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Everything posted by K801

  1. you would think, been a shunting loco, the windows would be much bigger
  2. for the A class, small lights on each side of the fuel tank would be super great! (they were useless when covered in oil on a cold dark winters night lol)
  3. some kid will wonder in there, fall, sue for €4M + costs
  4. What does CIEs heritage officer do?
  5. I think B113 and B114 should have been saved, with B113 going north, B114 would of been nice to keep in the south for a future possible museum
  6. K801

    Class 121

    Thanks IRM, 121s arrived safe and sound
  7. I wonder why 106 been the last serviced was not saved instead of 103
  8. would love to see a few pics of your layout
  9. Shannonbridge turbines turn for final time as production ceases https://www.rte.ie/news/leinster/2020/1211/1183833-shannonbridge-power-station/
  10. K801

    Class 121

    Thanks Noel. Also, do the 121s have a cab light?
  11. Wow, New Ross had a much bigger station than the one line and siding I always thought it had!
  12. K801

    Class 121

    The marker lights on some of my 121s are BRIGHTER than the headlight
  13. any videos of the B101s anywhere lads?
  14. K801

    Class 121

    The good news is there are 3 unused #s left ( 122, 123 and 128) for a possible further release in the future
  15. BosKonay 'tis ok, we only have 7 new things to announce between now and the A's landing I'm hoping one of them is beet wagons
  16. Was it also so GSVs could be attached to Mk2Ds?
  17. a still from a You tube video
  18. K801

    Class 121

    has all the IR 121s landed ( 127, 130 & 133)?
  19. 18 boxes of hoppers safely arrived in the US of A yesterday, thanks guys
  20. excellent find seagoebox, some of the line to Dungarvan is still in existence towards the end of that video, completely gone now
  21. If anybody has multi-pack 3 they are willing to swap or sell, I can purchase or replace it with one of the new sets A, B, C, D, E, F (ballast or gypsum) Please PM me , thank you
  22. 3 more blue Cravens from MM/RPSI would be nice
  23. Due in January, all are sold out since the announcement months ago
  24. Can't wait for the release of this!!
  25. several US states charge no tax and the rest charge under 10%
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