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Everything posted by richrua

  1. Oh I like that ! I have three bullied corrugateds Nice kits!
  2. I came in on the ferry from France to rosslare in the summer. The abandoned rail terminal is a sad sight for any rail fan. Surely a modern railbus 2700 yoke would be manageable? I sort of think certain routes should be maintained with government grants even at a loss, just for the sheer social infrastructure element.
  3. My my. Those are all very nice indeed.
  4. Odd feelings from a ex dub descended from a Galway mother ... felt it was there for mayo to be honest
  5. Get the ***** on them it's the only way they were
  6. I really like that. Spacious . Great track weathering too.
  7. Yes I would take three for defo. Love that one. Have that pic in the shed saved as I was going to attempt a scratch at some stage, but this would be mucho better
  8. Thanks Glenderg. Thought they were unusual looking things. Thanks for the details. Unfortunately I have a sudden weakness for gen vans once I realised there were none in my formations. They are very interesting tbh
  9. Hi guys. What bogies do the Dutch gen vans sit on ?
  10. how did you see the 2700 were winning?
  11. Voted there. Weathered for me, however if I had one on a shelf I would like a pristine. I would buy one pristine but 12 Weathered. Funds permitting of course!!!
  12. ALL now agreed sold . Thanks for the interest.
  13. I can add more if needed, all items boxed. Note silver fox kits always need a chassis to complete (not included)
  14. Failing to upload for me again.
  15. ALL AGREED SOLD PENDING PAYMENT. Hi everyone. I have a lot of kits that I am behind on so I am offering these two silver fox kits.one c class, one b class sulser. Brand new, see photos. £40 each. Postage free to anywhere in Ireland or UK. . Note silver fox kits always need a chassis to complete (not included) Silo is bachmann. Perfect condition with irish Cement logo £25 free post to Ireland/ UK. Pay by PayPal please.
  16. Brilliant shots there
  17. Aaaargh. I'd be scared to weather it -!!!!
  18. On the layout with a very neat number 182 .....
  19. Welcome to the site, it has been incredibly helpful to me. There are loads of lads on here who can help. Check out the photo/video section , I found out lots of stuff on the 80/90 scene and liveries/locos just by watching the vids! Also I picked up a copy of a great little book called locomotives and rolling stock of I r and NIR
  20. I started off thinking about a little weathering, but I think it got a little out of hand. I was going for the rusty well used look.
  21. Lovely lookin thing
  22. Yea that was kinda what I had in mind Noel when I started messing about. A bit of background stuff really. I'll add in some more sounds and announcements etc and leave it there for anyone who wants it. Just a toy really!
  23. This is just a bit of fun. I made up a program with some sounds from 071 using the free scratch programming language. It just runs online on a laptop . Just trying something really. Here's the link: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/119279218/
  24. Wow
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