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The Conspiracy Thread

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While these crackpot conspiracy theories and sovereign citizen movements drive me crazy due to the lack of analytical and critical thinking, maybe we should have a little thread where those who wish to ramble can offer their theories for scrutiny by the level-headed.

The way I see it, if you don't like the law of the land, you have four options.

1. Break the law.

2. Respect the law.

3. Get yourself elected and change the law.

4. Move somewhere else.



On 16/8/2024 at 3:08 PM, skinner75 said:

Ah, the 'living man' bit - sounds to me like the 'sovereign citizen' schtick... 

The videos of these eejits driving, sorry 'travelling', without a driving license thinking they have the system played are hilarious when reality bites





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7 hours ago, DJ Dangerous said:

While these crackpot conspiracy theories and sovereign citizen movements drive me crazy due to the lack of analytical and critical thinking, maybe we should have a little thread where those who wish to ramble can offer their theories for scrutiny by the level-headed.

The way I see it, if you don't like the law of the land, you have four options.

1. Break the law.

2. Respect the law.

3. Get yourself elected and change the law.

4. Move somewhere else.


There is an Irish variant of no.1, which is to "Ignore the law".... It's so popular that increasing numbers of the British are adopting it.

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On 18/8/2024 at 1:14 AM, DJ Dangerous said:

While these crackpot conspiracy theories and sovereign citizen movements drive me crazy due to the lack of analytical and critical thinking, maybe we should have a little thread where those who wish to ramble can offer their theories for scrutiny by the level-headed.

The way I see it, if you don't like the law of the land, you have four options.

1. Break the law.

2. Respect the law.

3. Get yourself elected and change the law.

4. Move somewhere else.




Hi DJ,

This post is neither religious nor political it is to outline how law functions despite reference to the Bible.

All law has its foundations upon trust relationship, breach any trust you care to mention and the law is broken.

Speaking in terms of law and not religion the Bible is a book of law, the very reason it is used in courts of law.

The Old Testament is about the law of creation [God] and that creators must not be harmed. We as men and women have thoughts and as such are all creators and therefore must not be harmed. We are all present in this realm we call life and we must account for our actions according to the ten commandments.

The New Testament is about the law of incorporation that is where contracts between bodies, that is any corporation that is represented by a man or woman be that Exxon Mobil or yourself as Mr whoever you are.

The videos you note are instances where living souls, those "acting" as police included, don't understand how to administer the law for they are not claiming their status in law correctly or they are ignorant of claims made. The word act is most important for the police may not harm living souls however, should those living should claim to be corporate entities they immediately become property of the government through contract.

In the UK all contracts made through incorporation are regulated by, The Bills of Exchange Act 1882, there will be similar in Ireland, and living souls are protected from false arrest by corrupt police constables under section 26 of the Criminal Courts and Justice Act 2015, again there will be similar in Ireland.

In short your mind is your property until you make a contract which is seen in law as a meeting of the minds, at the moment of making contract you are then bound to the conditions of the contract in the case of contracting with a government those conditions are statutes, all of which must be followed by all parties concerned including the police and the courts. Obviously those are the details they don't tell you in school.

As I said I'm writing a book about all this and my research mainly focus' upon reading books such as Schopenhauer's, The World as Will and Representation, Adam Smith's, The wealth of Nations, along with, HM Government Statutes, High Court Judgements and researching the precise meanings of words in as many dictionaries as I can find.

Its all done by consent, I'm on this forum [society] by both the consent of IRM and myself, I can't force IRM to have me and they can't force me to join. Terms and conditions apply.


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On 21/8/2024 at 11:23 AM, minister_for_hardship said:

It would be interesting to know how many court cases are won with freeman pseudo legal arguments. I'm guessing zero.

I've seen at least one fool around here driving his minibus on "Sovereign Citizen" registration plates. The institutionally-useless Met haven't got around to stopping him yet.

Seems to be more of a problem in the US and Australia. 

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Personally, I'm more inclined to focus on model railways (and the real world railways they are based on) when I'm on this forum. It's not too much of a stretch to include modelling in general or wider transport topics ... but beyond that, I don't know. Seems to me there's other places one can go to like Boards.ie for conspiracies, politics and what not.

When I'm here, I just want to play trains :trains:

Edited by Flying Snail
woefully bad grammar
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17 minutes ago, Flying Snail said:

Personally, I'm more inclined to focus on model railways (and the real world railways they are based on) when I'm on this forum. It's not too much of a stretch to include modelling in general or wider transport topics ... but beyond that, I don't know. Seems to me there's other places one can go to like Boards.ie for conspiracies, politics and what not.

When I'm here, I just want to play trains :trains:

This is their sandbox, to protect the rest of the forum.


10 minutes ago, Der Rechtsanwalt said:

This man claims to have proved that the alternative legal system exists. Needless to say, this only applies to the UK and has not been tested in Spain or Ireland. 



Is that Bruce Willis?

He’s pretty good at the accent.

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12 minutes ago, Der Rechtsanwalt said:

This man claims to have proved that the alternative legal system exists. Needless to say, this only applies to the UK and has not been tested in Spain or Ireland. 

Another entrant for Charlatan of the Year?

