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Everything posted by Garfield

  1. Can you hear that? ... ... ... That's the sound of my wallet contracting.
  2. There's a rumour that the underframe became the supports for a bridge on some golf course or other...
  3. The well-known Irish railway photographer Joe St Leger passed away this evening. He maintained a pictorial record of Irish railways for half a century, including many firsts - and probably even more lasts - during that time, and his photos have been used in numerous publications. I met him on various occasions down through the years and he was always pleasant and quiet-spoken, always had something interesting to say, and never failed to have his camera and cine-cam at the ready... just in case! May he rest in peace. Joe St Leger photo album, posted to Flickr by Fred Dean Jr.
  4. The IRRS is a good place to start. Also... as the RPSI have an S class of their own, they may have drawings in their possession.
  5. They look rather fetching in the CN livery. Must... resist...
  6. That link appears to be dead, Rich...
  7. I think you could be right, Rich! Would love to pick one up, but there's so much else to buy at the moment...
  8. Fascinating stuff. The closest I've seen on an RTR model up until now has been 'working' yaw dampers on the HO gauge Voith Maxima...
  9. Here it is: http://www.irishfreightmodels.com/index.php/shop#ecwid:category=3461747&mode=product&product=14677510
  10. Thought that video had been removed from YouTube. Last I heard, the Gardaí were trying to track down those idiots...
  11. Garfield

    SSM Sulzer 101

    Des, I'm dribbling over those photos... great stuff!
  12. I don't think so... although it's not unlike his voice.
  13. Garfield

    SSM Sulzer 101

    +1 The class 24 had an up-rated version of the same engine (Sulzer 6LDA28). The class 25 had a slightly modified version (Sulzer 6LDA28-B).
  14. I'd say it would be hard to find a copy of that edition now. However, Bott Books in the UK often have copies of old IRRS journals available. They don't list them all on their website, so your best bet is to contact them directly.
  15. Really looking forward to following your progress with this one, Fran. I keep meaning to pick up some BLMA detailing parts for my N gauge American stuff... will have to bite the bullet soon!
  16. +1 Well said, Rich. Hopefully the families will now have some sense of closure.
  17. Brilliant work, as always. I was at the harbour in Banagher a few weeks ago... there really is next to nothing left of the railway there. My girlfriend's friend's family live in the town and have a photo on their wall of the station during steam days. Must try and get a copy of it...
  18. Know your way around a diesel loco... [video=youtube_share;y7d7t_4dZko]
  19. Plus, you'd have problems with dirt collecting where the sandpaper has scraped the surface of the rail...
  20. D'oh! Forgot about that...
  21. I'd say the equipment might be kept... just in case! What are the odds on one or two of the non-HEP 201s being re-commissioned now that they can technically handle Enterprise runs?
  22. That looks excellent, John! I'd be very interested in getting a rake-worth
  23. Welcome aboard Horsetan... I was actually in Ted's house for a cup of tea earlier this summer!
  24. Ah here, lads... there's no sound because it's a silent film!
  25. I take it that blue jersey is in the bin now, JB?
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