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Larne Harbour Station

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  • 6 months later...
Posted (edited)

Very little has happened at Larne Harbour Station since December last year. This is due to my wife's illness and the need for almost 24/7 care, and with all the chores to be done, shopping, cleaning, cooking etc., as well as looking after her, railway modelling is restricted to 10 minutes here and there at the kitchen table. But the Larne Harbour Station project continues, albeit at a very slow pace!

As a way to get back on track, i am going to introduce a few more of the staff at Larne Harbour Station. As mentioned earlier, these individuals will be with us throughout the development of this project.

We have briefly met Barney, the porter in previous posts, learned about his background and his craic and banter, but never actually seen him, so here is the man himself..........





The Signalman at Larne Harbour is HughHugh has worked on the railway all his working life, working for the NCC all over the system and now for the UTA. Here we see him in the cabin and on the phone...........


Picture it, as Sophia in the American Sit-com, The Golden Girls, would say. It's a late summer evening in August 1969. It's around 6:05pm (18:05). The 5:30 (17:30) ex York Road Boat Train has left Whitehead on time and is approaching Magheramourne Loop. The 5:05 (17:05) Up Non Stop Boat Train is sitting in Platform 2 at Larne Harbour. The steamer is very, very late. Hugh,the Larne Harbour Signalman is on the phone to the signalman at Magheramourne Loop and they are agreeing to let the Down Boat Train continue on the single line section to Larne Harbour. This train will probably arrive on time at 6:22 (18:22) well before the 5:05 Non Stop Up Train is ready to leave.


and here we see Hugh ready to go down to the trackside to pass the token for the single line section to Magheramourne to the driver.........



[Michael Stevenson, in his book Steam's Last Fling, recounts a run on Saturday 9th August 1969. The 17:05 Up Boat Train was severely delayed due to the late arrival of the steamer and did not leave the harbour until seconds after the 17:30 ex York Road came to a halt. 55, with six coaches and with John Weatherup driving did the non stop run in 34m 37s, reaching 62mph at Eden, 60mph at Bleach Green Junction and 72mph at Whitehouse. Mac Arnold, in Steam over Belfast Lough, tells how, prior to 1967, this sort of running in from Greenisland was commonplace, but permanent way restrictions, followed by restriction on steam engines, had ended the day of the near 80mph dash in along the Lough Shore].

The last ever Steam Boat Train was on Saturday 16th August 1969].

Lastly, for now, we have oul Paddy, a member of the Permanent Way Gang. Paddy is nearing, in fact we'll over, retirement age and generally is to be found in the station area. He doesn't travel too far from home.........



These figures are by Modelu, www.modelu3d.co.uk , mentioned previously in a few posts on this forum, and more recently by IRM, in their announcement of driver and second man figures for their Accurascale Deltics. These figures are expensive, but highly detailed, and for a small area diorama/layout where detail is needed, they are excellent.



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  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

A few kitchen table builds, and a few more 'signature features' for Larne Harbour Station.

This is the real scene, albeit in a very dilapidated state in 1985.....


© Jonathan Allen

..... and this is the model scene, mid to late 60's, last days of the UTA, and just before NIR introduced white lettering on a maroon background for Signal Box and Station Name Boards (see photo at end of this post).....



Some would say a bit too pristine, but when the ground covering and ballast is eventually added it will subdue the overall scene and my aim is realism, hopefully to the standard of Noel's Gort Station.

The P W Shed has a weathered appearance with slightly rotted door and rusted corrugated roof.....



The canopy is now almost complete, including sky lights and rusted corrugated metal.....


.....and a buffer stop has been installed at the end of the short Up Siding.




This is one of my favourite photos, probably because of the blue sky and the overall view giving me a wealth of detail for my model.


©The KDH archive, 27th June 1969.


