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Clogherhead - A GNR(I) Seaside Terminus

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Thanks to the many excellent posts on this forum, I think I am becoming increasingly aware of the importance of getting the livery of a model as accurate as possible.  Consider these two photos, showing two examples of the same model, both of which were bought recently on higher perches.  The first one was shown here before, and thanks to an excellent and very constructive observation from @David Holman, I accepted that there was a slight inaccuracy in the livery - many shanks to David for that (and he is not to be blamed for this post!)  The second view shows the second model with the livery corrected.  Definitely tickled pink with the result.

The importance of getting the livery correct is considerable - you don't, for example, want your efforts to reveal that you may have right wing or left wing leanings, and you want to beak sure that your models soar highly - the best painting technique I have found is to be as light as a feather, this is a primary concern.  You don't after all want people to see your work as being far down the pecking order, and worst of all, to consider you as being somewhat gullible.




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15 hours ago, Patrick Davey said:


Thanks to the many excellent posts on this forum, I think I am becoming increasingly aware of the importance of getting the livery of a model as accurate as possible.  Consider these two photos, showing two examples of the same model, both of which were bought recently on higher perches.  The first one was shown here before, and thanks to an excellent and very constructive observation from @David Holman, I accepted that there was a slight inaccuracy in the livery - many shanks to David for that (and he is not to be blamed for this post!)  The second view shows the second model with the livery corrected.  Definitely tickled pink with the result.

The importance of getting the livery correct is considerable - you don't, for example, want your efforts to reveal that you may have right wing or left wing leanings, and you want to beak sure that your models soar highly - the best painting technique I have found is to be as light as a feather, this is a primary concern.  You don't after all want people to see your work as being far down the pecking order, and worst of all, to consider you as being somewhat gullible.




What about lining & numerals?

Does it need a flying snail (for lunch)?

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