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Everything posted by DiveController

  1. Unless the logo was pre-existing and was carried over which seems unlikely but I don't know who preceded REFER in Portugal (I haven been there since about 1990)
  2. That I didn't;t know. They must have been empties surely?!
  3. While this all seems to be remote from the majority of users on this forum 2019-nCoV has been confirmed in China, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, Australia, France, Japan, Malaysia, Nepal, Singapore, Thailand, The Republic of Korea, United States and Vietnam. The bigger issue is the cases that have not yet been diagnosed and the fact that it may be transmissible even by person who do not appear ill. This novel virus has adapted to human hosts remarkably quickly. SARS was transmitted to humans from cats, MERS from camels, Avian flu from birds. None has an effective vaccine. The SARS epidemic was handled poorly so at least the Chinese have been more proactive with curfews on non-essential travel and provision of better protective equipment and medical personnel and treatment facilities. While the plastic goodies are probably going to be ok, there are now cases in Shanghai and Beijing (as you'd have predicted), 3000 have been infected, and 100 people have died (so far). These are just the facts (I hope) whether you consider them relevant to you or not.
  4. REFER was formed in 1997 ten years after IR used the set of point logo. ,Although the logos are not identical the "R" obviously is the same. They may have copied the PWD colors too
  5. Yes, Dave should be safe as long as he's not updating the Lima Thread and we really can't afford to lose the other lads (at a minimum you feel really sick)
  6. I saw that on Flickr. So many threads on this site alone were ruined when this happened with photobucket and now all you get is that terrible logo in lieu of the photo. Thanks for continuing to post that GNR steam.I do hope Flickr will continue. Its very irritating to have to do it all again (so if that were to occur so we'd only need you to put up the Irish ones! @Irishswissernie). Yes, I just left and my coat is following no doubt .......
  7. Generally there has to be a bit of a spark to get the NN going but yes, everything has its place and time I suppose
  8. All coronaviruses mutate readily like the common cold and influenza. There is a lot that is not known for certain about the 2019-nCoV strain, including how contagious it is, its hardiness outside an animal/human host and its exact mortality rate for particular populations, age groups and people with other chronic illnesses (disorders of the immune system recent chemotherapy etc. things you don't normally think of right away). This is why the WHO has not given any authoritative guidance as yet. This is the same group of viruses that caused SARS and MERS the latter having a pretty high mortality. Coronaviruses can exist on environmental objects (even stainless steel) for up to a month but under more usual temperature and humidity levels more likely for a couple of days. Most transmissions are live animal-human or human-human by direct contact or close-range airborne contact. A friend who had been in the Wuhan area developed this, went undiagnosed and returned home. Mild cases can also transmit that disease to others. Anyway lots of variables and more that I'm not going to go on about that would allow contamination where you might not think possible. Assuming that the present strain remains a low mortality and only moderately contagious, contaminated plastics would be likely be non-infectious after a week or so given that transit time from China etc. a customer should be ok. If you want to be extra safe , leave your goodies in the box for a week before opening (like that was a possibility!). As for anyone examining lots of boxes of these, hand washing and a mask would significantly reduce the risk of contagion.
  9. 12 was one of the longer length 50' bogie coaches and the only one with a clerestory roof. A 'saloon', she was used as a restaurant before being converted to a second class iirc and then returned to her original usage a few years later. This was in the early 1900s and not sure what further modifications might have occurred later.
  10. Love it, Bosko! So I wonder if the government or EU might mandate that an 071 sound system be fitted to the DART or some DMUs that don't reach the minimum noise level threshold on the grounds of H&S, stations, LCs etc. Y'know the lads at IRM might be onto something with this new A class sound project but maybe a slightly larger speaker?
  11. Just when there was the opportunity to reduce the ridiculous amount of noise pollution that has crept into our lives governments around the world are mandating that the masses should continue to endure it just in case ..... (I'm not trying to be insensitive here, but that is just ridiculous) .....and as for 'futuristic' sounds that is just the thin end of the wedge
  12. So on the weekend I decided to look in my copy of Shepherd and Beesley's DSER in which I thought there was a rather comprehensive listing of rolling stock including conversions (and back). How hard could it be to find one of these buffet cars surviving well into the steam to diesel transition. That coach seems to be 19D or more likely 29D on the better quality Flickr original but there seemed to be little in the restaurant/buffet section at all let alone a match even in the brakes. I'll have another look
  13. Just as IRM did it, .... a prelude to the ferts
  14. Some caution advised in giving the wife too much fertilizer
  15. In the 'antiquated days' the signalman would not have allowed you into the station until it was clear to do so, nor the guard out of it if a passenger was running down the platform. So what happens now, the road is set all the way to Cork with greens set all the way by the CTC?
  16. It might be possible to find a donor motor/chassis that you can 'drop' the body onto. The axles are asymmetric on the Es so most likely you won't find an exact match, but it might be possible to move an unpowered middle axle fairly easily. I know this E/421 is in bad shape but the chassis is seen pretty well apart from the bases of the wheels themselves
  17. We need them by March https://www.flickr.com/photos/152343870@N07/26278229928/in/photolist-2arjFys-2ddJqoK-G37NeN-ejt8FF-KkZPRP-R53JLj-24oZQkA
  18. Volume 16 starts as N0. 99 Feb 1986 thru No 107 October 1988 so maybe No 104 or something. Someone associated with the IRRS might be able to help @leslie10646 or if a member has these volumes (unfortunately, I do not), maybe somone would have a quick flick through and see if there's an article in there that would interest you
  19. There is a clustering of reference to MK3s in Vol16 pp. 360-364 but I am not sure if that article is specifically about that MK3 coaches. The June 1985 is a nice cover with the Mk3s in the ST livery and the 071 in original (incorrect, as delivered) color and incorrect CIE roundel
  20. Great shot! Two separate 20" containers, 1977?
  21. Following this thread with interest, John (hoping I can make one )
  22. Post that Lyons if to hand please, jhb
  23. A couple more oddities, 20ft Lyons tea And some which are just crackers Unfortunately no evidence that these were transported by rail, at least not the 1980s 40' containers
  24. Water cranes required again 50 years on?
  25. There is some great detail in those photos, buses, bridges and interesting rolling stock. Shame to see the bridges etc discarded now. Thanks for posting, Dave!
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