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Everything posted by DiveController

  1. Lovely shot of the A, like them in that livery with the large warning rectangle.
  2. Looks very well, Kieran!
  3. No need to adjust the switches under DCC but to check the loco under DC they need to be on. I had one 141 with a poor solder connection/broken wire. If the chip works on DC & DCC no need to remove it either. Usually the cab lights would be off in motion like driving your car at night and used mainly at the MPD/station or however you like it.
  4. The chip is easy enough to insert and remove on the 071. If you have any section of DC, try it there first. Directional lights and headlights will both work on DC. Ensure the tiny switches Jason refers to are all turn ON underneath, normally they are, straight out of the box. Test in both directions. Cab lights will NOT work under DC. 6-function decoder required if you want all 071 light functions on DCC. Turn the brightness of the cab lights WAY down when you are familiar with the correct CV later. It's little blue but still realistic. Which Bachmann chip?
  5. I'd certainly agree about the B&I and would be interested if produced
  6. that's great that they are digitized. thanks for that:tumbsup:
  7. I'm not certain any copyright has been infringed or credit omitted where necessary
  8. In truth, I don't really know. I was interested in early 1950s CIE rolling stock, and was just interested in perusing some from this period and maybe early 1960s just to get a flavor for that late steam/early diesel era which seemed to be one of pretty significant change (for better or worse) for Irish railways. I assumed they might be lying around unused by those lucky enough to have graced/griced the permanent ways back then. Thanks, Richie. I'll google them and shoot them an email
  9. I am looking for some old IRRS journals, preferably 1950s and early 60s, especially featuring CIE rolling stock, late steam/early diesel, but later CIE/IR also of interest. If anyone is thinking of doing a spring clean I would be a happy to give them a new home. Please PM Thanks Kevin
  10. Can you give an approximate time period when these were in use? I hope to put some on SSM 42' flats but don't much much about the containers themselves, Freightliner looks great:cheers:
  11. Any photos or reference numbers, Paudie?
  12. Think you selling out too cheap, Eamonn! You could head off to Spain if you sell y'know;)
  13. Lovely job, Noel. Which chip are you using 175?
  14. Bit of a geography lesson required there. Sure maybe he needs the bus fare home and has to pay in Sterling;)
  15. That's what I was thinking and was hoping it might fall that weekend. I might fly in a few days early and make that weekend if it's on. Would like to meet up with some of the members if possible Regardless of whether Noel is the always hungry sort or not, suggestions that might improve the overall experience at the MRSI are certainly not unhelpful. This encourages modelers and families to attend again in subsequent years, which helps safeguard the clubs finances when hosting these events (although I'm sure isn't the MRSI's first rodeo). On the other hand, this may not be so helpful
  16. Is there one near the end of October?
  17. A lot of hard work there, John but worth it. Lovely stuff!
  18. That looks great in B&W, John. I almost had to do a 'double take' save for the oversized foliage
  19. Thank you both. That's more than I thought it might be especially for a narrow gauge tank loco! I really have no idea how the preservation groups manage under those circumstances
  20. Aaah, yes! that's good to see and hear. Does anyone know how much it costs to get a loco or coach back on the rails in preservation? Obviously 134 may be in better shape than say a steamer but just a ballpark figure?
  21. Reasonably easy to find photos of the 4w 'tin' (heating and luggage) vans in silver ... but harder to find some of the 'hooded' (luggage) vans. Here's one I like from John Phillips in Valencia, 1957
  22. Great information, David. Appreciate that
  23. All useful information. Thanks for all the solutions contributed on the thread
  24. looking forward to seeing the workshop pics:cheers:
  25. I like the livery. I accept is is a little plain but strong nonetheless.
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