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Yes, @jhb171achill, it is a very different location today, infrastructure wise, but one of the reasons I chose it as a model is that the area is still there today, exactly as it was, from the Olderfleet Road Bridge to the point where the crossing was on the Shore Road, so that makes proportions and distancing quite easy. Some of the structures of the Aluminium Works are still there!

  • Like 4
Posted (edited)
  On 12/6/2022 at 6:21 PM, LARNE CABIN said:

Very little has happened at Larne Harbour Station since December last year. This is due to my wife's illness and the need for almost 24/7 care, and with all the chores to be done, shopping, cleaning, cooking etc., as well as looking after her, railway modelling is restricted to 10 minutes here and there at the kitchen table. But the Larne Harbour Station project continues, albeit at a very slow pace!


Hi Larne Cabin,

You and me appear to be in the same boat. I am attempting a rebuild layout based on Scarva, but finding time to do anything other looking after my wife (stroke victim) all day is difficult. Like you it means I manage only a few 10 minute segments in the garage. My thoughts are with you and you are not alone. LM

Edited by Lambeg man
  • Like 4

Thanks for your message @Lambeg man. Sorry to hear that you are in the same boat as myself, and my thoughts are with you and your wife. Even though very little time is spent at the kitchen table actually building anything (that P W Shed took me two months) I find that there is a therapy in planning and thinking about next steps etc. in the mind.

I was brought up in Gilford and went to Portadown College, 1965 - 1972. At primary school I was friends with the son of the Station Master at Tanderagee, Mr Morton, and spent many happy hours around Tanderagee Station. That's where I got my love of railways from.

I would also have been familiar with Scarva and so look forward to seeing how you progress.

  • Like 5

Some fool had removed the Castrol Oil Drum before yesterday's photos! The drum, starting to rust in the late 60's, is totally rusted in the 1985 photo. 

It seems oul Paddy liked his recent photo in front of the cabin and is keen to pose again. More station staff and friends, including Barney the porter's daughter, Rebecca, to come shortly. Watch this space.


  • Like 10
  • 1 month later...

A journey into Ulster-Scots and an Ulster-Scots challenge, with Barney, the Porter, and his daughter, Rebecca.

Actual layout progress at Larne Harbour Station is slow. The current project is the building of the Olderfleet Road Bridge. Contractors have been on site for three to four months and at least another month is anticipated before completion. (In the very last photo in this post you can see the bridge under construction, in the distance).

In order to stop the rails rusting too much, I intend to continue to introduce new characters and occasional narrative and especially occasional narrative in Ulster-Scots between Barney the porter and his daughter Rebecca. So, as this project develops, it will hopefully be an accurate scale model of Larne Harbour Station in the late 1960's and a mixture of chat and craic from the staff and friends.

So far we have met Barney, the porter, Hugh, the Signalman, and oul Paddy, a member of the P W Gang.

This is Rebecca, Barney 's daughter.


(More photos of Rebecca to come later! I was very disappointed with a few I had taken! Obviously, held the camera too close).

Rebecca heerd Ulster-Scots frae tha P W Gang whan hir wus a weelass an cum tae tha station wi hir da. Hir wus dumfoonered wi tha taak an it stairit a banter atween hir an hir faither ta lairn it.

Rebecca noo be 18, haes jaist daen schuil an bis wushin tae luk intae bein a vet. Rebecca bis tha epple o Barney's ee. Hir bis guid lukkin an monies a young fella hae a notion o hir. Hir teachers an hir ma, Emma, wud be lukkin fur young wimmenfowk tae taak proper like bot whan Rebecca an Barney wur thegither bi theirsels they wud aye gae bck ta tha Ulster-Scots tongue.

"A dinnae like thon man* da, he aye ast  ma fur ma platform ticket"

"Ah, Becky, shair he kens weel  wha ye be. He likes tae be richt"

"Plaise, da, a jaist need five Bob fur The Regal (picter-hoose) an a wee chip efter"

"Five Bob! What's The Regal coustin theday?"

