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Everything posted by Garfield

  1. Taken by a member of the MRSI during our visit yesterday evening:
  2. Unfortunately all my stock is back in Longford. I'll see what I can do...
  3. I just realised that we haven't shown any shots of the wagon's underside, so I took a couple of quick photos this evening...
  4. Hi folks, So, a parcel just arrived from China containing the first pre-production sample of our ballast wagon. There are still a few niggly bits to iron out but overall we're extremely happy with how it has turned out. Here are some photos:
  5. Hi Patrick. Manual gates are protected by distant signals. The signal arms are red (later dayglo orange, like homes, starters, etc.).
  6. Looking at the artist's impression of the completed re-development on the Wiki page, I think I'd rather have the silos!
  7. An iconic Dublin landmark is no more. There's a time-lapse video of the demolition on the Irish Independent's website: http://www.independent.ie/videos/irish-news/watch-this-timelapse-of-the-demolition-of-the-iconic-bolands-mill-in-dublin-34895757.html
  8. I think it's ex-C&L rather than CVR, JB...
  9. Nohing to do with the ratings... apparently he was treating the crew like crap so Le Blanc went to the producers and basically said "it's either him or me". I actually like Le Blanc on the show...
  10. Incidentally, what implications does it have for Belmond's Grand Hibernian?
  11. Hi folks, Here's an update we simply couldn't wait to share with you! We've just received this photo from the factory floor in China: We hope to have more in due course...
  12. OK gents, can we leave it there and go back to focusing on the potential obstacles, etc. for cross-border rail travel? Cheers!
  13. You're straying into political discussion here, JB... It can continue as long as the discussion is confined to the the possible scenarios for rail in the event of Brexit and stays clear of the political aspects.
  14. Historic results... Hopefully the soccer team can keep the feel-good factor going when they play Sweden on Monday.
  15. A rather vague Tweet posted on June 1st by Cllr Alan Lavin: Presumably, a planning application will be lodged once this display period has passed. It's a pity there's no elaboration on what exactly will be on show (architect's drawings, model, etc.), and indeed where it will be on show. Edit: I've been told Fingal County Council have the option to go the Part 8 route as opposed to a standard planning application.
  16. Nice photos, Noel! Any chance of a look at the fiddle yard? Are the lower and upper levels connected or are they completely separate?
  17. Good question. I think we'll have to consult this guy: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Gallagher_%28postman_and_prognosticator%29
  18. Yep, that's the plan. Customers who selected the 'exhibition pick-up' delivery option will be able to collect their orders at Raheny. Anyone who selected postal/courier delivery will be getting theirs as soon as possible after we receive the shipment.
  19. Hi Noel, The tooling is ready to go but we can't confirm an exact date until we've received and approved the pre-production samples (we've just been told the factory should be turning-out the first one within the next two weeks). Depending on how these samples turn out, modifications may be required. If this is the case then obviously that would add some more time to the process. Once that phase is completed, we'll be given a slot in the factory's production schedule. Unfortunately we can't be any more specific than that right now; it's a case of 'wait and see' while the factory does its stuff. Nevertheless we're approaching the end line and customers should have wagons running on their layouts by the end of the summer.
  20. The final touches are being applied to the mould at the moment and the factory have told us we should have an EP sample in a few weeks, although the exact timing depends on whether any adjustments are required once they squirt the plastic into it.
  21. The retail price for the bubbles hasn't been finalised yet. Development has involved more work than the ballasts but we're doing all we can to ensure the price remains in the same ballpark without sacrificing detail. Yep, the bubbles will utilise the same chassis mould as the ballasts.
  22. Google Translate may be of use here: https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.eurotrain.ru%2F&edit-text=&act=url It can get muddled at times, though...
  23. Hi JB, it's located in a garden centre in Naas: http://www.caraghnurseries.ie/
  24. They were applied back in November to promote IÉ's involvement with the 'Movember' charity campaign...
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