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jhb171achill last won the day on January 21

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    Here, where I'm sitting


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    I was born at a very early age. I am still here and hope to remain until I am no longer with us.


  • Interests
    Placing post-it notes on people's heads after dark and persecuting aliens. Certified pigeon-worrier.


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    Collector of Waistline Inches

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  1. The line is officially operational but has no scheduled services. Intermediate stations are temporarily closed. It has occasionally been used for crew training in recent years.
  2. If the plan goes well, I've one or two in mind!
  3. Was doing it with expert guidance; more next week!
  4. Hmmm - 1910! This became the "Loughrea Coach" in 1963, with storage heaters added!
  5. Correct
  6. Many rural places like this could find a little yellow biscuit tin on wheels reposing at the end of an uncared-for siding. So Dugort Harbour ought to have one. Hence my first ever attempt at a brass kit this morning.
  7. Wondering about the 0.6.0 progress?
  8. The Hattons Genesis stock have gaps between them which must be about 8 scale feet.....
  9. Woohoo! My Time Machine is going to have to make one turn up in Dugort Harbour in 1962…..
  10. Pic 1: Claytons on W & T: old dark green with lining. Pic 2: same on 2nd, 3rd & 4th coaches; lighter on first one. Pic 3: hard to tell due to light, but very probably older livery, but as with some secondary stock, especially round Cork and on the West Clare, with no lining. Pic 4: sunlight!! Pic 5: Dark green unlined and lighter green. Pic 6: Lighter green Final pic: Railcar in lighter green, old coach in background unlined dark green.
  11. Two. These variations are all from lighting and varying survival of film emulsion.
  12. Worth pointing out, too, in general for those with Hattons 6ws in both greens - by the time BnT came in (1962) no passenger carrying vehicles still had the “old” lined dark green, and all of the six-wheelers still in use were by now the light green. There were still a handful of old vehicles hanging about in sidings, though, in dark green. Last dark green in actual use likely to be on the Clonakilty and Drimoleague-Baltimore branches.
  13. So, a BnT 6-wheel full brake has a quite different use to a green one. It is best matched with green or black & tan IRM Park Royals, and Bredins or laminates either in later green or BnT. An occasional Craven too in the midst of this, though an all-Craven train would stretch credibility. That’s the four, then! Slight possibility of one more though; I’d forgotten about 18.
  14. Only 2 or 3 became black & tan, and after the passenger-carrying ones were withdrawn. So no BnT 6-wheel van ever ran with other six-wheelers! Only six of these vans were still in use when the BnT livery came into use, and two of these were withdrawn within about 18 months, so probably remained green. Nos. 69, 79 and one more (11xx) were certainly BnT; not sure about the other one. Last two were in use on the Galway mail until circa 1968, and while not officially withdrawn until 1970, certainly looked well out of use by that time.
  15. I remember the donkeys too, often pulling turf trailers!
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