"It's 4/6 da, it's 'The Italian Job', Michael Caine, god da he's a draim"

"Ye wud tak ma last penny, love. Be hame on time or ye'll get a clout frae yer ma".


The 'thon man' that Rebecca refers to is The Station Master. The Station Master is always referred to as 'Mr', speaks proper English and is a stickler for manners, cleanliness and punctuality. 

Here, something, or someone is probably late!


I haven't came up with a name for The Station Master yet, research continues. If anyone knows the name of The Station Master at Larne Harbour in the 60's, please let me know!



  • Like 8
  On 18/9/2022 at 9:14 AM, Galteemore said:

Excellent. Nice sense of place and time - can really see Larne Harbour in that last pic. Being from 14 miles up the road, I did need Google Translate…..


The characters and the Ulster-Scots really gives the layout a sense of place. I got the gist of Beccy picking up the Ulster-Scots language from the p.w. gang and being able to twist her Da around her little finger like most daughters.

Could be time for West Cork/Kerry accents mixed in with a Munster Irish on JHBs Dugort Harbour. ðŸ¤£


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Another photo of Rebecca and her da Barney........


.......I am still a bit disappointed with the quality of these photos, as in reality the figures are clearer, and the blueishness on the faces isn't there!

........and this is The Photographer, with his Lecia Mk2, name unknown, who hangs around the station taking, what will be in future years, nostalgic photographs! (I wish I had taken a lot more when I had the chance).




Anyone recognize this guy? I'd say he looks early 20's in 1969, so maybe around mid 70's today! Any takers?

  • Like 7
  On 18/9/2022 at 10:38 AM, Mayner said:

The characters and the Ulster-Scots really gives the layout a sense of place. I got the gist of Beccy picking up the Ulster-Scots language from the p.w. gang and being able to twist her Da around her little finger like most daughters.

Could be time for West Cork/Kerry accents mixed in with a Munster Irish on JHBs Dugort Harbour. ðŸ¤£



Wisht Kerrry, boy? Ah, we’ve no jackeens and nordies doon here, boy!

  On 19/9/2022 at 9:21 AM, LARNE CABIN said:

Another photo of Rebecca and her da Barney........


.......I am still a bit disappointed with the quality of these photos, as in reality the figures are clearer, and the blueishness on the faces isn't there!

........and this is The Photographer, with his Lecia Mk2, name unknown, who hangs around the station taking, what will be in future years, nostalgic photographs! (I wish I had taken a lot more when I had the chance).




Anyone recognize this guy? I'd say he looks early 20's in 1969, so maybe around mid 70's today! Any takers?


I’m sure I’ve seen his black & whites on Flickr!

  • Like 2

Sorry @StevieB, you've totally lost me! I posed two questions in the above posts, so do you mean that the Station Master at Larne Harbour in the 60's could be Mr Wright, or do you mean that our friend The Photographer could be Mr Wright? Thanks for your response above and looking forward to the answer.

Posted (edited)
  On 20/9/2022 at 12:14 PM, jhb171achill said:

Actually, the little model photographer looks very good as a model figure. What make is it?


Hi @jhb171achill, all the figures on Larne Harbour Station are by Modelu, https://www.modelu3d.co.uk

IRM have recently teamed up with them for the driver and second man for their Accurascale Deltics. 

If you look at their website, all the figures are photographed from real life models, and hence the detail is excellent. The downside is that they are not painted, so you have to paint them yourself with acrylic, ,very therapeutic, or have them painted professionally. They are expensive at £4.50 each in 00 scale, so you have to way up if they're worth the cost.

Larne Harbour Station is (will be) fairly detailed in a limited space of 6ft x 2ft, so to me detail was important!

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"Wur ye at tha fitba on Setterday? Shair tha wee toon team wull soon be in tha tap league"

"Shair a wus workin, Paddy. The oul steamer wus late agane! Tha 9:45 didnae get awa tae nearhan 12. Kemp (Larne driver) wus fumin".


