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Everything posted by Blaine

  1. Oh dear - cancel everything.........
  2. As Ive said before - nothing will happen with this one...... Very little chance given the idea men have already had a go.......
  3. Particularly at the start of their careers there was a lot of modification done to the fleet, minor stuff too
  4. Was referring to the ideamen. Its yet another Could of - Should of - Would of scenario
  5. Yup but the holes were they go would remain. No doubt Ill find something to improve on, even if its just personal preference........eg I detest the wipers on the 071's, overscale imo
  6. Not true........and once again we are off on the ever decreasing merry go round Two Words - Good Luck.
  7. Not sure about condition, but 124/134 will be in IE livery, hopefully with LED lights. 5 liveries for the 121 too, doubt PM will do every body variant but other things to remember are that when they were delivered they did not have the handrails along the 'bonnet'. Lots of mould differences and they are not cheap
  8. MRSI - O Gauge Dorset Junction. Took a whole day to film
  9. 8208/209 are the only ones that never got them filled in. 225 got a repaint in the original livery with the steps filled in, before the Intercity livery came alone. Plenty of minor variants
  10. I did the red line on my NIR 547 with a marker
  11. Blaine

    MK3 Scrapping

    Timbers, bubble cement, bogie cement, 2 axle spoils...does not seem so long ago now
  12. Bleach Green Junction needs a serious attack of the weathering kind, the scenery, the track and the stock. All too squeaky clean for my liking. Even road dirt would suffice. I know trains were kept cleaner back then but they still got dirty. Baile Cois Farraige was the only layout there with weathered stock...
  13. The weathering shows up how crap the silver fox body really is
  14. Blaine

    MK3 Scrapping

    Where is the Belfast movement bit coming into it? There is space in the old Dundalk freight yard for scrapping
  15. This weekend -Friday 23rd. May 2014 7pm. - 9.30pm / Saturday 24th. May 2014 10am. - 5pm.
  16. Will probably be diesel power on Saturday - 85 failed at Drogheda and limped back to Whitehead. Still conventional loco haulage on the network though
  17. Baile Cois Farraige will also be at this show, so 2 of the best Irish outline layouts on the exhibition circuit at this show
  18. The problem with this forum is that if you speak out and knock anyone/anything you get shot down. To be fair I really couldnt give a rats anymore about the Fry collection, given that I came close to being employed by the council to be involved in running and maintaining the layout and its models. The message I got very quickly, especially from the dope who worked there already (I was to work alongside him) was that this was entirely commercial, anyone who showed a valid interest in the models or railways in general should not be employed, lest they give a damn about anything, be it the quality of models on display, or their running. Its like holding expos, people just want to see trains run - no emphasis on detail,accuracy etc
  19. Your missing my point, its a poisoned chalice and there is still a queue for a sip beside the pile of bodies. There have been several people/groups all with good intentions and nothing has come of any of them. The only good thing is that the Fry collection itself is now safely stored. Most of this was the collection in the glass cases before you viewed the layout itself, which from a modelling perspective was far far better than some of the items running on the layout
  20. It never left York Road after it was delivered. A £400k waste.......
  21. Im surprised people are still concerned about this well sunken ship....
  22. If its really bad a bit of manual sanding can be done
  23. Slight overkill on the amount of lacquer on 230, but gets credibility otherwise
  24. Interesting seller
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