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Everything posted by DiveController

  1. IRM are using the Arrive app so you should be able to track on that too. I haven't used it but I'm about to try that Incidentally since this was posted over not he other thread I'm posting the link to the remaining 9 container flat bundles (since Bell Pack A is currently the most limited in quantity) ADDITIONAL LINERS AVAILABLE!!! We're delighted to announce that our factory has come up trumps and managed to get us some additional liner stock to us! These are on sale now and are limited in number, so snap them up quick! https://irishrailwaymodels.com/…/pro…/container-liner-bundle
  2. Just placed my order for the extra bundles. Lucky Friday 13th!
  3. Lovely video, Eamonn. Is that a transfer or is the train en route to pick up the passengers somewhere else? Didn't see anyone other than staff and a familiar face bringing up the rear.
  4. You're right, some good options there https://www.amazon.co.uk/Irish-Traction-Iarnród-Colm-OCallaghan/dp/1445688441/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=irish+traction&qid=1576098071&sr=8-1
  5. The New Year or March is being 'mentioned' as a possibility for the 121 Clas also. Combined shipping from China? To be fair, there will probably be more cash available by then when the pay checks and CCs have recovered form the Christmas splurge
  6. Looks like the IRM's A Class is pushed back to March (may arrive with the 121 after all)
  7. May as well be hung for a sheep as a lamb... and I do like sardines! And same for me ... Here goes BnT surviving on 121 into March 1975. Sorry, link only in case I have Jonathan Allen on my case and I'm sharing sardines with Edo https://www.flickr.com/photos/152343870@N07/26278229928/in/photolist-2gYzGH9-T4U17i-WE5ktq-ekPNu2-2arjFys-G37NeN-q8F3UZ-266z9UA-Zuk7Es-RMgZao-RfKHJM-2ddJqoK-EvVccT-Ajm8cM-XETbe9-J6HMoq-FQgVpc-22vbbkU-22vbbfy-hxMBfD and just to contradict myself we have 112 with bogie ferts (admittedly much later 1990, maybe that was when she was loaned to CIE?) https://www.flickr.com/photos/152343870@N07/41413527522/in/photolist-ekPNu2-2arjFys-G37NeN-q8F3UZ-266z9UA-2ddJqoK-EvVccT-Ajm8cM-Zuk7Es-XETbe9-J6HMoq-FQgVpc-22vbbkU-22vbbfy-hxMBfD-KkZPRP-2fhHcwV-oah299-2ebPpNo-S1KUh6-pEtTHF-24oZQkA-amHk4U-pWE8Vg-aVJuu6-bZD2mY-23nG1Xu-aEQssV-ejt8FF-R53JLj-JayCvB-PrHNht-s1p1N8-bYHvtU-d4zmM7-rs5W8o-TgDCP7-2aiuipA-2cd3GSf-jPfBhH-qMUYWT-d4zptY-rsEh6U-MCsw5g-J6HMYy-bZD8Y1-25qBWDb-G9pxnF-28brda1-cnndP5
  8. AH, but that's across from The Tram bar (and just down the street from Coakham's books!)
  9. Yes, fantastic album and reference for anyone modeling earlier stock, actually we could do with some more of them rtr too!
  10. Not sure if there is a main thread on the BGH but there hasn't been much discussion about it on the site since its inception (other than photographic updates, of course). I was just wondering how this venture is faring overall in terms of appeal, sales, passenger numbers, future viability or anything else relevant?
  11. So many variations of 124. Are these from different eras just in the IE livery? Some variations on the steps buffers and rails. Dave, what's the box 'forward' of the cab on the middle body, last photo?
  12. Peru (above) Volume 2 is available on Abebooks UK for a reasonable price @jhb171achill https://www.abebooks.co.uk/servlet/SearchResults?isbn=9781900095365&n=100121501&cm_sp=mbc-_-ISBN-_-new Volume 1 is on Amazon but you probably don't want to know the price (well, double this one) (I'd create a want on Abebooks for Vol 1 if you wish) The book from the website, a little pricey (but I don't know the original cost), maybe worth it to you? https://www.abebooks.co.uk/servlet/SearchResults?cm_sp=SearchF-_-topnav-_-Results&kn=0992862205&sts=t Will you be needing any GL8 derivatives from EMD for this railway at all? FERROPAR EMD GL8 Tubarao, Brazil 2005 Argintinian GA8 ALL
  13. I thought someone had mentioned the sugar cube speakers but not sure if that was speculation or fact. They are small and when compared to other speakers by a forum member at some point in the past seemed to have performed best (opinion)
  14. you should be able to copy and past it. Maybe store it in the app for the carrier and enable updates?
  15. A bulkier than expected chip might cause problem in a relatively small loco right enough
  16. Sound chip or slot for the chip/blanker?
  17. No, indeed. You'd need to be on the UB40 or reside in China. Wrong time zone here, I'm afraid. Worm has vanished! Incidentally how is there a waiting list as long as Fran's arm or some combined IRM arm?
  18. Thanks, Ernie @Irishswissernie. I was hoping you'd post that one. I alway feel like I'm always putting some part of your collection on here. Sometime in 1974 at Albert Quay, CBSCR then a goods yard for CIE until North Esk opened c. 1976 and as Boskonay demonstrated above you can run a rake with an NIR loco if you're stuck! Coleraine c. 1984 ....although 113 seems to be the most photographed of the NI locos with bogie ferts
  19. it looks to be the same truck but has a different reg to the one I posted earlier (seen on the reverse side of the rear plate as an imprint if that makes sense). I don't remember all the various county and city registration plates of old and some of the old british plates were also similar)
  20. Wheres the photo from? Looks Irish maybe Cravens stock, and was the line like that before or after that derailment?
  21. Relaxa,..... have a cigaretta...... That's not graffiti, Jhb, that's the West Coast Mainline Livery
  22. Not everything was re-liveried on the spot so you needn't worry
  23. Plenty on here now if Santa needs any, 'more than 10 available', but these sites aren't actually updated that often and there might be 2 left, who knows? https://www.ebay.com/itm/Irish-Traction-Iarnrod-Eireann-by-Colm-OCallaghan-9781445688442-Brand-New/303352857174?epid=16035107663&hash=item46a13d4256:g:H0YAAOSwqOddxAvr Just realized that this is what Leslie was talking about, Wordery
  24. https://www.flickr.com/photos/eamonnmcgee/3501531046/in/photolist-6kqgbW-VfvAN3-6knEhc Esso Thames Trader, maybe DUX 227, if you can make out the rear plate, hopefully original, Rathmore Co. Kerry c.2009
  25. Well that certainly settles the price issue
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