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Everything posted by Blaine

  1. Blaine

    Class A

  2. Blaine

    Class A

    Hmm - its such a shame to cut down that lovely tree to make a baseboard out of it - Needs must and its been done
  3. Blaine

    Class A

    MM 141 chassis is almost a direct fit for a C - if you have the courage.......
  4. Blaine

    Class A

    Do you work for NASA per chance?
  5. Good old SentiMENTAL value.....
  6. Blaine

    Class A

    There was a lot of work put into this SF model of the A class - didnt come like that originally and Im not talking about the SSM detailing parts either...
  7. Its been done in the past, but things have moved on and will continue to do so. Having said that a careful conversion will look better than the SF model, almost identical length between a 33 and an A...
  8. Just looks like the big layout plan everyone foams over in a trackplans book......
  9. Hardly be a realistic Irish layout with that track layout...
  10. Prepare to either have your hand ripped off or to be severely insulted...
  11. As 226 has said, they obviously have what people want to buy at the right price. A model shop cant survive alone on railways, over 20 years since the last purely model railways shop closed....
  12. Surprised our resident expert has not suggested swopping in a MM 141 chassis....almost a direct fit....
  13. Love the ballasting, Irish style too
  14. Oops wrong thread (delete)
  15. http://www.modelrail-scotland.co.uk/index.html Well worth a visit, a smaller, friendlier version of Warley. Flights are also cheap from Ireland at present, given there is no Scotland vs Ireland Rugby that weekend. Friday is the cheapest day to fly and Glasgow International Airport is a short taxi/train run away http://www.secc.co.uk/attend/how-to-get-here.aspx The MRSI will be exhibiting with Baile Cois Farraige and Dun Ni Rian
  16. Theres this in Drogheda http://www.cs.vintagecarriagestrust.org/se/CarriageInfo.asp?Ref=5752
  17. And your the expert?
  18. ....
  19. Need more complications then, do we??? All well and good writing things down, but will it make more than you reach for their credit cards? I would dearly love to see a RTR high detail model of the 2 1/2 gauge locomotive that ran between Ballyboughan and Ballygobackwards between August 1927 and February 1931. This model has been over looked I feel and would be a popular choice among modellers given its well known popularity........
  20. Unless you can stump up a 7 figure sum it wont happen overnight. You cant rush the development as it will result in mistakes. If it has a poor mechanism,poor electrics it wont go down well, never mind how it looks or its decoration Ive been closely watching several crowd funding campaigns, including those that have failed. Like everything there appears to be an initial flurry but it levels out and then is slower to the end or makes it. November is Warley time so that is a good time to launch a UK outline project as everyone is almost together in the same hall. The disadvantage is that its close to Christmas so people may hold back and then be skint in January http://www.ngaugependolino.com/ is currently at 30% with just under 8 weeks to go. Will be interesting to see what comes of this
  21. Aha - you cant rely on this forum alone for a valid opinion of modellers out there.......
  22. An Irish layout will be making the trip next year
  23. There is no comparison...... The fact that people are paying €195 for a Silver Fox Sulzer B101, which is €20 dearer than a Murphys 201 says it all......
  24. A stupid question deserves a stupid answer....
  25. Why do MM have to be involved with everything now
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