Ats us nai. Nae mair craic fur noo. 

Next post wud be  "The building of the Olderfleet Road Bridge".

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  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

The building of the Oldetfleet Road Bridge

The Larne Line was completed between Carrickfergus and Larne Harbour in 1862 and as far as I can ascertain the structures of the existing bridge date from then.

This build had taken me a number of months to complete and is obviously yet another unique signature feature of Larne Harbour Station. The whole structure is built with Plasikard, Styrene Strips and coffee stirrers. The only specially purchased piece is the railing on the bridge. It took me ages to find anything remotely resembling the real thing, but I eventually found a fairly good representation of it on eBay from a company called 'litprintsshop'.

I have used Ernie's photo, below, for a guide to detail and authenticity.


©ERNIE's Irish Railway Archive, many thanks to Ernie for his help with this photograph.

Most structures at Larne Harbour Station start with cardboard mockups to get position, rail alignment, perspective and scale dimensions correct (or as near correct as possible)......



The starting point is the abutments, 2mm plain plastikard with a backing of embossed block, either side of a wooden coffee stirrer cut to give a scale width of 2.5 feet......


...... then, painted, weathered and coping stones added......


......basic deck structure added and checked again for alignment......


......deck extended to bridge approach and support walls for embankment and fencing added......


......Bird's Eye View of alignment on layout......


Back up unto the workbench (kitchen table), the cement girders, top slabs and the bridge railing......


......girders and top slabs in place......


...... wall to right of girders added, this will support embankment and fencing. When the bridge is eventually 'fixed' to the baseboard a proper embankment will be built.

Having made headway with the front of the bridge, this will be mostly obscured when viewing from the front of the baseboard. This will be the main view of the road and bridge......


......supports for road surface started......


...... road surface ready for asphalt......


...... asphalt and road lining added......


...... railings and fencing completed......





UTA Double Decker heading to the station to pick up passengers for Ballyclare......



The following photos were taken just a few days ago, on a crisp, bright early November morning. Apart from the heavily weathered abutments and the overgrown embankments around them, the bridge is basically as it was in Ernie's 1960's photo and indeed probably as it was in the 1860's.




It's great to be able to stand in the middle of your real live baseboard and look in all four directions and see the same boundaries as they were at the time of your model 60 years ago, and while we're here, here's a view looking towards the station building and Shore Road (P & O Ferry, European Causeway in the background).



The last complete bird's eye view was August 2021, so I will post the current one shortly to show progress to date.

Now that the bridge is completed, I think the next project will be back to the bracket signal again. The spectacle plates were driving me crazy, but now it's time for another go! 


Replaced Ernie's photo with better version.
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Now that is a really nice bit of work!!!  Thanks for taking the time to photograph each stage LH, that is appreciated as I always find it very useful to see how a fellow modeller approaches, and solves, challenges.  Great stuff!

  • Thanks 1
  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)







This construction project was started in May 2019, after a number of months Research and Development. Compared to other similar construction projects this timescale is unacceptably slow. However, taking into consideration the contractor's carer responsibilities, the development time is deemed to be acceptable.

Based on progress to date it is estimated that the project is approximately 50% complete, so another 3 years minimum is anticipated to completion.

The view below helps illustrate the following analysis, and the map further identifies the area under review.



NB. Contemporary photographs and indeed current day site visits show the curve to be much more exaggerated than as shown on the map. The map however is useful in identifying the overall boundaries of the layout. The area within the red rectangle is the area being modelled. The curve on the model is reasonably accurate.



The track layout is a good representation of the 1960's prototype. The main criticism is that the turnouts close to the bridge, (to the Harbour Road Sidings and the Up Sidings), are slightly further out from the bridge than the prototype. We are informed that The Operator specifically requested this of The Contractor to allow for the shunting of a 'Brown Van', provided by a person called 'Leslie', from the Up Main Line to the Up Sidings.