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On 21/8/2024 at 9:15 AM, gibbo675 said:

Hi DJ,

This post is neither religious nor political it is to outline how law functions despite reference to the Bible.

All law has its foundations upon trust relationship, breach any trust you care to mention and the law is broken.

Speaking in terms of law and not religion the Bible is a book of law, the very reason it is used in courts of law.

The Old Testament is about the law of creation [God] and that creators must not be harmed. We as men and women have thoughts and as such are all creators and therefore must not be harmed. We are all present in this realm we call life and we must account for our actions according to the ten commandments.

The New Testament is about the law of incorporation that is where contracts between bodies, that is any corporation that is represented by a man or woman be that Exxon Mobil or yourself as Mr whoever you are.

The videos you note are instances where living souls, those "acting" as police included, don't understand how to administer the law for they are not claiming their status in law correctly or they are ignorant of claims made. The word act is most important for the police may not harm living souls however, should those living should claim to be corporate entities they immediately become property of the government through contract.

In the UK all contracts made through incorporation are regulated by, The Bills of Exchange Act 1882, there will be similar in Ireland, and living souls are protected from false arrest by corrupt police constables under section 26 of the Criminal Courts and Justice Act 2015, again there will be similar in Ireland.

In short your mind is your property until you make a contract which is seen in law as a meeting of the minds, at the moment of making contract you are then bound to the conditions of the contract in the case of contracting with a government those conditions are statutes, all of which must be followed by all parties concerned including the police and the courts. Obviously those are the details they don't tell you in school.

As I said I'm writing a book about all this and my research mainly focus' upon reading books such as Schopenhauer's, The World as Will and Representation, Adam Smith's, The wealth of Nations, along with, HM Government Statutes, High Court Judgements and researching the precise meanings of words in as many dictionaries as I can find.

Its all done by consent, I'm on this forum [society] by both the consent of IRM and myself, I can't force IRM to have me and they can't force me to join. Terms and conditions apply.



On 22/8/2024 at 3:33 PM, Der Rechtsanwalt said:

This man claims to have proved that the alternative legal system exists. Needless to say, this only applies to the UK and has not been tested in Spain or Ireland. 



Hi Folks,

There is a serious misunderstanding upon this thread as to the purpose of the Bills of Exchange Act 1882. I would suggest that before commenting you actually read said act and then find out what all the terms mean before commenting for otherwise you will prove yourself somewhat wrong.

The bearer of a bill is responsible for the debt, therefore when a utility company sends you a postal order (bank giro credit) as the bearer of that bill they are responsible for that debt, then, should you endorse the postal order correctly as the "Title holder Benficial" then the bearer settles the account with the bill that now has your seigniorage by way of your autograph and not your signature.

Further the utility company has a contract with your title and not you, if they had a contract with you they would send an invoice but that can't because that would be in breach of the Bills of Exchange Act. As the contract is with your title then it ought to billed from you prepaid public account and not your private account.

Should you look at a postal order (bank giro credit) it has written upon it, an account number, a sort code, and reference number for the amount due, it also has written on it "paid in by". As it is a credit then ask yourself what has been credited, the answer is your title's public account and they require your endorsement to access the account or else they have breached your trust which as administrators of your public account they may not do without your consent. You are not your title and your title is not you, your title is only you when you claim it as beneficial however should you think that you are your title then you lose your private wealth instead of accepting the credit due to you that is held in trust by the Crown.

By all means look up Lord Denning's ruling upon endorsed bills and how they may be used as cash.

For example, when you write a personal cheque then you become the bearer of that particular bill and it is not valid without your autograph which signs it into a live instrument the debt of which you are required to pay.

To understand all this you have to look past the subtlety of it, and also it is the precise reason that all bank notes (signed bills of exchange) have the chief cashiers autograph on them of the bank that bears them, or if you like issues them, which is the same meaning.

The Pound, the Dollar and the Euro are called debt based fiat currencies for good reason and that is because the bank owes you and not the other way around. Your credit the bank they owe you the debt, you cannot deny that.


Professor Werner will explain banking to you, he's quite interesting:

It is sublimely subtle, I'll grant them that !


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Back in the day when I worked as a health and safety inspector one of our clients was a business owner did not appear to recognise the authority of the New Zealand Government. The business that hired out bouncy castles and inflatable slides had been a constant source of complaints and serious accidents to members of the public for approx. 11 years before the Justice sysem caught up with them with a fine of $450k + victim reparations.

The company had been interesting to deal with: On one occasion the owner ran from the police to escape arrest during an interview with an inspector, the businesses vehicles were licensed (tax disc) with a Maaori tribal group that did not recognise the government, ride operators politely refused to comply with instructions/notces from H&S inspectors. 

During the final Hamilton V8 Supercar event I literally was the 'fun police" and instructed the Event Organiser to deflate a 10m high inflatable slide (in operation without a 1st being certified by an engineer) after the operator refused to shut down the slide. The operator had a large box of cash in a country where the majority of transactions are done electronically.

The owner seemes to have been involved in New Zealands anti-Covid Lockdown and Vaccination protests. Whatever about their free-citizen beliefs the one thing that was clear was the fact that they weren't prepared to accept responsibility for the consequences of their actions leaving a trail of badly injured adults and children behind them.

Edited by Mayner
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