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Everything posted by Garfield

  1. All members of the 121 class apart from 121, 125 and 135 were fitted for push-pull working (although the equipment in 132 was decommissioned after a short time). The push-pull 201s were also used after they entered service: 206-209 and 215-234.
  2. Can I remind you all of the forum's rules, particularly #4? [4] Please remember this message board is aimed at a general audience. Posting offensive or legally sensitive text, images, links, etc. is unacceptable. Discussion relating to religion or politics is also not permitted. The determination of what is classed as offensive, vulgar, spam, etc. is up to the moderating team. The moderating team reserves the right to edit or remove any post at any time. We understand that there are ways in which railways and politics are inseparably intertwined so we do try to be lenient, but comments like that are beyond the boundaries. Please keep views on political parties and their members out of the discussion. Cheers!
  3. UP6936 is correct, the 'silver' finish on the coaching stock, including the van in that photo, isn't paint. It's the bare sheet metal. Edit: Apologies, mis-read your post. I see you're just showing pics of the finish and not contesting UP's explanation. Oops!
  4. That's a nice amount of space you have there, Dave! Best of luck with the move.
  5. Nice video, Nelson. The loco seemed to handle the crossing fairly comfortably. So... when are you gonna paint it UTA black?
  6. +2 http://www.google.com.na/patents/US2781235 Also see the EQ vacuum brake system used by BR, as well as the self-lapping vacuum brake system developed by Knorr.
  7. As I said... as long as an ejector OR a rotary exhauster can expel air at the same rate it's entering through the valve. It's not a specialised system.
  8. Hi Mike, I was thinking more of vac brakes on diesels...
  9. It's possible for a given level of vacuum pressure to be maintained if the rate of air exiting through the ejectors is equal to the amount of air coming in through the brake valve. A vac brake operates almost like a graduated self-lapping brake...
  10. They wouldn't; there'd be reverse cascading of stock, with the entire ICR fleet likely available for their intended purpose, perhaps alongside some 2800s and 29000s. The wallet, not the heart, will rule in these decisions.
  11. Not going to happen when there's an entire class of railcars (2700s) waiting in the wings.
  12. It was just one Mk3 repainted for testing purposes. The only remaining Mk3s are on the Belmond Grand Hibernian. The rest have either been scrapped or are being cannibalised for spares.
  13. As you may know, Irish Railway Models had hoped to have the production version of the ballast wagons ready for delivery in time for the MRSI's October Bank Holiday Show. Unfortunately, this will not now be the case. When we received the first pre-production sample of the wagon we identified a number of minor issues which needed to be rectified. This required alterations to the CAD design and subsequently the tooling for the moulds also has to be altered. This process can take weeks to complete as the factory's engineering team has to find a new slot in their production schedule, during which they can fill in the faults in the moulds and apply the changes by conducting further spark erosion. At the same time, the paint samples we sent to the factory for colour-matching purposes took an inexplicable detour en route and only recently reached their intended destination. To further compound the situation, production levels at factories right across China is minimal right now as workers are entitled to time off during the week of the country's annual National Day celebrations. As a result, it is only now that the revised pre-production sample is being readied and we have to receive and inspect this sample before we sign-off on the production run. This is a vital stage for us as we do not want to compromise on the fidelity of the model. We cannot provide an accurate timeframe for delivery until this sequence is completed; all we can say is that we are aiming for late 2016/early 2017. While we understand that you are eager to receive your models and may be disappointed by this news, we hope you can appreciate why this delay has occurred and why we are not rushing the manufacturing process. We're confident that the end result will be a highly accurate, detailed scale model of a distinctive Irish wagon.
  14. It's a regular occurrence. I remember travelling in a Mk2 years ago when suddenly there was a loud 'whack' on one of the windows, where someone had thrown a rock at it. It cracked the outer layer of the double-glazing but luckily it didn't shatter. The woman sitting beside it still got quite a fright, though...
  15. Hoping to make it up to the Cultra show to finally see this layout (and Paul Titmuss' excellent T&DR layout) the flesh.
  16. I think the zoom setting is creating an optical illusion, making the recent alterations to the track layout look more severe than they really are...
  17. There's no direct curve at Ballybrophy. The only reason one would be installed is if there was a reason for trains to by-pass the station completely (i.e. it was closed).
  18. He said he doesn't want the Bachmann version as he doesn't like it... To answer your question, bs819, the short answer is no. Your only option would be to approach a kitbasher/scratchbuilder and ask if they could put something together or have a go yourself.
  19. They look quite different to me, to be honest... And I don't think a 2600 will cut the mustard for bs819: Edit: The tram trolling has been flogged to death at this stage. Can we leave it there?
  20. While Richie is concerned with the design itself, rest assured we've got the livery timeframes covered, too.
  21. All will be revealed at the Raheny show...
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