15. Hope you don't mind me posting these but here's our exhibition layout and it features peco streamline code 100 track. Something to think about.
  16. Probably should have constructed my comment a bit better haha, all the new stuff will happily run on code 100 track, the problem only occurs when you try to run some older rolling stock on code 75 because it's a lot more finer.
  17. Peco all the way, we've had no problems what so ever with it. Code 100 will allow absolutely everything to be run, especially those old triang engines, code 75 for the more newer stuff.
  18. Now I could be wrong but I remember seeing an O gauge NIR 111 in I think Belfast model shop? And what a beast it was! I do believe it was a very small run of kits.
  19. Anyone know if these coaches ever made their way North? And same as Richrua, were they all Black and Tan or some green? Btw I'd love to say I'd get one but it'll be quite some time...
  20. There is a lot of money that you can spend on model railways, but thats only if you want to..... For example I was looking at motors, wheels, axles, And the price came to near £80, and I thought to myself "cor I'm going to need a job", but if you compare it to video gaming, that is dead cheap, console-£200-400 games-£30-50. So maybe model railway isn't that expensive at all, but in the end, it's your wonga and you can do what you wish.
  21. Kieran If you do plan to go this way ^ make sure you have a model of BCDR No30 hiding in the shed, as the story goes...
  22. Put my name down, I'll be interested in going.
  23. Great video!
  24. The train to Portrush/Londonderry from Coleraine will be a Caf service train, from what I've heard as this train won't be allowed further than Coleraine, guess we'll just have to wait and see,
  25. Don't get me started Richrua, I have over a dozen unfinished projects which will probably not see the light of day for quite some time haha, I'm sure everyone is the same, one day you'll feel the mojo and finally finish off that long forgotten project.
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