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Everything posted by waffles

  1. waffles


  2. She's beautiful!
  3. Someone got the bit between the teeth.
  4. Its a fantastic looking model will have to get at least, one
  5. I know that the loco was available separately in its own box which would have a different R issue number than the one in two, train sets that the class 35.
  6. IRRS should have copy or three in there time table library look for Irish railway archive Web page email archives, department with your needs
  7. waffles

    RIP Jim Bayle

    Jim a true Gentleman A friend A font of knowledge A vey funny guy A very respected chap God bless you Jim and Thank you.
  8. Bray turntable was 45ft long water tower held over 40.000 Gallons of water and a coaling stage as well locos were watered under it.
  9. Yes to selling them separately twin packs or síngles would be useful
  10. The one in the photo is British The wagon ends and side stanchions on the Irish wagons were removable and were simply transferred to the 62ft versions. 42 ft bogies flats were also considered. Again ends and sides were compatible with being transferred to the 62ft flats.
  11. I find them quite good very little to go wrong with then
  12. wow simply the best
  13. Janice O Connell took the published photos Ciaran Cooney provided the original background information and sample photos of the suitable locations for her research.
  14. Well done Ciaran Cooney great job.
  15. Oxford Irish coaches due in shops 2019 according to Oxford themselves May even do a gen can cost depending.
  16. All level crossing paper on Irish rails "live" map in the website Click all then click level crossings click the blue dot on map you want to identify it I'd no & other details
  17. In 1958 the majority of the drawings held in Dundalk works of stations over the northern side of the border were passed on to the UTA who passed them on to the government of Northern Ireland archive who destroyed them as they were deemed to have no value. All the drawings of Omagh held by the IRRS were copied digitally and those copies were supplid to you a while ago.
  18. Digital copies as well print copies of certain locomotive carriage & wagon drawing's are available from various IRRS collections. A new list of what is available is due out soon. In the meanwhile you can contact Richard McLachlin at richardvmcl@aol.com for further details. Anthony McDonald also keeps a small stock of the printed versions at IRRS Heuston Station Dublin 8. Tuesday evenings from 19.30.
  19. Gorey 08.15 dept Wicklow 08.55 dept Connolly 09.55 arr Connoly 10.05 Then to Waterford
  20. Brown van would be a great addition to the range. Looking forward to talking to you about.
  21. Basic answer is no not in passenger service But mixed stock cravens with Mk l Gen & Mkll's have been noted mostly on empty stock movement's from various locations to Inchicore. Some time being triped on the back of passenger trains with the corridor connections and coach doors locked off.
  22. Get well soon
  23. Yes very much so its one that Provintial wagons use on the models and very pleasing it looks as well
  24. N gauge ballast or some play sand are good to use, with an acrylic wash to weather them. Goods yards were sparsely ballasted often with used cinders from loco fire boxes as the main form of ballast.
  25. Hi the criss cross lattice parts are known as "Bars" the ones that decends from left to right are 6ft long 5 inches wide. The bars that decend from the right are same length it the bar it's self is same but is it's made from two 3inch L channels forming a T shape . This swaps over halfway across the bridge the bars cross each other at 3ft 6 inches and start 2ft 8 inches apart at the top and base. the lattice is 6ft from top to bottom. A full colour laminated A3 GNR drawing is available from the IRRS @ €10 Tuesday night's Heuston Station
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