We note that NO ballasting has been carried out, as yet, and hence some structures appear to be sitting too high off the ground. We also note that the lack of ballasting, ground covering and weathering suggests a much too pristine appearance, and this needs rectified in order to suggest a more prototypical appearance. The Contractor states that ballasting of track and basic ground cover will not be carried out until signalling is complete. This is accepted.



There is a distinct lack of signalling. However, we are informed that this is in hand. The Bracket Signal controlling exit from The Down Harbour Sidings is currently being constructed. (The patch just to the left of the Signal Cabin, in the Bird's Eye View above, in the INTRODUCTION section, is the foundation for the Bracket Signal, and the start of the construction can be seen below, in the BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES section). Future developments will be the Platform Starting Signals, the signals controlling exit from The Up Sidings to the Up Main Line and a number of ground signals, mainly the double stacked ground signal, just beyond the walk boards, controlling shunting access into Platforms 1 and 2. Signal pulley posts, pulley wheels and wiring are also to be provided.

The Signal Cabin is almost complete (see also notes below in BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES section), and houses a replica of the Westinghouse A2, 32 Lever Frame.


All point rodding is complete , modelled as per the prototype.




It is acknowledged that significant progress has been achieved in this area and that this contributes to a large proportion of the construction time to date. The Signal Cabin is almost complete and is an accurate model of the prototype (also see notes above in SIGNAL AND TELEGRAPH section), as is the Permanent Way Shed.


The build of the Olderfleet Road Bridge is recently completed, again contributing to a large proportion of the construction time to date.


The platform is complete and considered properly proportioned to suggest the start of a very long platform. The platform is properly scaled to allow a 46 foot Jeep to sit between the start of the platform ramp and the Swan Neck Lamp, as per the prototype, as is the distance between the Swan Neck Lamp and the Station Name Board. Also, the canopy is a fine replica of the prototype.



The Contractor is still searching for the proper Swan Neck Lamp for the platform. The hole to accept the Swan Neck Lamp can be seen to the left of the Station Name Board in the above photographs.



Although not our concern, and not part of this inspection, it is worth noting that this project not only endeavours to model the location as it was in the late 1960's but also to introduce characters, local dialect and a sense of time and place. Current characters involved are photographed below, (from left to right), The Station Master; Hugh, the Signalman; Barney, the Porter; oul Paddy, a founding member of The P W Gang; Rebecca, Barney's daughter and the resident photographer, Mr Wright


Other characters are to be introduced later, Angusanother member of the Permanent Way Gang, Mr Houston, the Bank Manager of The Ulster Bank in Carrickfergus, who travels in to Carrick by train each day, and a couple of the younger station staff unloading GPO mail  bags unto a truck.



The Operator has indicated that when the layout becomes available for operation, he envisages a number of scenarios, all viewable simultaneously as part of an overall busy station scene.

These include: 

1) The Permanent  Way Gang, working on the track between the Signal Cabin and the bridge. The crossover from the Down Harbour Sidings out unto the Up Main Line has recently been removed and the gang are tidying up, or passing a few hours pretending to tidy up.

2) Platform activity - a few UTA carriages at Platform 2, and, some UTA carriages and a Brown Van (hopefully in the future, a 70 Class Set) at Platform 1. A busy platform, luggage trolleys, post bags and parcels sitting about and passengers waiting. Porters busying themselves and The               Station Master observing all that is going on.

3) Station Staff unloading mail bags from the GNR(I) P2 Parcels Van, (which has travelled down from  Londonderry to York Road and then from York Road out to Larne Harbour and is now sitting in the Short Up Siding), unto a truck, and then to be transferred across the road to the steamer and hence to Stranraer.

4) Some activity on Harbour Road (top left hand corner), maybe a few pedestrians and a few 1960's motor vehicles.



