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Everything posted by connollystn

  1. No point in doing re-runs of locomotive models which were first produced over 10 years ago. By today's standards they are classed as vintage and their technology is out-dated. There's plenty to look forward to with the forthcoming releases of the highly anticipated 121 and A Class locomotives.
  2. I have to agree with the guys about the MM 141/181s, they have great running qualities and nothing since has matched them. As regarding a re-run, the only locomotive that seems viable is the 201 which has had a number of logo and livery updates since they were last produced. In reality, we need to be looking at getting something that's current rather than producing re-runs of prototypes which haven't operated on the rail network in over 10 years.
  3. Are there no model railway producers who manufacture their models in Europe? Is everything made in the Far East?
  4. @burnthebox. I think you should have posted the picture of your new Class 071 in the "Where to get a bargain" thread. It is totally unrelated to the current subject matter which is about another one of IRM's brilliant productions.
  5. If the guys at IRM could make vaccines, they'd be the best vaccines in the world, probably!
  6. If anyone's not happy with the IRM A Class I have a Lima class 33 in the CIE supertrain livery.
  7. Hi ICE.de. It's hard to know what continental models are selling for. As suggested, you could list the items on here together with how much you want to see what response you get. Retailers, such as Rails of Sheffield, will buy your whole collection but, as they have to sell them on at a profit I'm not sure how good of a price you'll get. The other way to sell them is on an auction website, such as Ebay, and in lots as some of the items maybe sought after and someone might buy a lot just to get the one item they want. There's a website called 'jagermodelspoor.nl' who sell second hand models and should give you a good idea of what price you should be looking for.
  8. @Wrenneire. Thanks for the update. This thread had become somewhat derailed. Glad to hear about the PCB, I knew that it'd be a bit of problem trying to fit something into so little space and being able to see through the grill is what give the 121 it's character - it's what I remember most about the original prototype.
  9. @Noel. Great work. Never thought about modelling the 50s/60s era but you're right about the variety of stock during that time and, with the Classes A & 141 due this year, it's likely that more people might get into modelling that era. It's also ideal for people who only have space for a small layout.
  10. I think the room would have to be completely dark.
  11. I wonder if the IRM version of the Crossley engined A Class will be prototypically as unreliable - it would add a bit of realism to any layout.
  12. Very interesting pictures of two A Classes operating as a double header. I didn't think that they were designed to operate in multiple either with it's own class or others. I recall many moons ago seeing an A Class and 121 Class coupled together in my local freight yard heading a fertilizer train. At the time I thought that the A Class locomotive had failed and that the 121 Class was on a recovery mission.
  13. Great model. When it comes to modelling, unfortunately for me, I've two left hands [for left handed people, the equivalent is like having two right hands]. This thread is similar to watching 'How Things Are Made'. It's great to see a model right from development stage through to the finish. When's the next episode? I wonder would there be much of a market for models of narrow gauge railways in 00?
  14. Great job with the weathering @Noel. Really shows off the great detailing. They were a familiar sight at my local freight yard. I remember on one occasion seeing a set of them behind an A Class and a 121.
  15. There is an Oxford Die-Cast 1/76 model of the CDR bus mentioned in this thread.
  16. connollystn


    It's sort of clashing with the Merseyside Derby but, the tea and bikkies have certainly caught my attention. Where is the MRSI?
  17. NIRCLASS80, thanks for your note on your meeting with Paddy and the accompanying photographs. I saw this model at the Dublin Exhibition and, just like the A Class, it is truly impressive. Wasn't aware that it was problematic but the railway modeller is so demanding these days that people are looking for nothing less than perfection. Judging by your detailed pictures, it looks like he's trying to get an awful lot of technology into so little space. These models will certainly be worth waiting for.
  18. There's nothing wrong with doing both but my initial impression was that you were concerned about weathering models which are in limited supply. If you have enough models for running and some for display purposes also then that's fine. If you refer back to the opening of this thread you will understand that my suggestion was based on the dilemma that I believed you were in.
  19. I bought the weathered MM 141s but they're nothing compared to the weathering that some modellers do. From my point of view, weathering can enhance some of the fine detail and gives the model a lot more realism. When I buy a model I expect that it's for keeps and don't have any consideration for it's future value. If you're buying models simply to keep pristine and in a box then they're just ornaments. Think of railway modelling as if it's a sport - if you buy clothes/equipment you have to use them, otherwise, you can't participate.
  20. Ah! Just the way I remember the A Class - hauling Craven Coaches and Fertilizer wagons. Brings me back to my youth (which was an extremely long time ago). Very impressive model on a just as impressive layout.
  21. Wrenneire That looks like a great bargain! You won't get much for £200 these days. That only equates to 41.5 pints (Dublin)/51.5 pints (country)
  22. Looking forward to the O Gauge layout - it was my favourite last year. I was really impressed with the models on display and had a good chat with one of the guys who was very informative. Wonder if there'd be enough of a demand for Irish RTR models in O gauge? Gerard
  23. Hi Peter, The South Dublin Model Railway Club will be hosting this years exhibition in Blackrock College - Booterstown DART station is only a short distance away. Details are on the SDMRC website. Regards, Gerard
  24. I think that the A Class is the right way to go. It was the most numerous locomotive on the network (CIE/IR) and a lot of people will remember them. It will also help those of us who had to suffer the indemnity of operating LIMA [BR] class 33s and mark I coaches to get those dark days out of our collective memories. I don't want to mention the Hymeks, they were worse.
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