It is strongly recommended that these issues be rectified before the inspectors next visit. The issues are listed in order of suggested priority: 

Need to be addressed relatively quickly:

1) Progress signalling, firstly the bracket signal, then the shunt and ground signals. It is recognised the Platform Starter will take some time to be constructed and must be completed in stages.

2) Complete rail weathering/rusting. This is currently approximately 50% complete.

3) Build the wall which runs from the bridge abutment and along Harbour Road. This marks the boundary of railway property and it's completion would allow ground cover to be commenced along that boundary.

4) Progress ballasting, ground cover and embankments.

5) Again, not part of this 'construction' project, wiring of points and possible working signals needs to be finalised before some areas of ballasting can be completed.


Should eventually be addressed for added realism:

1) Provision of signal wheels, pulleys and wires, as appropriate, but particularly within the immediate area of the Signal Cabin.

2) Provision of lighting inside the Signal Cabin, and from the Swan Neck Lamp on the platform.

3) Provision of Telegraph Poles, as appropriate.

4) Provision of lighting provided on Telegraph Poles within the station area.

5) Provision of lighting along Harbour Road, as appropriate. (Although Harbour Road is not railway property, and hence not our concern, it is nonetheless an important backdrop to the railway scene).



The Operator has asked us to point out that this inspection was not requested in order to praise either his or The Contractor's work, but to provide a fair reflection on the state of this project to date, both negatives and positives. It allows The Operator to appreciate the overall picture, rather than just individual aspects, and to have an overall view of how the ultimate vision is progressing.

In conclusion we would advise that The Contractor would appear to be a perfectionist. Any areas complete or nearing completion show a high standard of detail. This bodes well for The Operators vision of photographic realism. However, this again contributes to the overunning of the project, but is an acceptable price to pay.

Regarding price, the project is running well under budget, as most track material is salvaged  and, of necessity for authenticity, all structures are scratch built.

A further inspection will be arranged for November 2024.



©Railway Inspectorate, 2022.

Document is current as of November 2022.

Correct grammar
  • Like 15

This is wonderful! A really fine piece of modelling at every level from research through to implementation. You deserve medal for the points rodding alone ðŸ˜€ Looking forward to seeing it continue to develop.


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A fabulous thread Larne Cabin - I was so taken with your project concept, modelling and creative storytelling that I went back to the beginning, read every post, thoroughly enjoyed and learned so much - congratulations and happy modelling.


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  • 2 weeks later...

This is Angus, the 'ganger' of the five man Permanent Way Gang based at the Harbour.


The gang are responsible for the maintenance of the single line track between Whitehead and Larne Harbour (approximately 10 miles). The section is roughly divided into four, Whitehead - Ballycarry - Magheramorne Loop - Glynn - Larne Harbour, and the boys are dropped off or picked up by service trains. Angus walks the Larne Harbour to Magheramorne Loop section once a week and the Maghermorne Loop to Whitehead section once a week. He is renowned for his strong baritone singing voice and can usually be heard long before he is seen. His repertoire is mostly based on his Scottish Heritage and his favourite is 'I Love a Lassie', dedicated to his dear wife Mary. If you listen carefully, you can possibly hear him.....

'I love a lassie, a bonnie, bonnie lassie,                                                                                                                              She's as pure as a lily in the dell,                                                                                                                                          She's as sweet as the heather, the bonnie bloomin' heather,                                                                                  Mary, my Scot's bluebell.'

  • Like 10
Posted (edited)

There may be some useful detail bits in this wartime archive, taken by an army officer, on the rebuilding of Larne’s port area - presumably one of the preparatory steps for the eventual Second Front. . But this photo knocked me for 6, shows what I think is one of the Ballycastle Kitsons in use as a stationary boiler…probably 114 as 113 was returned to Ballycastle at around the time of the photo - not sure if @Patrick Daveyor @airfixfan know any more  about this episode? https://wartimeni.com/location/northern-ireland/co-antrim/larne/larne-harbour/


Edited by Galteemore
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